Simes House Construction Estimate

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Concept Estimate Joseph Simes House Phase 2 Renovation Plymouth, MA. PMCLLC Prepared for: 20 Downer Ave Suite 1c ‘Ted Gentry Associates Hingham MA 02043 August 6, 2015 (ph) 781-740-8007 @ 781-740-1012 Simes House Renovation DRAFT Budget 8/12/2015 Potential Estimate 08/06/2015 (Based on Design Development Plans of the Simes Foundation w/Alternates not drawn andlor coordinated) ailing Area-CSF: TOTAL BUILDING TRADE COST ‘Geaeral Construton- Building Intxor (No Exterior Scope of Work to Bui Conveying Systeas-Blovstor Fie Protection Phung HVAC lect and Fre Alarm BUILDING RENOVATIONS 1.939033 SITEWORK $548,219 SUBTOTAL s24s7282 DESIGN AND PRICING CONTINGENCY at 109% so.10 suas SUBTOTAL s2.73597 GENERAL CONDITIONS @ 10% si91sis BONDS @ 10% 927,360 INSURANCE @ 125% 4,200 ALL PERMITS - Waived By Town Nic BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE @ 1.00% 927,300 OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 50% $136,299 ESCALATION Assumed 12 months @ 40% $109,639 FALL. CONSTRUCTION $3.260.653 ‘TOTAL EST. GENERA. CONTRACTOR'S BID idng Contingency TOTAL ESTIMATED BID Consrction Contingency 13% $244,699 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ABATEMENT Allowance Allowance 350,000 LANDSCAPING Allowance Allowance 75,000 INDIRECT EXPENSES, From Page 2 Design/OPM $538,125 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST sama ‘TOPAL PROJECT BUDGET $750,000 Difference Over /(Under) Budget $3,420,477 “Tal Deduts Under Considertion ‘Total Ads Under Consideretion Resultant Difference Over / (Under) Budget 83420477 Billrco centry associates, inc 3 Summa Stet, Hingham, MA02043, Tol 74.74.9900, Fax 784-781-2902 3 Page lof2 Simes House Renovation 8/122015, (Based on Design Development Plans ofthe Simes Founds INDIRECT EXPENSES ‘Total A/E Basie Services _AIE basic services - To Complete design of Alternates and CA. Fumituce & equipment Consultant Civil Engineering ‘Technology Consultant (infrastructure design) Food Service Consultant - Allowance Survey of existing site conditions (included in CE) Geotechnical investigation Wetlands Survey Historic Commission approvals, Cost estimating Printing bid documents Estimating -3 estimates, CM review Structural testing & inspections CA services “Hazmoat analysis -See below Additional Services Geoenvironmental investigation Geotechnical monitoring of foundations Geoenvironmental monitoring of earthwork Materials testing, nel hazmat testing Property survey Independent structural review “Travel, postage and other reimbursable expenses Additional Services Contingency @ 25% Other Costs EM Services PM basic services Clerk of the Works ‘TOTAL INDIRECT SERVICES Allowance ‘Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal ‘Total AME Fees Total Other Costs Sy DRAFT Budget Potential Estimate 08/06/2015 n w/Altemates not drawn and/or coordinated) $50,000 NIC $50,000 NIC $25,000 included NIC Nic NIC $45,000 $20,000 Included $20,000 Jncluded NIC $210,000 Nic NIC NIC $7,500 ded $5,000 $10,000 922,500 $5,625 $98,125 $238,125 $180,000 $120,000 ‘$300,000 $538,125, Page 2of2 PM &G Joseph Simes House Phase 2 Renovation 06-Auga5, Plymouth, MA, Concept Estimate [MAIN CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY Construction Start Gross Floor ist Estimated ‘Area Construction Cost BUILDING RENOVATIONS: 9,080 $2135 $1,939,038 SITEWORK $548,219 SUB-TOTAL, 9,080 $273.93 24872252 DESIGN AND PRICING 10% $48,725 CONTINGENCY SUB-TOTAL. 