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Broken Promises

by:Nicole M. Damondamon

It was sunday morning,katheryn woke up from bed and as she walk by beside
her cabinet, she saw the calender and realized it was the 12th day of November. It
was her birthday, her 21st birthday. But for her its just going to be another ordinary
day of her life. Just like for the past 5 years. 5 years where she felt so blue, 5 years
when she was suffering from pain, 5 years when she felt so alone.
As she opened her door, she found a note from her father.
"Hi katheryn, its your 21st birthday. Im sorry but i wouldnt be there beside you
now, because attorney Luke just called last night and told me that our company is
on bankrupcy. Im so sorry kath, but ill be back soon, Happy Birthday my
behind the note was an envelope with 5 thousand cash inside it.She kept the letter
together with the money, she went back inside her room, she sat down on her bed,
and for a few seconds, her tears began to fall down through her eyes, her eyes that
looked so brown just like her mothers. As she cry she remembers each and
everything that had happen for the past 8 years of her life.Going back,It was her
15th birthday when all her friends surprised her a birthday party, her parents was
there. They were all so happy, her friends was so happy to surprise her and there's
this smile that never left her face because of everything thats in her life. Katheryn
was so simple and nice eventhough she gets everything she'd wish to have, she still
has this attitude of being so grateful with the lityle things in her life.And that was
always something enrick liked about her, enrick was katheryns childhood friend.
They had been friends since they were 8, it may seem so wierd to their friends to
have a bestfriend with opposite gender, but they didn't care for as long as they're
friends, and they're alright, everything seems so woderful.They share and tell
everything to each other, they almost looked like brothers and sisters,everyone
liked it everytime they see katheryn and enrick together they usually tease the two
to finally be official together.There was even a time when enrick tried to do do
something for a girl he really like and katheryn was there to help whole heartedly. It
has been years since they had been bestfriends, friendship with full trust and
loyalty to each other, their friendship bloomed through the years, until the time,
kath didn't go to school,it was their second day of class when they were in third
year highsool, enrick tried to contact katheryn if she's alright but kath didnt replied
with any messages that enrick sent her. After their class that day, enrick went
toKatheryns house, as enricked knocked into their door katheryns mother let enrick
come in to their house. She told that katheryn's inside her room, and she was not
letting anyone come in to her room. Later on, enrick went to kaths room, he
knocked twice but kath did not respond as if there was no one inside the room, he
knocked again and told katheryn, it was enrick. After a few seconds katheryn
opened the door and said "Hi" to enrick. But enrick was shocked because of what he

saw in kath. katheryns eyes were swolen like she cried all night. The last time he
saw katheryn that way was the time her mother and father had a great fight with
each other.
"What happend kath? Are you ok?" Enrick asked.
"Oh Enrick im fine, don't worry" katheryn replied
"But why didnt you go to school? You didnt even reply to the messages ive sent
you. Are you mad at me? Have i done something wrong?"
Enrick asked kath over and over again But katheryn just keeps on telling enrick
that everything's is just fine. Like there has nothing to be worry about. After 2 hours,
enrick went home already but still nothing changed with kath, she just went back to
her bed, lying down with tears falling down through her eyes. But the turth is that
she couldnt sleepLast night because of all the things thats running through her
mind. Things that she was so afraid to happen. She was aftaid to lose the person
that meant everything to her,The person she never wanted to lose in her life.She
was so confused if she'll be telling it to enrick because since they were in
elementary, theyve always promised each other that therell be no secrets from one
onther. But that was the biggest mistake she did. Keeping everything as a secret
Keeping each and every detail she felt to enrick. Everything she felt for her
bestfriend. Years had passed by, their friendship bloomed and became stronger.
They never left each other. Until they had dinner together, it was the 24th day of
december, it was christmas eve when enrick told katheryn that he is planning to ask
megan, he's crush since last month, to take a walk with him and watch the sunset
togetherKatheryn paused and looked at enrick. Enrick looked confused with
katheryns reaction but katheryn smiled at him saying she's gonna help enrick with
his plan. All she did was try to be the most supportive bestfriend anyone would
thank for having but she felt so vulnerable. She felt so locked up with her feelings.
Like she was in jail and couldnt get out.After megan and enrick went to watch the
sunset together, they got along more with each other, they got to spend much of
their time being together and katheryn was just there waiting for enrick to go to her.
It has been two years when enrick is courting megan until the 4th day of january,
megan finally said yes and it was like katheryns darkest hours she felt that theres
no one she could run to and tell everything too but because she got no friends to
trust aside from enrickStill, katheryn kept each and everythibg from enrick, until it
was graduation day in highschool, katheryn was about to tell enrick what she felt
about him all through the years but at the same time, enrick told kath that he was
leaving for college together with megan. Megan and Enrick took the same course
and has talked to go to states together and study there and that was something
that made katheryn so quiet. It made her to stop from telling enrick everything,
they graduated and still, the secret was with katheryn. The day enrick was about to
leave, katheryn gave him a letter saying that, he should be opening the letter after
5 years on the 12th day of november, on katheryns 21st birthday. Because she

