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FOREX 101: !

Mastery for Beginner and

Intermediate Traders!
Day 2!

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FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
The rich invest in -me, the poor invest in money.

-Warren Buet

Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Introduction ]!
What you will learn, and what to expect from Day 2:
- Buying and Selling: Order Types
- Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing
- Buying and Selling: The Power Play
- Buying and Selling: The Cone Trade
- Buying and Selling: Taking Prot
- How to spot Reversal Signs
- Keys to trading a counter trending market
- Support & Resistance: Highs and Lows
- Support & Resistance: Pivot Points and Fulcrum Points
- Support & Resistance: Fibonacci Levels
- Support & Resistance: Northern + Southern Hemisphere
- Market Reversal Times
- News and Other Cri8cal FOREX Fundamentals
- Recognizing and trading Breakouts
- The market's most powerful signals
- Discre8onary Trade Management
- Using automated trade execu8on tools
-Mastering the mental game
- Q&A
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Buying and Selling: Order Types!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Buying and Selling: Order Types ]!

Whats an Order?!
The client terminal allows you to create and send orders to execute trading
The terminal can also control and manage open posi8ons. For this purpose,
there are several types of trading orders. The order is a command of the
client to conduct a trading transac8on.
There are 4 types of orders typically found when trading the FOREX market.
Market Orders
Pending Orders
Take Prot Orders
Stop Loss Orders
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[ Buying and Selling: Order Types ]!

Market Order!
Market Order is a command to buy or sell a nancial instrument at the
current price. Execu8on of this order results in the immediate opening of a
trading posi8on.

Pending Order!
Pending order is a command to open or close posi8ons in the future at a
specied price. This order is used to open a trading posi8on when quotes reach a
certain level. The following types of pending orders are available: Buy Limit, Buy
Stop, Sell Limit, and Sell Stop. A pending order can be followed by Stop Loss and
Take Prot orders. When a pending order is ac8vated, Stop Loss and Take Prot
orders are automa8cally aWached to the open posi8on.
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[ Buying and Selling: Order Types ]!

Take Profit Order!

Take Prot is an order intended to make a prot when the price of a nancial
instrument reaches the desired level. Execu8on of this order closes the posi8on.
A Take Prot order is always connected with an open posi8on or a pending order.
To check whether condi8ons of this order are met for long posi8ons the Bid price
is used, and for short posi8ons the Ask price is used.

Stop Loss Order!

Stop Loss - this order is intended to minimize losses, if the price of a nancial
instrument moves in an unprotable direc8on. Such an order is always connected
to an open posi8on or a pending order. To check whether condi8ons of this order
are met for long posi-ons the Bid price is used, and for short posi-ons the Ask
price is used.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

What is the best time to trade?!

The FOREX market is open for trading 24-hours of the day and 8ming is
Choosing the best 8me to trade is a powerful way to maximize the prot
poten8al of every trade. Professional traders know this secret. They
carefully choose the 8ming of their trades to produce the most prots.
You can make this same choice and maximize your prots on every trade.
In short, you can choose to trade the Power Hours. Lets examine what gives
the Power Hours their remarkable potency. This can be summarized in two
words: volume and vola8lity.

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[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

What are the Power Hours?!

The Power Hours are the 8mes when volume and vola8lity rise to peak levels.
High trading volume means that many lots of a par8cular currency pairs are
being bought and sold. High vola8lity means that currency pair prices are
moving fast and trending quickly.
The combined force of high volume and strong vola8lity can cause large pip
movements in nearly every major currency pair during the Power Hours.

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[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

When are the Power Hours?!

The Power Hours of the FOREX market are as follows:
8am to 12pm EST - Yes, the most ac8ve trading period lasts only four
hours every day! This is the US-European overlap session, which is the
8me when the worlds two most ac8ve trading centers cross -- as the
European session is closing and the US session is opening. It is a small,
but very ac8ve, window that some currency traders call the hot zone.
And many professional traders focus their best eorts on trading during
those four powerful hours.

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[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

What to trade during the Power Hours?!

These currency pairs tend to have the largest volume during the Power

8am to 12pm EST

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[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

The European Session!

