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Homework Solutions

January 19-January 22
p. 272 #4 a and c
a. Linear, slight positive. You cannot use Spearmans rank, because they are not comparing
the same way, one is carbon dioxide, one is life. They would need to be a rank or percent.
b. South Africa is an outlier in life expectancy only.
p. 268 Check your understanding- please turn in
Hamburger worksheet:
1. Direction: positive, Strength: fairly strong, Shape: linear, Does the graph vary- no. Does
the graph have clusters- yes. Does the graph have outliers, no.
2. For every one gram increase in fat, there is 0.49 grams increase in protein.
3. 19.4 grams of protein.
p. 305 #1
a. = 301.3 591,231
b. 301.3; for every increase in year the number of hippos increased by 301.3
c. The largest residual is 1975. Residual=observed-predicted:
Residual= 2342 (301.3(1975) 591,231) 1495.
This means that there were 1495 less hippos that the regression line predicted.
d. 301.3(2016) 591,231 16,190

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