9,080 $30132 $2,735,977 (GENERAL CONDITIONS ™ stonsi8 BONDS 1.00% sera6e INSURANCE 125% ~ $34,200 PERMIT NIC (OVERHEAD AND PROFIT 5% $136,799 ESCALATION - assumed 12 months 4.00% $109,499, ‘TOTAL OF ALL CONSTRUCTION 9,080 $3561 $9,295,208 ALTERNATES: WORK TO FIRST FLOOR pEDUCT 81,708,801 ADD STORM UNITS TO ALL WINDOWS, ADD 21158 Executive Summary Page 6 nc Pisin co PMé.¢ aeees Phase 2 Renovation 06-Aug-35, Plymouth, A Concept Estimate ‘This Conceptuel Design cost estimate was produccd from outline drawings and narratives prepared by Red Hawk Studio -Architeots Tne, and their design team dated July 1st, 2014. Design and enginecring changes cocurring subsequent to the ‘soue ofthese documents have not been incorporated in this estimate, This estimate includes all direct construction costs, general contractor's overhead and profit and design contingency. Cost escalation assumes start dates indicated Bidding conditions are expected to be public bidding under Chapter 149 ofthe Massachusetts General Laws to pre-qualified sgeneral contractors, and pre-qualified sub-contractors, open specifications for materials and manufactures. ‘The estimate is based on prevailing wage ates for construction i this market and represents a reasonable opinion of east. tis nota prediction ofthe auecessful bid from a contractor as bids will vary due to fluctuating market conditions, errors and ‘omissions, proprietary specfiations, lack or surple of bidders, perception of risk, ete. Consequently the estimata is expected {o fll within the range of bids from s number of competitive contractors or subeontractors, hoseever we do not warrant that bids or negotiated prices will nat vary from the final construction cost estimate, ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED INTIS ESTIMATE Toms not included in All professional fees and insurance {and acquisition, feasibility, and financing costs AllFurnishings, Fixtures and Equipment Items identified in the design as Not In Contract (NIC) ems identified in the design as by others Owner supplied and/or installed items (eg. draperies, furniture and equipment) Rock excavation; special foundations (unleae indicated by design engineers) Uiility company buek charges, including work required off-site Workto City strets and sidewalks, (except as noted in this estimate) Construction or ocoupaney phasing or off hours’ work, (except as noted inthis estimate) ~ Executive Summary Page RC Pres ansgenent Cont PMé. Joseph Simes House Angas nae Renovation Pomc WA Plymouth A, Gr 9.080 CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY mmo sere SUB-TOTAL Tora x RENOVATION ‘Aso FOUNDATIONS ‘Aioi0 Standard Foundations $45,031, ‘A120 Special Foundations $0 A10g0 Lowest Floor Construction. $41,718, $86,749 $9.55 4.5% Azo BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION Azo