The European session is headquartered in London. The large number of market
par8cipants has made London the worlds most vola8le market for trading currencies.
And it links with both the Asian and American sessions.
Look at the GBP/JPY and the GBP/CHF for strong price movements as European assets
are converted into dollar-denominated assets. These conversions can cause the
currencies to make strong price movements.

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European Session Watch List:






[ Buying and Selling: Perfect Timing ]!

The US Session!
The US session is headquartered in New York. The GBP/JPY and USD/CHF show high
volume and vola8lity during this 8me since their transac8ons require US dollars.
Trading during this session becomes even more ac8ve when the US stock and bond
markets open because foreign investors need to convert their currencies into dollar-
dominated assets. The GBP/CHF omen makes strong price movements during this

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

US Session Watch List:






[ Perfect Timing study by FXCM ]!

You can see that periods of strong trader performance line up with low-vola8lity trading
hours. Traders tend to see the best results during the Asian trading session, and the
chart below shows that the Euro tends to move far less through this period.!
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Buying and Selling: The Power Play!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Relative Strength of the EUR/GBP !

This currency pair has a lot to say and very few traders are listening. As a
professional trader, nding an edge or angle to increase your prots is important to
your success.
Finding direc8onal strength or rela8ve strength is vital to not only choosing the right
currency pair to trade, but what direc8on to trade it.
Most FOREX traders around the world focus on the EUR/USD and/or the GBP/USD.
Not only are they the most popular of the currency pairs, but they omen trade in a
similar direc8on.
This observa8on gives traders a sense of security of being bullish or bearish both of
these pairs at the same 8me. This strategy some8mes is a recipe for disaster.
Analyzing the EUR/GBP pair correctly will give traders the ability to understand
which of these two pairs they should focus on.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 1: Analyze the EUR/GBP currency pair for direc8onal strength

Discussion: What
stands out here?
Date: 11/4/2013

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 2: Analyze the EUR/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Date: 11/4/2013

Discussion: What
stands out here?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Date: 11/4/2013

Discussion: What
stands out here?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 1: Analyze the EUR/GBP currency pair for direc8onal strength

Date: 1/24/2014
Discussion: What
stands out here?
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 2: Analyze the EUR/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

+160 Pips

Date: 1/24/2014

Discussion: What
stands out here?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Power Play ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Date: 1/24/2014

Discussion: What
stands out here?

+530 Pips
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Buying and Selling: The Cone Trade!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ The Cone Trade ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ The Cone Trade ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Buying and Selling: The Taking Profit!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
1: Iden8fy
through to
trade setup
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma
Step 2: Iden8fy Take
Prot and Stop Loss
Levels and calculate if
it Step
2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma
Step 3: Execute a buy
order on the follow
through from the
2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

+518 Pips
Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
Trade thhe
its the
8ma, trade the
take prot
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 1: Iden8fy
poten8al trade setup

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: Iden8fy Take

Prot and Stop Loss
Levels and calculate if
it ts into your trading

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Step 1: Watch for

angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

Step 3: Execute a sell
the angle and order on the follow
separa8on of the
through from the
candles8ck forma8on.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
What to
follow through
the o2ut

[ Buying and Selling: Taking Profits ]!

Step 3: Analyze the GBP/USD currency pair for direc8onal strength

Result: Trade hits the

Step 1: Watch for
take prot area.
angle and
separa8on of the

Step 1: Watch for

the angle and
separa8on of the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

Step 2: If price
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
follow through to
the 20ma

2: PIf ips
ac8on breaks the
8ma, trade the
Pips through
What to
the o2ut

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
How to Spot Reversal Signs!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Discussion: Lets con8nue

the conversa8on.

List 3 types of support that
would cause price ac8on to
stop its retracement.
1) ___________________
2) ___________________
3) ___________________
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

List 3 types of support that
would cause price ac8on to
stop its retracement.
1) __Moving Average____
2) ___________________
3) ___________________
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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

List 3 types of support that
would cause price ac8on to
stop its retracement.
1) __Moving Average____
2) __Fibonacci Level_____
3) ___________________
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

List 3 types of support that
would cause price ac8on to
stop its retracement.
1) __Moving Average____
2) __Fibonacci Level_____
3) __Pivot Point_________
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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!

