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Artifact Reflection - Senior Capstone Project

Megan Sands

12 January 2016 Period

Name of Journey: I Believe

Explain your artifact final product and ALL the steps you took to create it.
My final artifact was a collage displaying my belief statement that: People
find their purpose through their passion. In order to clearly demonstrate my
belief I printed out a multitude of pictures and glued them into a collage. I
took photos of different people living out their passion, things that inspire
passion, and representations of different types of passion, and compiled
them together onto a piece of cardboard. This collage included photographs
of, (or representative of) athletes, musicians, physicians, artists,
photographers, writers, nature, paintings, books, beauty, music, faith, etc.
After printing the images in black and white, I decided to paint over and
highlight certain aspects of the collage as a whole. The pop of color and
artistic addition to the collage portrayed the idea of passion even more

What is the most important thing you learned during this process?
Throughout the process of creating this project I learned more about how to
better express myself through art, and better articulate my thoughts into a
project about my beliefs. I learned to be proud of what I accomplish and
reminded myself of the importance of passion in my life.

Explain the significance of your artifact and how it connects to the narrative.
My artifact was significant because it represented me. It connects to the
essay we wrote earlier in the year because what I wrote then also equally
represents me. Seeing passion and purpose and their relationship
throughout my life has taught me a lot. I find it important for people to live

out their purpose in life, no matter what it may be. Passion fuels that
purpose, making it also important.

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?
The only thing I would change about my project would be the way in which
my pictures were printed/ how the paint dried on the collage. However, I
could not easily change the outcome of either part of the final project.
Overall, I put my best effort into the project and was proud of how it turned

What did you find most challenging during this task?

The most difficult part of the project was actually coming up with a belief
statement. I believe in a lot of things but was stumped by how I could best
put them into a project like this.

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