Basement Excavation so ‘Azo20 Basement Walls $0 80 $0.00 0.0% B10 SUPERSTRUCTURE Bio1o —_ Upper Floor Construction $104,721 Bio20 Roof Construction $43,310 $148,031 $16.30 7.6% B20 EXTERIOR CLOSURE Bao10 Exterior Walls $101,647 Beo20 Windows $16,524 B20go Exterior Doors $9,000 8127471 $14.01 6.6% B30 ROOFING Bg010 Roof Covering $57,201 Bgo20 Roof Openings $800 $58,001 $6.39 © 3.0% C10 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION Cio Partitions $90,112 C1020 Interior Doors $79,650 Ciogo —_Specialties/Millwork $28,585 $198,347, $21.84 10.2% C20 STAIRCASES C2010 Stair Construction $54,150, C2020 _ Stair Finishes $17,821 S7,971 $7.93 3.7% C30. INTERIOR FINISHES C3010 Wall Finishes $21,986, €3020 Floor Finishes $62,927 gogo Ceiling Finishes $76,250 S164163 $1775 8.9% Dio CONVEYING SYSTEMS Dio1o Elevator $81,400 $81,400 $8.96 4.2% D20 PLUMBING Deo Plumbing $170,829 $170,829 $1881 88% Dgo HVAC ‘Dg HVAC $201,532 $201,532 $22.20 10.4% espe Ph ft ase & PPro Marogermant Gost Pp oO ge uke Josep Simes House o6-Auras Phase 2 Renovation Pymouth, MA PIymouth, MA PA 9,080 CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY punpave srSTEM. ‘SUBTOTAL, Tora % RENOVATION go FIRE PROTECTION jo ‘Fie Protection $112,153 $2153 $1295 5.8% D50_ ELECTRICAL D5010 Service & Distribution $236,082 $236,082 $26.00 12.2% E10 EQUIPMENT Pee ‘Equipment $54,590 $54,590 $6.01 2.8% E20 FURNISHINGS E2010. Fixed Furnishings $26,390 2020 Movable Furnishings $0 $36,390 $4.01 1.0% 10 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Fio Special Construction $0 $0 $0.00 0.0% F20 SELECTIVE BUILDING DEMOLITION Feo1 Building Elements Demolition $158,304 F2020 Hazardous Components Abatement $36,320 $194,624 10.0% TOTAL DIRECT COST (Trade Costs) 91,939.03 $213.55 100.0% Joswph Stes Haus Paso #2 Exiete q PC Propagat Coe, Pees kese ste eet REE eee ORR Toe PM&.c Jeeta csi0e coche ima one Eee _ wif oe our eee om [um | Ser [Ser eee sae HIOOR sasonet 295 toa Fee toe on tong ton (Ceo FF ‘ao10 STANDARD FOUNDATIONS Bewaton wo ts v= Seon steforsese ice cera ae us wh cele at we 650 4 wk re eo — sso te to a ont mater 3000s 3 9 500 us Pang exocte psa “5 Ewton = 8 285 Sore se forse meee 6 Bx th eo mato = y8g0 0 mw ef 100 i a wo ts to ay rare water 3.000 ps ce x0 Pacagemarte 2 9 400 0 xcnaton woo us 1 Soren tn torvewe uo (tte 7 Back ith ltl mati = 7 S60 = Farmer SSEaeisata aos 0 Reber ae 0 Conte ates 3,009 ps tie ace aes a Pages 2 9 00 7 Poomort gee ree oie wears 9 Cree materi 3,000 ps Reale aimee teeta Pogeonse eg 4500 ‘9s pring Endo a at aig aot 185 ” fatto toodaon ts mf 380 o roma era = Fonmoct ee re pete ire wae 4 vento mtr 3.0 5 @ soo ms Pcie eee 7 eee vee ee tat Ss see gaceaeeres PSuaensereseseseeerreyuyezzaasy PM&.C =o ae Saar content Oe = Pd Fr ova rr te i & & rain wom wo Serene eo tm be ea ht Be Ser ewe eae ae mone so tle Cro mi 0 to toe Picea > 3 om icon fe 49 tom apo Srv ap or Pesta rept eee tons eee Srucatemowccioittoies Sasa cnn ate tte gona Mageroganatenrtnnicactaiume apm aoe conan sown ssa snsco sppcins-rousoanons Sewer sc Serra ae Lowest nix corseioN saimgueaacine Sow er ‘tena Bored tetera nr oe OS pn og si oi oe OS stale op mf fee Gren yes 3 meee nye 350 ae ‘onan se eae Shonantstetnet emo swe sue we FS a we ee nape moo le vena oh ees Come tk gop oa Peer Se Fetal exgse a Beans fran esr ee Koma 23 mee eat 7 5 ee ovat rom suo Peter eeeEEE oe ees oom Ete puma ts ee ee S acum i a Pe Er pane eerie eae oe See easel oe a pee tata ws peg comet er oct eae Ceca Seo mee atgeounce Pa oe ae 1 wm ‘Coaatioa tawaigt cterp ee titan Seema oo omer pa oo scorer uv t EARNS 15675) es es reron, i eer nee Nowra msn sonora. i (ee Eero } zoo FLOOR cONSTRLCTON HiSiaca aa Newton cues sppoth nt tat ee cae a aaa Serta en gen eft ea esemes (2) fas jpemepepr react See ‘tarsus ak orn es Sonn es ia eat eee os he ete ees ae Sere eae ae as fame ee eee 1 evetted aetna Pea aaa Sete nc eee vob a Sport pa age nr aewn Pe oe cena ra cote at pea est aaa ica 7 smn % FEES EEERE GSS RS REESE a PM&.C oweplasies Hesse osasess hat a Rerration amet Concept stint (Sane sours ee [ww | tose ena som ae "RENOVATION 2 ax6sil plat including ance bath 6" oe i 500 1695 2-ax8 beader pnd 200 98 geaxR header wo 29.00 pe 2-eaoheater 6 2650 69 y/8° x7) VE header 5 2850 28 e/a" xray LVL header 3 200 7 38/2" xg.a/2" LVL bear of arto a9 bog/a'ep iq" LVL header sit 2.00 6 8/4 x7a/e PSL-eedor so 6o00 isto 19/4" x7-a/a" Wider 4 6400 7896 /4" xa LL gdor of ye00 80 248 framing nd Moor sheathing 12" 0c ust 4.00 ze Sister esting jolt wf x8 4385 200 Bo Sister existing jolt wf x10 sou of 00 sue (Connect exiting oc faming to new foundation a s000 050 Allowance Sor masonry beam pocket detail on $2.2 aa 50.00 200 Allowance forms. structural repairs to ose 1 ls s00000 5000 Desk/Raump Premed deckand ramp with"syntbeticwoot = a8 of 0.00 uo decking "“Syulleticwood” guardnalingsatcampanistirs 103 If sis00 2484s Meta and alae to pase alls 89 60.00 seo "Syuthtic wood” eps an set dec ae 00 40 Standing ri at amp and deck so 20.00 1000 ‘Rang trim tramp ad dec tsa if 20.00 3860 Lattice werkt desk nd omy us of 1500 ‘ens - ‘Recull exiting deck Ca g0.00 so Redbull exiing desstep 28 eo00 véto " a Pie stoplngsloars 3 fs agnec0 7600 suBroTAL, soap, i020 ROOF CONSTRUCTION sax header at ‘9900 am 2x6 post ow 9.00 546 ‘2x6 sloped manent nelading sheathing wa 2700 a8 a0 ridge aot 20.00 eoxship at 1.00 a axb not 2500 = zxBtater. collars 0 80.00 ‘2 rafter incluting dheathing a4 of 000 ‘2B afer over fame 49 3000 ‘Aowance to adel wood supprtto existing roof aot of 00 Miscellaneous PM&C Joseph Simes Hoome tse Pend ‘concer Hatin [Bie som er | wr | fase ee, sor ‘ont RENOVATION Mise anchor, clips and banger to new rat 1 4000.00 3,000 Mise anchors, lips and bangers existngroot 1 3500.00 1900 imany. ‘Allowance to rpairand refinish canopy and sides +e 3000.00 3000 ‘Alowance ty construction new canopy to match pe 7500 5700 fsieng fishes SUBTOTAL sasto "TOTAL -SUPERSTRUCTORE — Bos] (ise —eerERTOR cost > Hato EXTERIOR WALLS 6 se tu n598 500 rats ill nsolaton, Sens 9-1/2" at wall ft nos 250 988 aly arse at al | 1505 sf 090 738 Plywood testing al 1505 of 82 584 S/@°bivebord and veneer plastering to interior 3.505 200) 478s feof td inept wal fll s/f"Muebant and veser plastering ointerlr —gt90 st 3.00 1570 face of existing sod val, Wallinsulstion, eras 4/0" atesising stad gto. 250 2975 Pal air bandera