knew that by that day, she assumed her feelings would just flow and simply fade.
And she knew that day, enrick wouldnt be spending time with katheryn because
he's in the states with megan Now that its the 12th day of november, katheryns
21st birthday when her father left to save their company, day wherr she's
wondering if enrick opened her letter just like what she told enrick for the passed 5
yearsThe Day, where she thought that her feelings would just simply fade, but she
was wrong. Her feelings never left her heart. Her love only got even stronger each
and everyday of her life. And it had only hurt her for a thousand times.she never got
any message or news from enrick since the day he left with megan. She never had a
chance to talk to him for 5 years. She never heard about him anymore. 2 days after
her birthday, 14th day of november, she found a note. "Go to the tree house beside
Mr. Gibbs yard where we used to talk to each other when we were in highschool."
And katheryn was shocked. She never thought she'd be receiving that king of letter
from no body but he knew who was the one she used to talk to when they were in
the tree house beside Mr. Gibbs yard. Her bestfriend, enrick Without second
thoughts, she ran like she was being chased with countless dogs. She ran towards
the tree house, and as she got there, she found... nothing. She just saw the sunset
she and enrick used to watch together. She just saw the view of the beach with its
white sand on the seashore. And she began to cry remembering the times when she
was with enrick. The times when she felt so happy. The times that never came back
the times that was only kept as memories. But as she sat under the tree, she saw
this big rock and it seems like there wfere something under it, she pushed the rock
and saw a letter wrote on a pink paper jusy like her favorite one, it was wrapped up
on plastic like it has been there for a couple of years. And as she flipped the paper
she saw her name in it. And the date. "March 27..." She remembered thatvit was the
day when enrick left for college. She opened the letter.
"Dear katheryn,
It has been 8 years kath since we became close friends. 8 years since i found a
friend so loyal, so nice, so special I found you katheryn. And as time passes by, ive
always been so thankfull to all the years that i have been with you. All those were
the bestest years of my life. But, kath i knew that we kept promises to each other,
but im so sorry for breaking one breaking the promise of telling you everything.
Each and everything that i have felt. Im sorry, but i was covered up with fear
katheryn, fear of losing you. Fear of losing the person I have loved for so long. Kath,
im sorry for keeping this fron you, since we became close to each other, i already
had feelings for you. Hmmm you may think about megan but you know what, i know
you wouldnt like what i have done but kath i tried and do my best just to make my
feelings go away but, i just cant. And there i tried liking someone else, I tried to be
with them more than im with you, because i thoughy id be loving them the way i
loved you. But it was different. You were different. And you know what, all those
years of courting megan were the years im suffering. Im suffering from the pain of
forcing my heart to love someone else just to get over you. Because i know that, im

