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How does your media

product represent
particular social groups?

Niel Singo
FRONT COVER As you can see, the main model for
my magazine is a 18 year old black
male. By his posture you can see
that it represents young black males
as confident. His body language also
implies arrogance in some cases and
the fact that he is looking directly at
the camera promotes his confidence.
He is kind of in your face as well and
looks intimidating which gives a bad
portrayal of young black males. On
the other hand, we see that he is a
techno DJ which shows that he is
different because not many black
males listen to techno. So the fact
that he listens to techno on top of his
confidence could portray young
males as not afraid to be different as
well as being confident. This also
portrays the same thing about youth
in general.
Same depiction as the front cover

Here we have 1 Asian, 1 White and 1

Black male which portray how youth
can be together regardless of race,
gender and age. As long as you are
going out and having a good time,
race doesn’t matter which is a good
portrayal of the youth.
It also portrays young people as
confident and looking for a good time
but at the same time could represent
young people as irresponsible
depending on the view point because
they are out messing around.
My Double Page Spread
doesn’t really represent
any social groups in any
particular way apart from
the fact that young people
hang out at night.
Because my model has
been made mysterious
looking, almost like I
ghost, I could say it is
representing youth as
mysterious but that is
about it. My double page
spread doesn’t really
portray social groups in
any particular way.
 Because there is only one woman in my product,
it could portray that not many women are into
techno and may not play a big part in the techno
 In my product youth are represented as youthful,
confident and care free.
 Because my magazine is aimed at young people
I would try and portray them in a good way so
that it would attract them

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