Exercise: Name these candles8ck


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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bullish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

List 3 types of candles8ck

forma8ons that you would
look for to signify that the
trend might con8nue.
1) ___________________
2) ___________________
3) ___________________
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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Moving Average Resistance

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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Fibonacci Level Resistance

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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Pivot Point Resistance

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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!

Exercise: Name these candles8ck


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[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ How to Spot Reversal Signs ]!

Bearish Reversal Signs!


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Keys to Trading a Counter Trending Market!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Understanding the Countertrend ]!

What is a Countertrend?!

A trading strategy where an investor aWempts to make small gains

through a series of trades against the current trend. It is also known as
"counter-trend trading.
While most traders will acknowledge that trading in the direc8on of
the longer term trend is the higher probability way of trading, there
are some traders who are looking to trade a currency pair as it retraces
or pulls back from its overall trend.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Understanding the Countertrend ]!

What is a Countertrend?!
Typically, amer a currency pair has made a strong move over an
extended period of 8me in one direc8on, a retracement is likely to take
place. The stronger and longer the move in the direc8on of the trend
is, the stronger the pullback is likely to be.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Understanding the Countertrend ]!

Executing the Countertrend!

Important: Find the entry and

Iden8fy the target and stop,
keeping in mind that the
move higher is probably going
to be short lived.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Understanding the Countertrend ]!

Executing the Countertrend!

+87 Pips

Be careful: Dont allow the

bullish move to give you a
false sense of security.
Remember that the overall
trend is bearish. TAKE
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Understanding the Countertrend ]!

Executing the Countertrend!

+87 Pips

NOTICE: As expected the

main trend kicks into gear
and moves the market lower.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Support and Resistance: Highs and Lows!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Using Highs and Lows Effectively ]!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Support and Resistance: Pivot Points and
Fulcrum Points!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Pivot Points ]!

What are Pivot Points?!

Pivots Points are signicant levels char-sts can use to determine
direc-onal movement, support and resistance. Pivot Points use the prior
period's high, low and close to formulate future support and resistance. In
this regard, Pivot Points are predic8ve or leading indicators.
Pivot Points were originally used by oor traders to set key levels. Floor
traders are the original day traders. They deal in a very fast moving
environment with a short-term focus.
At the beginning of the trading day, oor traders would look at the
previous day's high, low and close to calculate a Pivot Point for the current
trading day. With this Pivot Point as the base, further calcula8ons were
used to set support 1, support 2, resistance 1 and resistance 2. These levels
would then be used to assist their trading throughout the day.
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[ Pivot Points ]!

What are Pivot Points?!



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[ Fulcrum Points ]!

What are Fulcrum Points?!

These are know as Natural Pivot Points, therefore we take these price
points into considera8on on our charts as a possible area of support and

00: the gure fulcrum

20: pips over the gure
50: half the gure fulcrum
80: pips over the gure

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[ Fulcrum Points ]!

What are Fulcrum Points?!

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[ Fulcrum Points ]!

What are Fulcrum Points?!



Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Support and Resistance: Fibonacci Levels!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Who was Fibonacci? ]!

Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (c. 1170 c. 1250)
The "greatest European mathema8cian of the middle ages," he was known
as Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Pisano in Italian since he was born in Pisa,
Leonardo grew up with a North African educa8on under the Moors and later
travelled extensively around the Mediterranean coast. He would have met
with many merchants and learned of their systems of doing arithme8c. He
soon realized the many advantages of the "Hindu-Arabic" system over all the
He was one of the rst people to introduce the Hindu-Arabic number system
into Europe - the posi8onal system we use today - based on ten digits with its
decimal point and a symbol for zero:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
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[ The Fibonacci Sequence ]!

Star8ng with 0 and 1, each new number in the sequence is simply the sum
of the two before it.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .
The ra8o of each successive pair of numbers in the sequence approximates
phi (1.618. . .) , as 5 divided by 3 is 1.666, and 8 divided by 5 is 1.60.
The ra8os of the successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence quickly
converge on Phi (The Golden Ra-o). Amer the 40th number in the
sequence, the ra8o is accurate to 15 decimal places.
1.618033988749895 . . .
Also note that the inverse or reciprocal of 1.618 is 0.618

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[ Fibonacci Levels ]!

