Process - Avamar Client Installation and Activation

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Avamar Client Installation

and Activation
Last Updated

Windows Server
Eric Sand
Dustin Ballantine

High Level Summary:

This document is a guide to install EMC Avamar Client 6.1 or 7.0 SP1 on Windows
Server and activate the Avamar client to an EMC Avamar Utility Server (grid).
Windows servers to be backed up with EMC Avamar.
Change Log:

6.1 version
7.0 SP1

Eric Sand
Eric Sand

To install and activate the Avamar Client you must have the following:

Installation files (location listed below)

Administrator access on the server
Avamar utility node (grid) name
Avamar client domain
.Net 4 Framework installed
v6.0 support for 2003, 2008 SP2. 2008 R2. 2012
v7.0 SP1 support for 2003, 2008 SP2, 2008 R2. 2012, 2012 R2

Process / Configuration Details:

**When applicable, use the automated IEM job to install Avamar list in the
References section**
1. Download the installation files:
a. From the server, browse to a grid utility server in the same network:

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation






c. \\\nt$\Projects\Avamar\
2. Under Downloads, click the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit version based on the
architecture of the OS
3. Click AvamarClient-windows-Xxxx.msi
4. Download the .msi locally and run the installer.
5. Follow the install wizard and accept all defaults to install the program to
C:\Program Files\avs

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

Click Next

Check the "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" box and then choose Next.

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

Leave default options and choose Next.

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

Choose Install.

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

When complete, choose Next.

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

Click Finish
6. If this is a new install and the client has never been activated to an Avamar
grid, continue to the next step (Step 7.). If this is a reinstallation of the client,
meaning that this particular client is already registered to an Avamar grid
then skip to (Step 8.)
7. Activate the Avamar client In order to successfully back up the server with
Avamar, the Avamar client must be activated to a grid server and be a
member of a Policy Group. The client must activate to a grid server on the
same network in compliance with Leverage rules.
a. From the System Tray, right-click on the Avamar client icon
b. Click Manage, then click Activate Client
c. Fill in Activation fields
i. Enter in the corresponding Administrator Server (grid server)

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation
ii. Enter in Avamar domain (/Windows)

d. Submit an IM to Storage Support to have them move the new client to

the appropriate Policy Group (dataset, retention, and schedule).
i. For new client install: Provide Windows server name, grid name,
and backup retention.
8. If this is a reinstallation of the client, meaning that this particular client is
already registered to an Avamar grid.
a. Pull the three files from C:\Program Files\avs\var from before the
rebuild (If you forget you have do a redirected restore of the files to
another server and pull it from there)
1. <MCS_Server>-27000.dtb
2. avagent.cfg
3. cid.bin
ii. Place the three files in C:\Program Files\avs\var and restart the
Avamar service
iii. Verify client is Activated
1. Click Manage, then click Activate Client

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation
iv. By doing this the server will be re-activated in the correct grid
and be already set with the appropriate Policy Group (dataset,
retention, and schedule) no need to engage Storage.
b. (Alternate Option) Submit an IM to the appropriate Storage Support
team to have the client deleted from grid while retaining previous
1. Include the client name and grid name.
2. Request that Storage Support provide the clients current
policy group(s) which will be required for successful
backups after re-activation. Document the policy group(s)
that Storage Support provides as the policy group(s) will
be required to have them move the new to the
appropriate Policy Group (dataset, retention, and
3. Once Storage Support confirms the client has been
deleted from the grid, proceed to the next step.
ii. Activate the Avamar client In order to successfully back up the
server with Avamar, the Avamar client must be activated to a
grid server and be a member of a Policy Group. The client must
activate to a grid server on the same network in compliance
with Leverage rules.
1. From the System Tray, right-click on the Avamar client
2. Click Manage, then click Activate Client
3. Fill in Activation fields
a. Enter in the corresponding Administrator Server
(grid server)
b. Enter in Avamar domain (/Windows)

Avamar Client Installation

and Activation

iii. Submit an IM to Storage Support to have them move the new

client to the appropriate Policy Group (dataset, retention, and

Review Process:
Reviewed as necessary for Avamar Client upgrades and/or process change.
IEM Install Jobs:
TR STD CFG - Backup File - TRv3.1 (client only)
TR STD CFG - Backup File - TRv3.1 (SQL Plugin)

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