just a bestfriend to you.and now i decided to be wuth megan for college in U.S.A
maybe, id be fulfilling to you the promise of being bestfriends forever. Kath im sorry
but.." askatheryn was about to read the last words, theres this voice who read the
last words on the letter saying, "But.. I still Love you"
As katheryn looked into her back he saw the face she knew for so long the face she
could never ever forget. The face of the person she has always loved. Her
"Hi it has been 5 years kath"
"Yeah, 5 years not seeing you, how are you?"
Enrick didnt answe but what he did was he hugged katheryn so tight like he's not
letting go of her.
"I missed you so much kath, ive read you letter yesterday, it caused me to cry so
hard regrettung each and everysecond that i had the chance to tell you that ive felt
the same way towards you katheryn, If only i could turn back the time when we had
dinner together, i wish that time i told you that you were actually the one i love"
Katheryn burst into tears as enrick says those things to her, she was like covered
up witg regrets with the things she didnt do before. Enrick held katheryns hand,
looking directly into her eyes saying I Love you.that moment, was everything for
katheryn, she said I love you too. But enrick wasnt done with the words he was
about to say. After enrick said I love you to kath, he unexpectedly looked down..
"katheryn, but i came back here to tell you that i love, to tell you that, you were
always the one whom i loved, the one who meant the world to me the one i wanted
to spend my forever with.But kath, i also came back here
To finally clear things up with you katheryn, i am here to finish all the pain thats in
you, im here to talk to you kath, im sorry, i know that im confusing you right now,
but katheryn, the time i left for college, i thought you mever loved me back, i never
receive a call, a message or anythinh from you katheryn, i waited for 3 years for
your response but i got nothing i thought that the thing ive always been afraid to
happen has occur, i though ive lost you, my bestfriend, my love, it was 3am two
years ago when i got drunk at the bar when megan fetched me, the 3 years ive
spent with her was so hard, ive always been imagining you everytime im with her,
but that moment in time, the time i thought i have lost you, megan never left me
alone she was always there to help me, she was always there to help me realize
that there are much greater things in life if i just open my heart to others. Megan
knew everything kath. She knew that you were the one i loved and i continue to
love but, the time i saw her cry, that was the moment, i felt pain and fear again of
someone hurting because of me. That moment i hugged her, and told her that a girl
like her doesnt deserves to be sad. She deserves to feel all the love thats for her. It

was never easy for me to love someone else katheryn but that time, I thought Ive
lost you, I thought youll never love me the way i loved you. Ive spent another two
years giving megan a chance kath, and those two years that i got to spend with her,
were the times i felt that, i cant lose another someone so dear to me. I cant lose
megan.. I did my best katheryn, i did my best to love megan, i did my best to give
her all the love she has given me but i just couldnt. And that was somehow
somethinh i could never control. 5 years ago, i lost the letter you gave me, i couldnt
find it anywhere, until the time i forgot about it. 2 months ago, when megan was
about to go to my apartment, i waited for her and my pizza. 3hoursbhad passed i
didnt receive any calls from her until her number called me but an unknown persim
was talking she told me that the owner of this phone is on the hospital that time, i
rushed into the hospital and as i arrived, i never had a chance to say thanks, and
goodbye to megan she passed away katheryn she was hit by someone driving
recklessly but the doctor gave me a letter it was your letter kath. She was the one
who kept it and a note from megans pocket, before she died, she left me with a
favor she wanted me to do and by her burial,i promised her that no matter what, ill
be fulfilling that favor she asked for me to do." Enrick took something from his
sweater and opened it,it as a ring in it. "See this ring? This ring will only be for the
person ill always love,the person ill always be spending my forever with the person
who meant everything to me" enrick slowly kneel on the ground saying "will you
katheryn wilson take this ring and spend forever beside me for richer or for poorer?"

Katheryn couldnt say a word with everything that enrick told her tears falling
through her eyes were unstoppable.But for a few second, She anwered Yes. And
slowly, enrick put the ring on katheryns finger smiling, with tears falling through his
eyes. Katheryn asked enrick about the thing that megan asked him to do...
He took the note and gave it to katheryn

"Dear Enrick, i know it has been 5 years but i never saw you looked at me the
way you looked at her. Enrick I love you but, ill always be happy for as long as youre
happy and i never saw that happiness in you when youre with me, this ring inside
this box is the ring ill be giving to you and i want you that youd be giving this to the
person you want to spend your life with. I want you to give this to the person who
have always owned and will always own your heart the person you want to spend
your forever with. Love, megan"
Katheryn cried for everything that had happen, she felt so sorry for megan but as
she looked into enricks eyes, she smiled Saying "I love you" and held enricks hand
enrick smiled at katheryn saying "I love you too" at the same time he intertwined
his fingers to katheryns. They sat below the tree house and watched the sunset
together like the thing they used to do when they were young.

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