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History and Astrology

Historical-astrological research is at a crucial position right now: we live in times in which there
is a greater-than-normal sense of history being made, and in which archaeology-history are in a
period of fundamental reassessment, in the light of new perspectives and data. Also, the
venerable craft of astrology has come upon computers, making for a massive leap in dataprocessing capabilities and accuracy, to match new standards of understanding arising since
the holistic revolution of the 1960s.
Poised as we seem to be on the edge of a new phase of globalised human history, a fusion of
two disciplines such as history and astrology is fortuitous: we have much to learn from the past
and a great need to cease repeating its errors, lethal as our technology, human behaviour and
world situation have become. Astrology, with its psycho-spiritual and analytical strengths, lends
a new dimension to futurology, as well as to history. Its use in futurology is not in prediction in
my view, a rather unhealthy and neurotic practice but in mapping possibilities and options for
the future, within which we can use our free will more clearly. But, most important of all, there is
the matter of orienting ourselves in the present, where past and future meet and inter-react. The
bottom-line motivation behind creating this ephemeris is to help us understand our place in the
present time.
Astrology offers an excellent and organic conceptual timeframe for historical analysis. It gives a
detailed and precise way of identifying the kinds of currents and modulations involved in
longterm changes in 'energy-weather' patterns. It describes the subjective, subtle atmospheric
contexts within which the major moves and decisions of history are made.

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