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Desiree Leal

685 W. Fremont Avenue

Clovis, CA 93612

(H) 559-325-3612 (C) 550-970-8924

Philosophy of Education
It is my firm belief that each and every child has the aptitude to bring something unique not only to the
classroom but to society as a whole. Essentially, I will contribute to a childs development in strengthening
their potential by viewing them as capable individuals. I will work with students on discovering their persona,
so they can voice their personalized opinions and stimulate their ideas. Moreover, it is my aspiration as an
educator to provide each and every student with a quality education that will lead them to accomplishing their
goals. It is my duty as an educator to commit myself fully in order for students to have a better start to their
I will remember that every classroom exhibits a unique assembly of learners that varies not only in abilities,
but also in learning styles. My role as a teacher is to provide students with the tools in which they will use to
refine their own knowledge. To fulfill this goal, I will make sure that I teach in all learning styles so that every
student feels capable and prosperous. I will implement curriculum that involves the interests of all students, in
order to make learning relevant to not only the classroom but also life itself. I will incorporate themes,
integrated units, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning to transform students into active
learners. Finally, I will tie learning into the world and the community to help students become caring and an
active members of society.
My classroom will be a caring, safe, and equitable environment where each child can blossom and flourish. I
will instruct students to become responsible members of our classroom and community by using strategies
such as class meetings, positive discipline, and democratic principles. I will also have student actively practice
the six pillars of character with peers in the classroom, administration and faculty within the school, and people
within community. In showing children how to become responsible for themselves as well as their own
learning, I am providing them with the tools to become successful in life and to maintain self-confidence.
As a teacher, I view teaching as a lifelong learning process of acquiring new philosophies and new strategies. I
will embrace the fact that learning from the parents, the community, colleagues, and most importantly my
students is a gift that is both irreplaceable and essential. Recognizing that my job as an educator is to not only
to teach but also to seek knowledge from others. By being opened minded, I as an educator will be able to
acquire more information about my students as well as knowledge about subject matter. This will then
enhanced my passion for teaching. Because of this, I hope to inspire my students to appreciate good fortune
and have a growing passion to achieve all their goals in life.

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