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Nakshatra 22: Shravana

Shravana is ruled by Brahma, who pervades. Its power is that of connection (Samhanana
Shakti). Its basis above is seeking; its basis below are the paths. Shravana enables us to link
people together by connecting them to their appropriate paths in life. This requires receptivity and
listening, and results in understanding and aspiration. Vishnu with his three strides links together
the three worlds of Earth, Atmosphere and Heaven connecting all creatures with the
Mythology: In the beginning, in order to create the world, the Supreme created himself in the form Brahmin
from his left side. He created Vishnu from his right side to sustain it, and Shiva from his center to destroy it.
Vishnu is depicted floating on the cosmic ocean with his wife Lakshmi (goddess of abundance) at his feet. He
has a black or blue complexion (a sign of a higher god), four arms, a crown, and a sacrificial cord around his
waist. He is often depicted with a chakra (wheel), club, conch shell and a lotus. Vishnu is always sleeping,
watching what is being created and as he does a lotus flower blooms in his naval. It grows for a Brahmin Year
which is 4,320 of our years and then Vishnu stops dreaming and the lotus flower closes and collapses back into
itself. Then he starts to dream again and the process repeats. Some say Vishnu's naval is the galactic center of
the universe.
Indications: Shravana literally translates to "to hear" and indicates an acute sense of hearning and a natural
ability to be a good listener, making for good counselors. It bestows an intellectual quality that is always
seeking more information, knowledge and widsom. It indicates great teachers, perpetual students, restless in
the pursuit of knowledge and can travel a lot. There can be trouble, disappointment or disability in early life,
but with age self-confidence grows.

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