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California Mini-Corps Community Service Form

Mini Corps Tutor:

Maricela Lopez

Contact Person: Edward Krauss


ATP Amazing Race II

Phone # :

Type of Community Service:

Number of Hours: 6 Date(s): 10/23/16

(6 hours minimum per semester)

Explain your involvement and how you and the community benefited from this service:
I helped in a competition for ATP classes. I helped encourage those students to work within a team, by being a
leader and giving directions cooperatively. This amazing experience was unforgettable. The race was for those with
disabilities. The games were set up so that each group would have an equal opportunity to complete it successfully. The
group that completed all of the activities first would win a prize. Through this service I was able to learn to work with
students with disabilities and have the opportunity to learn from them. I believe I benefited more from them than they did
from me. If they did take something from the experience from working with me, it would be my enthusiasm and motivation.
I was able to speak with a couple of the students, one to one, and they seemed to have enjoyed having me around. My
group was the first one to be finished with all the activities.

Maricela Lopez
Student Signature


California Mini-Corps Community Service Form

Mini Corps Tutor:

Maricela Lopez


Contact Person:

Bryanna Gonzalez

Phone #:

MDA Soccer Tournament

(209) 814-6212

Type of Community Service: Fundraiser for Dystrophy Disorders Number of Hours: 7

(6 hours minimum per semester)


Explain your involvement and how you and the community benefited from this service:
I organized a Co-Ed soccer team to raise funds for 43 muscular Dystrophy Disorders. I was in charge of gathering
up the money to sign up the team to fundraise for this cause. It was an all-day event; each team played about four games
and would start getting disqualified depending on how many games they lost. It was a fun way to help those that need
support. This experience helped me become aware of the different ways and possibilities there are to support a cause. A
soccer tournament works out great; people have fun and at the same time funds are being raised for a good cause.

Maricela Lopez
Student Signature

Adopted: 5/11


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