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soow2015 Caursera Need technical help? Visit our new Leamer Help Center! Week 1 Quiz Question 1 Data entry Pattern discovery Clustering Data cleaning Classification Question 2 Tid Items bought 10 Beer, Nuts, Diaper 20 Beer, Coffee, Diaper, Nuts 30 Beer, Diaper, Eggs 40 Beer, Nuts, Eggs, Milk 50 Nuts, Coffee, Diaper, Eggs, Milk Table 1: Transactions from a database. htpssclas.coursera ccpatterrciscovery-O0 iadztatempt?aui_jd=05 Help Center Waming: The hard deadline has passed, You can attempt it, but you will not get credit for it. You are welcome to try it as a learning exercise, In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, | (Rossana Cunha) certify that the answers here are my own work. Which of the following tasks does not fall under the scope of data mining? Select all that apply. us soow2015 Caursera Given the transactions in Table 1, minsup s = 50%, and minconf c = 50%, which of the following is an association rule? Select all that apply, ) Beer > Nuts, } Nuts > Diaper ) Coffee = Milk ) Nuts > Eggs ) Diaper > Eggs Question 3 Tid Items bought 10 | Beer, Nuts, Diaper 20 | Beer, Coffee, Diaper, Nuts 30 | Beer, Diaper, Eggs 40 | Beer, Nuts, Eggs, Milk 50 | Nuts, Coffee, Diaper, Eggs, Milk Table 1: Transactions from a database. A strong association rule satisfies both the minsup and minconf thresholds. Given the transactions in Table 1, minsup s = 50%, and minconf c = 50%, how many strong association rules are there? Note that the association rule A »B and B >A are distinct. 4 Question 4 htpssclas.coursera ccgpatterrciscovery-O0 iadiztatempt?auiz_jd=05 26 soow2015 Coursera Consider the database containing the transaction Ty : {ay, a2, a5, 24, as}. Tz | {@2, 83, 24, a5, 26) Let minsup Which of the following is a closed frequent pattern? Select all that apply. {a4, @2, 43, 84, 45, ag} {a2, 43, 4, a5) {a2, @3, 4, 85, Ae} {ap, as} {@y, ag, a3, a4, as} Question 5 Consider the database containing the transactions T; : (ay, &2, @, 24, &s), Tz: {@2, 25, 84, 5, A}: Let minsup Which of the following is both a max frequent and a closed frequent pattern? Select all that apply. {@1, a2, a3, 44, 25, a6} {@2, a, 4, a5, a6} {a5, a2, 25, a4, a5} {@2, 43, 44, As} {ap, as} Question 6 Which of the following statements is true? Closed frequent patterns can always be determined from the set of max frequent patterns We can recover all frequent patterns and their supports from the set of closed frequent patterns. Since both closed and max frequent patterns are a subset of all frequent patterns, we cannot recover all frequent patterns and their supports given just the closed and max frequent patterns. We can recover all frequent patterns and their supports from the set of max frequent patterns. The set of closed frequent patterns is always the same as the set of max frequent patterns. htpssclas.coursera.ccgpatterrciscovery-O0 iadiztatempt?aui_jd=05 as soow2015 Caursera Question 7 If we know the support of iteriset fa, b, c) is 10, which of the following numbers are the possible supports of the itemset (a, 6}? 10 9 1 Question 8 If we know the support of itemset {a} is 50, and the support of itemset {a, b, c} is 10, which of the following numbers are the possible supports of itemset {a, w}? 50 100 10 30 Question 9 Considering Apriori Algorithm, assume we have obtained all size-2 (ie. containing 2 items, e.g. {A, B)) frequent itemsets. They are (A, 8}, {A, C}, {4, D}, {B, C}, {B, E}, {C, &}. In the following size-3 itemsets, which of them should be considered, Le. are potential to be size-3 frequent itemsets? {A,B,C} BC.8 1A. B, E} {A B,D} Question 10 htpssclas.coursera ccgpatterrciscovery-O0 iadiztatempt?auiz_jd=05 4s soow2015 Caursera ao f4 cl ~ I o:3| [bt] [b:z I a3 pl m:2 I I p:2| | m1 Figure 1: FP Tree Given the FP-tree as shown in Figure 1, what is the support of {c, p}? In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, | (Rossana Cunha) certify that the answers here are my own work. [centewes ) Lees] You cannot submit your work until you agree to the Honor Code. Thanks! htpssclas.coursera ccpatterrciscovery-O0 iaztatempt?auiz_jd=05 85

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