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Chapter 20 review Some what you must know questions

1. Why do atomic spectroscopic techniques show very narrow linewidths when compared with that of
molecular techniques?
Series of excitations in molecular peaks is what gives you broad peaks
Atomic electrons can only be excited entire energy levels so they are confined the energy
transformations of the wavelengths of light that they are hit with ONLY
2. Explain the linewidth problem encountered in atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy if conventional
source/monochromator setups are used?
If conventional sources are used it is impossible to get slit width small enough in relative proportion to
the bandwidth
3. Explain the solution (component) to the linewidth problem discussed in #1.
The solution is to use a Hollow Cathode Lamp which has a special lamp made of the analyte so that it
only projects very narrow wavelengths of light

4. List the advantages and disadvantages of using the following in atomic spectroscopy techniques for the
introduction of sample:
conventional flame, inductively coupled plasma (ICP), and graphite furnace.

Conventional flame (AE)

o Very good detection
o Self-absorption of the flame and not the analyte
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) (AE)
o Hotter and more efficient than fuel flame
o Most commonly used
o More stable flame
o Less self-absorption
Graphite Furnace (AA)
o Great for wet biological samples that wont burn like tissues
o Manually intensive
o Low reproducibility

5. List and briefly describe the three different types of instrument noise encountered in spectroscopic
techniques. Briefly discuss a way each might be reduced.

6. What advantages are gained from employing a beam chopper in a flame AA instrument?
Allows you to factor out background/line noise and baseline correct for it

7. Be able draw and/or the label the parts of an ICP flame. What is the source of energy in this?
Source of energy is plasma ionized gas

8. Be able to draw the basic block diagram instrument setups for AA, AE, and AF spectroscopy.

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