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Parents Responsibilities

-It is important for parents to share and support the learning of their child in order
to build their confidence as a learner if a child experiences an excitement for
learning among their parents, they will likely share this same excitement and
enjoy learning too.
-In becoming more aware of the curriculum being taught, parents can better
understand what their child is learning and, in turn, incite discussion points to
prompt their child to share their learning.
-As the primary educators, it is crucial for parents to model appropriate behaviour
that will help with their childs learning of the French language such as fostering
the love of reading, creating a space for sharing ideas and discussing the value of
the French language.
How to use them
Impact on FSL learning
Read to your child on a
Read a minimum of 5
Reinforce important
regular basis in English
minutes per night with
reading strategies that
or, if possible, in French.
your child. During
they can then apply to
Books can be accessed at reading, encourage them their reading within the
your local library or by
to look at the pictures,
French classroom and
using the following onfind familiar words and
help grow their
line platform:
sound out new words by
confidence as a reader.
http://www.childrenslibrar breaking the word into
There are many skills syllables. Afterwards,
and abilities that transfer
discuss the book they
between languages. []
read by retelling the
phonetic skills,
story, sharing your
ngcode=en&ilang=Englis favorite part or talking
strategies, [] familiarity
h&langid=12 or
about what the book
with text formats reminds you of (another
(Ontario Ministry of
story, movie or a time
Education, 2014).
when you did something
like that).
Listen to French music
Allow your child to
These games and videos
and videos or play French explore the various
will help to build their
games. These can also be activities. Afterwards, ask vocabulary set, as well
accessed in various forms them to teach you some
as, foster a love of the
at your local library or by
of the new French
French language by
using the following onvocabulary they learned.
learning through fun and
line platform:
engaging games and
tfo or
/histoires00.htm or
Expose your child to
When visiting museums
By extending the learning
French in various ways,
or watching movies, to
into the home, your child
such as visiting a local
name a few examples,
is more likely to use the

museum where captions

are likely to be written in
both languages or watch
a movie by selecting
French Audio or Subtitles
(DVDs and many Netflix
movies allow for this).

have them look or listen

for French words they
may know and teach
them to you. Afterwards,
allow time to share ideas
and opinions about what
they saw and explain why
they think that. Get them
talking about it.

learned skills more

spontaneously and adapt
those skills to different or
new settings. strong oral
language skills [listening
and speakin] provides the
foundation for your child
to develop better literacy
skills. (Ontario Ministry
of Eduction, 2014)

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