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Analysis of 42 the Movie

The movie 42 describes the struggles in the life of Jackie Robinson who
became the first professional, African American baseball player prior to and during the
civil rights movement. Robinson was one of many who created the spark that helped
begin the civil rights movement. In reality, the civil rights movement contains all of the
elements of a Revolution. It began with the African American community speaking out
because they were upset by segregation and unfair treatment. White people, however,
were upset by this and tried to oppress their rebellions. Jackie Robinson faced this
oppression directly, struggling to be accepted into the Major Leagues. Many players and
fans tried to stop him from playing; forcing him to fight adversity such as being attacked
both verbally and physically. Still, he continued to stand his ground and fight peacefully.
The civil rights movement progressed similarly, the number of peaceful protests
increased and so did their followers. Eventually this brought about change, allowing
people of all races to have the same privileges. These changes positively affected the
lives of many, as they were able to get the same jobs and similar pay as their white
counter parts. As an African American baseball player, Jackie Robinson brought courage
and inspiration to people who supported the civil rights movement. He was the first of his
kind to stand up to the white man and request to be treated with equal rights, especially
because he joined the league several years before the civil rights movement even began.
He continued to play baseball throughout the civil right movement and towards the end of
the civil rights movement; he was even able to secure a spot in the Hall of Fame, making
him the first African American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. This

induction created further motivation for the fighters in the movement, which assisted in
their fight for a change in society. Ultimately, Jackie Robinsons struggles in becoming a
baseball player played an important role in the civil rights movement. He was an
inspiration to one of the most important revolutions in American history.

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