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Humanity has its own ego and deeper psyche: the ego-self is represented by laws, institutions
and mores, power and authority, economic forms and ideological norms, while the deeper
psyche is represented by those individuals, groups and movements, within or without any
system, who wittingly or unwittingly infuse ordinary life with emergent macro-issues or new
quantum changes.
As in the case of an individual person, society also has its fears, guilt-complexes, neuroses and
madnesses (frequently demonstrated!), and is presented at every stage with opportunities either
to heal and resolve issues that arise, or to perpetuate or exacerbate ills, illusions, oppression
and destruction or to invent new ways of expressing each.
Choice exists in human history as well as in the life of the individual and this choice is
particularly accentuated today. Would that collective, global choice were more consciously

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