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2) When RBC structure is

Blood grouping can be
done by a) Absorption inhibition test
b) Mixed agglutination test
c) Absorption elution technique.
Blood group can also be known from bone marrow, fresh spongy bone, dental
cementum, hair root, nails, fresh soft tissues and stains on clothes & weapon.
Absorption inhibition test
To the slain extract add known antisera A. B, & H(O) and keep for 2-hours at 4 C.
Then 2 % suspension of known cells of A. B, & O is added separately in different
With use of antisera A, A group factor will be reacted upon and anti A sera will
be neutralised thus there will be no clumping if blood stain is of A or AB group.
(Similarly with B antisera -no clumping if group is B or AB, and with anti sera H,
if group is AB).
Mixed agglutination test
To each fibre /shredded stain particle, in separate siliconized test tube -anti A,
sera are added.
Incubated at 37 C for 2-3 hours.
Washed with saline for 3-4 times.
Then known indicator red cell suspensions are added.
Tubes placed in rotator for 30 minutes.
Fibres taken out, placed on siliconized glass slides & examined under microscope.
If test is positive, clumps of RBCs will be seen adhered to fibres (This confirms
that the blood
group of stain is same as of indicator cells).
Absorption elution technique
As in mixed agglutination test, fibres treated with antisera, incubated. washed,
put in tiles of
tube and known cell suspensions added.
Tile placed in moist chamber at 55C for 5-6 minutes.
Tile taken out and then rotated swiftly for 15-20 minutes.
Tile then examined with naked eye and also under microscope.
If test is positive, clumps of RBCs are seen (That is the group of indicator cells
is the group of
blood stain).
Identification of an individual.
Identification of victim or accused of a crime.
To know the possible source of blood in cases of murder, wounding, rape and
accidents etc.
Disputed paternity - in case Husband denies to be father of child and alleges that his wife has done
adultery; and therefore
Singhal's Forensic Medicine & Jurisprudence


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