Copyofpow4 Courtneybeeman

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Problem of the Week 4

POW Writeup due Friday, October 16

Jason and Maya went to Cream Bean Berry and left on their mountain bikes to go home at 1:15
pm. Maya travelled north at 32 mph and Jason travelled east at 24 mph. Determine the time when
Maya and Jason will be 130 miles apart and how far each of them will have travelled.
Understanding the Problem:
Start at Cream Bean Berry and take two straight lines, one 32 and the other 24 miles per hour, and
tell when each lines ends will be 130 miles apart. Also state how long each line is.
I drew a right triangle and labeled one point C.B.B. for Cream Bean Berry and then drew a line
going straight up at 32 mph and another one going horizontal at 24 mph and then connected each
end with the vertices. Using the Pythagorean Theorem (a^2+ b^2= c^2) I calculated
32^2+ 24^2= c^2
1024+ 576= 1600
Then calculated the square root of 1600 and got
c= 40 mph
To get the time that line C N (Maya) would be 130 miles away from C.B.B.
32mph/1hr = 130 miles/ x hr >>> 32x/32 = 130/32 >>> x= 4.1 hrs
I did the same thing to calculate how much time it would take for line C E (Jason) to be 130 miles
away from C.B.B.
24mph/1hr = 130 miles/ x hr >>> 24x/24 = 130/24 >>> x= 5.4 hrs
To find out what time it would be when Maya reached 130 miles I just used the time they both left
at (1:15 pm) and added 4 hours and 6 minutes. The time that Maya reached 130 miles was at 5:21
To find out what time it would be when Jason reached 130 miles I just used 1:15 pm and added 5
hours and 24 minutes. This made the time that Jason reached 130 miles be 6:39 pm.
The question we were trying to solve was, what time would it be when Maya and Jason reached
130 miles from Cream Bean Berry and the distance they traveled.
To figure out the distance apart they would be is by using 130 as the length of the two sides of the
triangles. I again used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance apart.
130^2 + 130^2 = c^2
16,900+ 16,900= 33,800

Then I figured out the square root of 33,800.

c= 183.8 miles apart
So the distance they wouldve traveled apart would be 183.8 miles.
I believe my answer is correct because I used the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the distance
Maya and Jason would be apart from each other. I also calculated the time it would take for them
to get 130 miles apart and what time it would be when they got there.

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