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Katy Warner

833 Brooks street, Missoula, MT 59801


University of Montana
Missoula, MT; 3.92 GPA, Deans List. High Honors. Phyllis J. Washington School of Education.
Major: Elementary Education. Concentration: Mathematics.
Expected Graduation: May 2016
American University in Bulgaria
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Study Abroad Program, Spring 2014; awarded the Gilman Scholarship to study abroad

Field Experiences required by Teacher Education Program:
-Fall 2015: Frenchtown Elementary, 3rd grade, Christi Hoskinson
**Will also be student teaching in this classroom spring of 2016
-Spring 2015: Lewis and Clark Elementary, 5th grade, Leslie Ferrell
-Fall 2014: Lewis and Clark Elementary, 2nd grade, Kari Henderson
-Fall 2014: LAB Pre-School, University of Montana, Karen Martin
English as a Second Language Teacher, France Summer 2015
Taught English as a second language to French children in multiple locations in France though American
Village Summer Camps. English Instruction occurred through formal ESL lessons as well as interactive camp
activities, meal times, and evening programs.
Flagship After School Program Spring 2015
Facilitated Cultural Cooking class weekly for about 15 4th-5th graders at a Title One school. We made an entre
from a different country each week along with games and crafts from that culture.
English Writing and Literacy Tutor at The American University in Bulgaria Jan-May 2014
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Tutored University students (whose first language is not English) in writing, grammar,
and literacy for their essays and college and scholarship applications.
English Tutor and Pen-Pal Program Facilitator in Bulgaria Jan-May 2014
I was awarded the Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in Bulgaria (a scholarship given to exceptional students
studying in developing countries). The scholarship included a follow-on service project in which I worked with
Bulgarian 4th graders on their English as well as creating a pen-pal program between the 4 th grade class and
an American 5th grade classroom in MT.
Paper Grader for in the Math Department Professor Jan 2013-Jan 2014
Was selected in my Freshman year (after taking Math 135) to grade papers for Bonnie Spence, after being an
exceptional student in her class. Gave constructive feedback and critiques for University students taking Math
for Elementary Educators.


Undergraduate Recruitment Student Associate: Fall 2015-current. Work in the University of Montana Admissions
Office receiving questions from current students, perspective students, and staff around campus.
Administrative Aid at the Division of Biological Sciences at UM. Aug 2012-May 2015. Work-study office duties
included organizing the faculty evaluation processes, running errands, answering the phones, sorting mail, etc.
Advocates for the University of Montana: Fall 2012-current. Student body leaders; give tours to perspective
Freshman, run new student Orientations, required to be involved in the community.
Global Partners: Spring 2013-current. Partner with 1 or 2 foreign students on campus, befriend them, take them to
football games, etc.
Conversation Partners: Spring 2015-current. Work with students in the English Language Institute on their English
while exposing them to different aspects of American culture.
Study Abroad Ambassador: Fall 2014-current. Give seminars on studying abroad, promote study abroad programs.
Office Manager/Camp Activity Facilitator at YMCA Camp Erdman in Hawaii: Summer 2013. Duties Included:
interacting with campers, parents, and staff, managing the comings and goings of hundreds of children each week,
facilitating various camp games and activities in large and small groups, working with many people (mostly from China
and Japan) whose native language was not English.

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