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Anti-Piracy Advert

Sad Producer Piracy Ad


Becky Hilton

270 Upper Street
N1 2UQ

5th January 2016

It is proposed that the advertisement will be of 30 seconds duration, filmed at a

park and a bedroom and edited at our Sutton facility.

The advertisement will be aimed at teenagers aged 12-18.

The advertisement will show what piracy is doing to the industry especially those
who work in it.

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up:
Suggested locations are:
The Daisy.
Morden Park.
Kimpton Park.
A bedroom in a suburban street.
The advertisement will include the following:
a) The Sad Producer Piracy Ad will be in colour but with a saturated look in
some shots almost looking black and white and in PAL 4:3.
b) The Sad Producer Piracy Ad will start with a shot of a man sat on a bench
in the park looking sad.
c) Cut to a pan shot to a past shot of that man during the process of
filming. This will be in colour while the other shots will be more saturated
and thus looking more black and white.
d) This will then cut to a shot of a teenager watching that movie in bed on
their computer, which leads to a shot of the producer looking happy that
someone is watching his film but then sad because it is being watched
illegally thus affecting his career.

Structure (Initial Ideas)

The Sad Producer Piracy Ad will be in colour but with a saturated look in some
shots almost looking black and white and in PAL (aspect ratio).
The Sad Producer Piracy Ad will start with a shot of a man sat on a bench in the
park looking sad.
Cut to a pan shot to a past shot of that man during the process of filming. This
will be in colour while the other shots will be more saturated and thus looking
more black and white.
This will then cut to a shot of a teenager watching that movie in bed on their
computer, which leads to a shot of the producer looking happy that someone is
watching his film but then sad because it is being watched illegally thus affecting
his career.

Camera hire (70 a day with an extra 20 a day for lens hire) 90
Tripod hire (20 a day) 20
Actors (30 an hour- 5 hours 150 per actor) 450
Location (between 500 - 2,500 per day) 500
In-house editing HD Avid & HD FCP - 525 (3 days)
Subtotal: 1,585
Production Contingency @10%

Total production budget: 1,585

The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our
shooting and editing schedules. Connexcast will ensure that all location filming is
carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the general
public and any production contingencies. The finished advertisement will be
available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any changes to be made
before the suggested release date.

Sources of requirements
Sony A7S camera with the Sony SELO28135G lens
Miller Solo 55 3-stage legs tripod
In-house editing HD Avid & HD FCP In-house editing HD Avid & HD FCP
Actors from

Guarantee of Satisfaction

Initial discussion on the advertisement content will take place.

Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all


Connexcast is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of


A copy of all rushes (camera original material) will be supplied on

request in DVD format.

A rough cut (initial trial edit) version of the advertisement will be

supplied for inspection and discussion.

A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a

focus group of interested parties.

The completed advertisement will be provided on DVD for inspection.

The completed advertisement will not be released until the client is

completely satisfied with technical quality and content.

15th January 2016

Connexcast asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in

accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any
unauthorised copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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