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STONEWALL, Political Affairs Damocrats of Dallas Fwd: Stonewall Questions Tracy Clinton Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 5:49 PM To: Cannon Brown Tracy Yoo Clinton (0) 214-801-4346 Forwarded message From: Zachary Bullard <('> Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 1:14 AM Subject Stonewall Questions To: 41) Why are you seeking the endorsement of Stonewall? Answer: lam a strong supporter of the community and will work to exprass my support in my role as Sheriff, through the department, and within the community. |have previously participated in Stonewall events, block walks, etc., and look forward to more, Therefore, Id be honored to receive the endorsement, 6) How would you handle a situation in which you or an employe under you felt the need to not fulfil all your lawful ‘work duties due to you “deeply held religious beliefs"? Answer: First and foremost, the duties of the job come first at the office place. I would attempt to mediate the situation with the employee and find any agreeable terms, 4) When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create a friendly environment for LGBT and LGBT-friendly staff? Answer: I would continue to reach into the community and listen to the voice of the people, My department has hired quite a few community members as high up as executive staff level. 5) Would you appoint a liaison to meet with the LGBT community on an ongoing basis? ‘Answer: | have done this in the past and would like to continue the effort of reaching into our community whenever and however possible. At the end of every day, I want the community to know that they are safe and have a Sheriff that not only listens, but cares about their concems. 7) What are your plans to expedite the implementation of body cameras and associated video storage for Dallas County law enforcement? Answer: Simple: | support the implementation of body cams. Having the publics trustis a top priority for my department | will work with our County Commissioners to see what is possible now and how to expedite the process any with regards to finances and time.

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