exeing 590 050 2695 tir a Vewpne clap ber sng to match ening ss95 1400 22,590 22° standing rim 160 if 36.00 2.960 v2" rouning tim wat 16.00 1860 © standing trim 3 sap 186, 6 vooalngtein we x 12.00 ow 4 jamb and head trim to windows oe 9.00 786 4 mb and bed trim to doors e i 9.00 v8 iim to windows a tt noo 259 Sol rim atrndow to atch ein 2 90000 600 nil rim at window tomatch eltog 2 a 35000 0 Mie yall im to exter 1 5000.00 5000 Misslaneous Propand paint exterior ig and tim & 600000 6.000 [nl exterior masonry opening existing foundation gs00.00 2.500 Mise rept to existing sing, 1 agn0.c0 2,500 New sixelotmailbor 4 500.00 ‘00 SUBTOTAL wows Bzozo WINDOWS [Newewindows to match eiting ton st 90.00 ‘9180 New transom windows tomate exiting ag 0.00 320 Newintrir tei to mat exiting 0 500 590) SoipPrime and palatexsting iteror window ims gon 12.00 4804 Preniom for Lad alt akin below lashing at new windows woof 600 660 a angaga BRRBY So 92852 S98 SRE PSUR SERS FER OF ee Mobi topes coer terttae sorrom ee a rae ne eee ey em aoe omits ite fp aeat acacia coms aoe Scoping somone i (oro ==] ee eS at som taco als Teo epee Soe set ele gaol ts Soon eee fee oe ecco eee or Cima imatepetmnentiomnheising ap Fao fetetan connie the sous gow ea career ean ene ae Somos omen featteceae ttt eeeeraaiaaeres ee = Peles eptecrctentten ee ‘omanteipahe petenicen poh enue eran eens cepa ‘cena Mee emdtatingionerenoy ek manag Pe ae een eee fe ae ay t ee 6557] camo raxreiove eomomeiaa a panama eeepc diane tetas et ag wend a aoe aes eno coms yae a ease gt ee CSN Sie eer re eee ie catia sees pees etsee aoe secede ae gas ae ag ca a _Jeenph me ces Pha #2 Eira Page c (PMC Prec Morar at Saey Pegg 4 PMé&.c Jowop ies Hote oases ‘hase = Renovation Pinot rer “rr ar a Torr cov | war | ons cost oar iRTTON 5:6" wond fame 5/8" veneer plate en side met meso 907s a exiting plactr vals st 1000 80 -Funed wall at oundations ast 500 1965 ‘Shaft wall assembly out 1200 10988 seclancons wal repeic 1 500000 5000 ‘SUBTOTAL, yom ‘C1020 INTERIOK DOOES Nevtush wood interior unit door, fame and 12 ke ag1000 15700 Dardwaresiagie ‘New los wood intrtoeunt door, fame and 2 le 250000 5.000 arcwaredonble ew stl and mil wood inter dor, frame ad 15 lec 220000 2.000 ‘arden; angle Restraint exiting single dor sad ame 2§ Wwe 00.00 12.500 Rostrs pint esting doable deor an fame 4 pie 900.00 3600 Novels wood Inteeor wit poke oor, fame snd 2 we sa1o00 2800 barcware Finish now dooes and fares soe aoe 34:0 Sealant reaung at all dear 6 a 6.00 31600 SUBTOTAL 9650 C1030 SPECIALTIES / MILLWORK. Now grab barsin bathroom 6 we 15000 900 ‘Now Minto athroom 6 a 15000 900 “Tolle accesories 6 500.00 3000 Wiiteourd at conference room aot 1500 600 New lost sett a 25.00 600 ‘ew lose ple 4 i 10.00 240 New shower cutanand od 2m 50.00 100 ‘New bored ight wo 70.00 azo Panty shelving assume levels 6s it 45.00 2935 Ne coat beaks each wait 2 be 500 250 Remove, refaish and reinstall commer panty’: 2 ke 50000 1000 Reich Sepace mantis B we e000 5600 Allowance for miscellaneous Hocking ese sf 075 5810. “Alowanee for misslizneousselans 3080 250 440 SUBTOTAL a8sts c TOTAL - INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION waz] C2010 