What are Fulcrum Points?!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Support and Resistance: North and
Southern Hemisphere!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

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[ Northern Hemisphere ]!

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[ Southern Hemisphere ]!

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[ The Transition ]!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Market Reversal Times!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Market Reversal Times]!

2:30am EST
This 8me is when traders really begin to see their rst real ac8on of the day. The European
market has just opened 30 minutes prior and volume is star8ng to ood the market. This is also
around the 8me when major news announcements take place for the Euro Zone. Look for some
type of reversal or stall from a trend that may have been in place from the Asian session.

3:30 4:30am EST

This marks another major reversal 8me, as it denotes the opening of the London Market. The
reason for the importance is that 34% of the daily FX volume comes from the UK. With both
European markers open and major UK news announcements happening at 4:30am EST, it makes
this 8me of day VERY interes8ng. Look for major stoppages of up and down trends to occur
around this 8me.

8:30am EST
This 8me marks the kick-o for the US session. At this point in the day, all major markets (US,
Euro, and UK) are open for business. A good majority of the US news announcements take place
during this 8me. Especially the Non-Farm Payroll numbers on the rst Friday of every month.
Based on the news and the Euro markets breaking for lunch, this 8me is known for reversing
trends from the Euro sessions and star8ng new ones which can last for the remaining of the day.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Market Reversal Times]!

10:30 -11:30am EST
This 8me is know for its vola8lity. Trends set earlier in the day by both markets can nd themselves well
overbought or oversold during this 8me of day. As the market stretches to set new highs or new lows,
Ins8tu8onal traders in Europe are looking to close up shop for the day and complete any last transac8ons
required of them before they leave. In doing so, this dries up much of the volume in the market and once
strong trends begin to fade or reverse course. This 8me also marks when the US sessions prepares to break
for lunch, which also adds to the reversal of previous trends. Look for market reac8on from the news
announcements at the 10:00 hour to see if price is slowing or accelera8ng into the close of London.

3:00pm EST
This 8me denotes when the bond market closes. There are days during which bonds are the major support for
all markets. When bonds are suppor8ng a risk friendly environment and the market loses its friend at 3:00, a
change in direc8on can be ignited. Conversely, there are days during which bonds are a major support for
safety. When bonds, which were proving to have a risk averse outlook on the day, closes at 3:00, a turn for
more risk tolerance can material.

8:00pm EST
This 8me marks the 8me when both the Australian and Asian Markets are open. Major news announcements
during this 8me can and omen sets the tone for the market to trend in for the rest of the session. Most days
the Asian session remains in the range set by the Major markets earlier in the day. However, the Japanese are
know for surprise announcements which can jumpstart the market well into the start of the Euro session.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
News and Other Critical FOREX
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

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[ Trading the News ]!

Should I trade the News?!

Trading the news is a technique to trade equi8es, currencies and other
nancial instruments on the nancial markets.
Trading news releases can be a signicant tool for nancial investors. Economic
news reports omen spur strong short-term moves in the markets, which may
create trading opportuni8es for traders.
Announcements about interest rates, unemployment and bond sales, or the
central bank's policy shims, can cause a deep change of an exchange rate.
Economic releases can be traded either proac-vely or reac-vely.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Trading the News ]!!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Recognizing and Trading Breakouts!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 1: Use trendlines to

determine the consolida8on


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 2: Measure

the apex

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 3: Amer the breakout,

use apex measurement to

determine the target

No8ce what
sparked the

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Target hit

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 1: Use trendlines to

determine the consolida8on


Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 2: Measure

the apex

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 3: Amer the breakout,

use apex measurement to

determine the target

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Target hit

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
The Markets Most Powerful Signals!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Power Signals ]!

Step 1: Use trendlines to

determine the consolida8on


Discussion: What
stands out about
these setups?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Power Signals ]!

