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Dear Cael,

Our childhood means more than anything to me. The Spaniards who
fished on our shores taught us so much about what their country was like. I
remembered how the Arabs taught us how to read and write a little. Our
fishing trips along the shores were fun. I enjoyed our short childhood
together, and I hope you can forgive me for the news I am about to give you.
This letter will be hard to write, given the circumstances.
My mother has sent my brother, sister, and I on a journey to Cairo. She
wants my sister and I to become suitors for the prince. I was not happy to
hear about this. If I do become the next queen, I will have to die by my
husbands side. My palace will be the desert sands, my job will be to give
birth to the next ruler. Thinking about this made me feel horrible for my
young sister, she is only ten and still as pure as a pearl. I do not want her to
become the queen and loose so much of her youth.
My father said our brother would be coming with us because of his
issue. As you know, he is crippled and my parents cannot care for him any
longer. We will try to get him help in Cairo. This trip will take us far away from
home. I will never see you again, but I pray that our paths cross in the next
life. I have decided to take my favorite hobby from Sebta, trading, with me
on my journey. I am bringing my gold, salt, oil, dried fish, and dates with me.
I hope to gain many riches with these items.
I will write to you soon about my journey. About the items I gain and
the people I meet. About the hardships I face and becoming a suitor. For
now, I must say goodbye. I hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend,

Dearest Cael,

I bring news from the desert! My siblings and I have stopped at an

oasis where a trading post sits. Our camel, Jip, has become fond of the dates
that grow on the palms here. He is a good animal, very strong and has a mild
temper. I have traded many things. My oil has gone towards buying new
clothes for my sister. Instead of an old skirt, she now wears a dress of blue
cloth that seems to glow against her dark skin. She is so beautiful, with my
fathers emerald eyes and my mothers silky black curls. She will be a fine
suitor. I hope that I dont lose her.
I havent gotten much sleep. The desert is scorching hot during the
day, but the night is cold. I miss my hut back in Sebta and the many
celebrations around the fire. Now my nights are spent watching and waiting,
caring and hoping. I want to go home to you, Cael. Jip has become more than
a pet to me. He is a friend. You would like him.
My brother has gotten sick. He cannot walk any longer, and he spends
much of his time sleeping on the back of his own mule. The donkeys from the
Spanish coast near home were so naughty, this one reminds me of them. He
has a prickly coat of grey hair and muddy eyes.
I will write to you when I arrive in Cairo. My task is to deliver the letter
my mother has made me keep safe to the king. For now, tell my friends I
miss them and my parents I love them.
Your friend,

This letter might have to be cut short due to a sandstorm that will be
approaching shortly. We are on the outskirts of Cairo. I have met two

merchants and have gained many fruits! They are called figs, and are grown
in a country called Greece. They taste amazing. My brother, Bhakti, has
gotten worse. He says his lungs feel like they are filled with water, and he is
having trouble breathing. We are camped out at an oasis. I have drawn a lot
on this trip to keep my mind off of my brothers state. The sandstorm is
getting closer as I write! I hope that Jip lives through this. Say hello to my
parents for me, and tell my friends I miss them. I miss you very much, Cael.
Your friend,

Hello Cael,
I have sad news. During a sandstorm, Bhakti passed away. His body
was found covered in sand, and we left him there to dry up. I regret that
choice. We just couldnt bring the extra weight. My sister now owns his mule
and has named it Ayo. She is happy and content with its company. We have
arrived in Cairo and are staying at my aunts house. She is a lavish and
successful woman, but her husband is an absolute buffoon.

He wears the cloak of high society. On his head sits an imaginary

crown. He thinks he is a royal. A royal isnt that ignorant. He calls me a
ruffian, a savage from a small village. He doesnt know that in my bag I hold
hidden riches of gold and salt. He adores my young sister, however. He says
she is a princess.
My aunt Delhi loves me. She teaches me how to write and read, and
how to draw and shade. She knows that I value education over beauty. My
uncle has delivered the letter from my mother to the king. In a few days, we
will be called to the palace to get prepped and dressed in dresses and silks. I
do not want to. My aunt knows this.
She has told me of a place called Mecca. Where universities teach
students about science and writing and people practice a religion that is
spreading rapidly. Aunty has said that the night before we get called to the
palace would be the best time to run away. I will leave my sister here, she
dreams of becoming the next queen. I think she has a high chance. Her
beauty will certainly win and she is the proper age. I hope she doesnt lose
her purity too soon though. I will leave with the help of my aunt, she will give
me spices, salt, gold, rubies, and a prayer rug to trade on my journey.
I will write to you when I arrive in Mecca. For now, I hope that you dont
tell my parents of my escape.
Your friend,

Dear Cael,
I have arrived in Mecca! It is a huge place, the buildings are beautiful
and the language is hypnotic. I have learned to write in Arabic, each letter is
like a drawing and the books are like masterpieces. My time at school is fun,
and I have received word from my aunt.
My sister has become the queen of Cairo! Her wedding ceremony was
beautiful. She wore a dress of green and a crown of gold and jewels. Her and
the prince were in love, which is a first. She has changed her name to
Calliope, which is what a Greek woman called her instead of her true name.

She has become part of Cairos politics, and is very interested with the
schools. I hope that Calliope has a wonderful life.
I have made many friends here. Aaminah and I have rented a cottage
together. She was born here in Mecca. We have traded many things. Spices,
perfumes, candies. Aaminah has taught me Islam, the religion of her people.
Each day I pray five times. I give to the poor. She has told me of the month
of Ramadan where we fast each day and the hajj, where Muslims travel from
all over to pray at the Kabbah. It has a wonderful history, perhaps I will tell
you another time.
I have met a man named Andon. He is tall and has red hair, an unusual
color. He is from Macedonia. His stories are detailed and strange. He is about
my age, maybe a few years older. Andon and I met at the library. He speaks
two languages, like us; Macedonian and Arabic. While we speak Arabic and
Berber. We plan on getting married in the winter. For now I must focus on
My studies have become more detailed. I have learned about surgery
and medicine and have hopes of becoming a doctor. These letters will be less
frequent, and I know that you might not get them. I want you to know that
this journey was amazing. Writing to you makes it feel like you have been
with me the whole time. If you do decide to come here in the future, I hope
that you can study with me. Sebta seems so different now. It doesnt seem
like home. But, our friendship is still alive, and I hope that our paths cross
Love and goodbye,

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