STAIR CONSTRUCTION ages staleas; including ang, wood 3% 4900.00 42.000 Hand ralingsat new sis a5 90.00 aso SUBTOTAL, 5390 ‘C2020 STAIR FINISHES ‘Wed trader to new stale 228 ie 22.00 5016 ‘onic reads mud sean esting monumental 210 18.00 70 ste Refssh meade and ists to eiting stirs x9 500 2685 Sich goad allt existing is ot 20.00 1810 ns ene Pa he Poo Puc Petmpnrt fo SSESSSE ERE REE SERS © E GERSHEEES § BEe PRESS S PM&.C Jesh Hose cers seh Seee mee Ronis one tate | 7 — a Sea fe esc axiom [a |S a TATION Fi onesies 3 nom 4g SumToTA 8 TOTAL -STAIRCASES. sn97 | cyot WALL uusies Piste tea oe ae ‘ate cmmertichen ear eases eae Patt andor prdng cig wa re sumToTA ast cqo20 rLooR mssti6s Nepwerfberns Per Noveaberboe so 00a Nev crits nbetiors ed nee ‘ovoromistine bse ee areas te cae ercrumitir fees foe g ita lane evo tebe es co wes er ‘evinepotg mine eo bana Now wolfe mf oot ev owed mt to tate ero ad psi ew hor mttaer i eps rst oes sm goog ope mes atest han < £0 me at Soutvaeeng os hang ees ata eae Remewtastowedeutherdreisat toda "6ap tam 0 roomie Pach rs meat eer SuuTOTAL ease caoso comin rosie SCraereson eae a Reprint ering oie mekngs or me Panels sou 135g SUBTOTAL p00 c "TOTAL. - INTERIOR FINISHES: $165,363 |] Provo HEAWATOR air 4th ome A 1% soomce——Boeoo Silage ee aera eo orcatvitier re feo Sonora mes (an commer syste ag) Deo PLUMBING, GENERALLY Equloment \Wetermte assembly Domestic HW hater eh cnree te oa YH 2000.00 ‘159.00 ‘3000 150 Peeing REPRPAFARTERTRRTE RATE zine PLGERT ELPA TREE EEE PMS.c smite — Saar moat Ee a onl S| 2 [ae | Slovaror Donte te tom Oram 1S sopmon samo Spent peta ae tetas Depreae e 1d slots ate ‘omega te reo ts Aimar npn tf somos sme fn ia sma ms 3 sence te = toe me rr re ' re oe te tne lam ” tS those to ns tna s ee cles G I le ho to us ms pS Saco tam he Te Some es ome ‘Sloman ete WC te mee Donato Si omen eww Se ore mo atm Sooper = on am svecomte mm Fe sero wok kaos tse wom oe te ‘Sweat Bee eae ste Want iran Petsson States Cae Pehinehs Sear ‘ens wenn duumemne renee re Scrmie mF ase ae Fab ee re rage Sie Cope Pr es Sie ee oo io da aneame tne ‘Lama tones oe mee Strmmvatwoniuibndzaumetve ag Fos Sumas se mmm nace wirtasee swe ow sss oe fea een sacans PETERCR ALARA T SEER REDE DE AAT PMEC Jovphins Hones tess Boe noanaon Fimoan ia once atte EE pascurnaw case. car. sort ‘corr MENOVERTON Ya" BSSch 40 OF 2789 a ‘Alowanesforvakes 2 ss0000 590 Prope conection 1m sen00 ‘00 Miellaneous ‘Aowance fordemo 2 -s000 2.000 ‘romium or wortagasouad esting wal, Sih, SHED edit ae pa Sub Contract Teade Genel Coins / 2 n81970 1550 Recutements Cong, sere fie stopping 2 aga020 500 “esting and terion 2 a50000 200 Fees pes 2 550994 510 SUBTOTAL sro “TOTAL PLUMBING. oe) eae) 30 HVAC, GENERALLY Func Sat Gas ie ras 26M lonance 4 6500.00 6500 Cconing eal a 400 a8 Condenser; U5 aw 4 1900000 19000 Relient pipework fo 40.00 ‘200 ‘ata wing 4 @ 79000 750 ‘Minis Siem 1: Dweng Moar Pa 2.5tons 2420090 498 CU 25 os kk B06 3754 etgerntpipewoit ef 000 aso “Peta epw wiig = pmo 0 Carel conter 4 s7g000 ns ‘Mini ot sotem ex Delage P-9;9 tone 2m 89630 05 Petr; 5 tne +e 46150 4760 Retigerant pipework ia 40.00 ato ‘Pett ew wii, 2 se000 00 4 arg000 a0 + ta047——t0790 