Step 1: Use trendlines to

determine the consolida8on


Discussion: What
Discussion: What
stands out about stands out about
these setups? these setups?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Recognizing and Trading Breakouts ]!

Step 1: Use trendlines to Discussion: What

stands out about

determine the consolida8on
these setups?

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Discretionary Trade Management!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Manage your Money ]!

Why Trade/Risk Management is
Money management, also called risk management, is a core concept that
you should start with immediately when you begin to learn and it should
be the very core focus throughout your trading career.
It will allow you to deal with performance downturns and it will preserve
your trading account during these 8mes, enabling you to carry on trading.
The core principle of money management is that you should only ever
risk a very small por8on of the money that you have to trade with on any
single trade.

Simply by adhering to risk management, an account can survive longer

drawdown periods and s=ll be able to trade.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Manage your Money ]!

Why Trade/Risk Management is
Many professional traders do not advocate risking any more than 1% to
2% of an account on a single trade.
Limi8ng your risk per trade to a maximum of 1-2% of your whole account
greatly reduces the eect of losing streaks, as you will preserve the
majority of your trading account.
Risking only 1% on each trade means you can lose twenty trades in a row
and s8ll retain over 80% of your star8ng capital.
If you were to risk 5% per trade, amer twenty losing trades there would
be less than 40% of your original star8ng capital remaining.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Manage your Money ]!

Why Trade/Risk Management is

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Manage your Money ]!

Risk/Rewarddoes it really matter?!

Your risk reward ra-o should ensure that you gain more than you lose!
The risk to reward ra8o is how much capital a trader is willing to risk in
order to gain the poten8al reward on the trade. You can use either a
monetary value or pip value when calcula8ng the risk to reward.
For example if you are risking $1 to poten8ally make $2, the reward is
divided by the risk and so the risk to reward ra-o is 1:2.
If you are risking 30 pips on a trade and have a 300 pip prot target, the
risk to reward ra-o is 1:10.
When looking to take a trade, you should always make sure that your
poten-al reward is larger than your poten-al loss.
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Manage your Money ]!

Risk/Rewarddoes it really matter?!

Any 8me you consider entering into a trade, you should not only have pre-determined where
your entry will be, you should also have pre-determined where your stop loss and prot target
will be.
Once you know where your stop loss and entry point is, you can calculate the risk and poten8al
prot on the trade.
As a general rule of thumb, you should aim for a risk reward ra8o of 1:2 or beWer. If you maintain
a risk to reward ra8o of 1:2 then you only need one-third of your the trades to win to remain
break even.
The risk reward ra8o is closely connected to the percentage of your trades that end up winning.
The risk reward ra-o itself does not automa-cally mean success. Even a risk reward ra-o of
1:4 does not help you if less than 20% of your trades end with a prot.
So the risk reward ra-o has to be seen as an aspect of an overall trading strategy, and not in
Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Using Automated Trade Execution Tools!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Trade Execution Supervisor!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Moving Average Alert System!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Moving Average Alert System!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Moving Average Alert System!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Moving Average Alert System!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Automated Trade Tools ]!

Moving Average Alert System!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

FOREX 101: !
Mastery for Beginner and
Intermediate Traders!
Mastering the Mental Game!
Day 2!

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey.!

All rights reserved.!

[ Mastering the Mental Game ]!

The Road to Building Confidence!

In order to be successful in trading you must master the mental game.
You are always preparing, analyzing, processing and execu8ng. All of
which require mental and emo8onal stability.
As a trader, if you are not disciplined and you cannot complete your
plan or follow your rules otherwise risk success as a trader.
It has been my experience that major losses and extreme draw downs
are not due for the most part to a lack of knowledge, but to a lack of
eec8ve planning and a lack of follow-through with rules and

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

[ Mastering the Mental Game ]!

The Road to Building Confidence!


Belief in yourself.
Trust in your system.
An understanding of what trading size you can handle.
An understanding of the level of losses you can deal with mentally
and emo8onally.
A true passion for trading.
The belief that it is possible to win in trading.
The belief that all your hard work will be worth it.
That you are a trader, that is what you do.
The perseverance to keep trying un8l you are successful.

Copyright, 2014 Chima Burey. All rights reserved.!

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