FOU, 8 9; 076 m8 3 = ang90 saa FOU, 4,687 tm 40 semae 8700 Refgerant plpewiek a fase erate atte wing 7 sin nae Spl controller som 50000 500 Mn Soi Stem Mate Machne Room HP-4stone 2 289590 2896 POU-10;2 tone eer 1430 Refigerant pews wo 4000 4800 "stat ef wig ottck th per 4 10000 1,000 Contoler 4 5000 00 wage Pertrrririe! se a PME: Jaseph Snes House sfotseas Tusta Reraion| wea Cop Eatinate "RENOVATION exhaust in, Bea 2a 400.00 800 ra soa 40000 2,000 UnitHantess ‘Allowanefor uit esters 3 s90000 5,000 ‘Sheet metal Acessories (Gabantaat ductwork 1830 Tha 25650 Dist neaton 4300 ef 6.500 Dect liner 1900 of 485 Fle wap ooo 1950 Volare dampers 2% 2500 Allowance for FDVESD's 1 3800 Supply difser / Fabaust/Returo Geile so 75.00 5.250 steroe piles; fal only pps sa arg a Dbz te 8165 we ng 2 wat a Dds 2 @ arora ot Dos: 2 a 13642 zn ‘Gean & Banko existing antique gies 48 00.00 2000 ‘Condensate Din iping sya" PvE a 579 us, reve so 490 245 sieeve m5 428 7 Insalaton 350 0 2450 Balancing Systm testing balancing © 050 ‘Miscllnsous ‘Alowance for deta 2B 200000 2.000 resus for working around esting walls, fash, 1 426020 460 ‘Sub-Cantract Tad General Conditions / 2B BBsL05 8.851 Requirements ‘Coving, sleeves lire topping 4 is 200000 2000 ‘lgging equipment renal 1350000 2500 ‘Vibration tae restraats + 5000.00 ‘5000 SUBTOTAL 2os3 i TOTAL HVAC ama) 40. FIRE PROTECTION, GENERALLY auiomeat 6" Double check ave assembly 1 56a250 5.683 {"cuperieed valve 2 g65.49 3938 af check vale 1 a 742 997 Siamese connession 1 oe 730.00 70 Htetrie bl 1 oe 230.00 250 Sprinkler heas; upright ype soa 5753, 2a = Q BRERERGRGRREDR z PEESEER EERE EG AUASTRIT TEES PESEEEREREE PM&C dover Sines ose cones wicbahsnoe Feo anette ad = ar ow came | wm | cose eost_|__sote. = RTOS Speeer bods concede oa for be7 Serine header ype soa can 198 Sprinter xd ys dy 5 8000 400 Plana srassehio 7 whee suse #788810 ot u9 7681 °055eb10 ws costar 2a/e"25 50410 7 i mars 148 SBSSHx0 ma ern ame 1/2 B9Schg0 mn $0653 Ly B88a 40 28 a7 0.8 asso son 5735 Mines ‘Premium for working axound existing walls, finishes, 1b 2,486.13, 2486 a ‘Shae Tne Ger Cons / a asmas aa Reqienent Cur, sess fre stop 1% ago000 800 Stier 1% 990000 000 est permits 1% 000 790 ssusTOTAE was [ TEE = FIRE PROTECTION a] D501 SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION Nonmallease ‘Mowe for deta mewraranganet 1 By ily 100A le rete 2 @ 200000 4000 shone etree 2 400000 44000 eederE-2 me my 307 eters Bango soe Tete og so 200 “0 soak nls 2 300000 400 sashes 2 250000 000 aviomen Wine ‘owen fer emsipmen ods cnmetons 9080 at ag ato somrorAt, a5ui6 Dso20 LIGHTING a rOWER, in cnc Pt ‘ype 2 a 2800 0 sore wo @ 25002950 ype 4 9000720 ype 4 28000 ko ‘ype Brallowance 4 4000000 yet 7 000 igo ter 7 @ smo ayo ‘ype allowane 1 @ 5000 60 eo mo sano G0 Ww eee eeeee eeegeegseresaera gages PMEC ed oe anpas rou \oncoeFatimate TF a “9 ar or _| wm | cost ‘cose so. cast oa 20000 1.800 woe 28500 1850 aoa 490.00 290 aoe 135.00 540 aoe 285.00 570 1a 40000 400 aoe 175.00 350 am 21500 40 ao 225.00 4980 noe 200.00 2,200 Lighting wires point us a 55:00 7865 Refurbich osting fitaro 1 y90000 3,000 ‘ing Conta. 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