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OE EE PELE ELECr Service Manual PCM Keyboard SX-KN1000 (M), (MC), (XM), (EN), (EH), (EF), (EZ), (EW), (EA), (EP), (EK), (XL), (XR), (XS), (XD), (X) AREAS (My USA (EK): the United Kingdom (Mc): Canada (XL): New Zealand (XM): Mexico (XR): Australia (EN): Norway, Sweden, (XS): Malaysia, Singapore, Denmark, Finland South Aftica (EH): Holland (XO): Saudi Arabia, Kuwait (EF): France, taly, Belgium (X): the Middle East, (EZ): Germany Indonesia, Hong (EW): Switzerland Kong, the Philippines, | (EA): Austria Thailand, Taiwan \_ (EP): Spain, Portugal, Greece Specifications KEYBOARD Ti KEYS [TOUOH SENSITIVE KEYBOARD) ‘SOUND GENERATOR Pom ‘MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NOTES 7 32 NOTES 7 PRODUCED SIMULTANEOUSLY (AMAXIMUM OF 6 SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESSED KEYS CAN BE INPUT) r 120 SOUNDS (40 SOUNDS x 3 VARIATIONS) —— | PIANO 1,2, € GRAND, € PIANO 1.2 HARPSICHORD, MALLET #2. AFRICAN PERC, ORIENTAL PERC, GUITAR, Jazz preser |POLY1.POLY2, | GUITAR SOLID GUITAR, ROCK GUITAR. SPEGIAL PERG, PIPE ORGAN, IAZT ORGAW, FOF ONGAN VIOLIN, STRINGS, BSS SRagS, TRUMPET. TROMBONE. SYNTH Bamss 1-2. SYNYH PENG, SYNTH LEAD 2 g SYNTH ENSEMBLE 1, 2 SAK CLARINET, REED. ACCORSION, FLUTE. PAN ELUTE, ACOUSTIC BASS, g ELECTRIC BASS, CHOPSER BRSG, SYNTH BASS 3 ‘BASIC _ TONE, PITCH, ENVELOPE, VIBRATO, TOUGH SENSE, MEMORY WRITE & NAME SET "lon erreoT DIGITAL EFFECT, AUTOBEND & TAILL, MODULATION, OTHERS, MEMORY WRITE & NAME SET ‘SOUND MEMORY 10x aMEMORY BACKGROUND SOUND IRD, BEACH, CHURCH BEL, ClTY. APPLAUSE, EXALOSON, SPACE, FADE OUT EFFECT = T DIGITAL EFFECT, SUSTAIN, DIGITAL REVERA, PITCH BEND WHEEL, MODULATION WHEEL 120 PATTERNS (80 PATTERNS = 9 VARIATIONS) MARCH 1. 2, POLKA, COUNTRY 12, WALTZ 1-2, TANGO, RHUMBA. MAMBO, BIG BAND 4,2, JAZZ COMBO, | purine SeLECT Jnzz BALLAD, MODERN Jazz, DIile, Jazz WALTZ, BOSSA NOVA MODERN BOSSA, SAMBA’ 2 BEAT (2,9 ‘HARD ROCK, ROCK N'FOLL, SHUFFLE, ROCK BALLAD, SAMBA ROCK. LATIN ROCK, MODERN CATIN, ae i SO EAY 1,2 8, 1AZZ ROCK 1. 2, SWING ROCK, FUNK, ELECTRO POP, DISCO 1.2. eM CONTROLS - SSTART/STOP, SYNCHRO & SREAK, INTRO & ENDING, FIL WN 1, 2, COUNT INTRO, TEMPO [ManuaL PERCUSSION PAD.2,9 = 7 KEYGOARD PERCU a sui piAW choad ‘AUTO PLAY CHORD (ONE FINGER, FINGERED, MEWORY), OYNAMIG ACCOMP ONE TOUCH PLAY. IMUSIC STYLE ARRANGER [eANet weMoRy sere 7 : | (PARTS: BASS, ACCOMP ACCOMP 2, ACCOMP 2, ORUMS) composer WeNORYtn10 STORAGE CAPACITY: APPAOX. 2400 NOTES INPUT MODES AEALTINE, STE EDIT FUNCTIONS COPY, RECOMD CHORD SETTING ‘8 TRACKS (PARTS: POLY 1, POLY 2, BASS, ACCOMP “ICHOND, ACCOMP 2, ACCOMP 9, ORUMS, CONTROL) SEQUENCER STORAGE CAPACITY: APPROX. 4200 NOTES (EXPANDED: APROX. 6600 NOTES) INPUT MODES. REALTIME, STEP EIT FUNCTIONS: SONG CLEAR. TRACK CLEAR, VELOCITY CHANGE. QUANTIZE. TRACK MERGE, MEASURE DELETE, MEASURE ERASE, MEASUE INSERT. MEASURE COM [oIseLay MUSICAL DIRECTOR: LIGUIO CRYSTAL OISPLAY (40 CHARACTERS x 2 LINES), CONTRAST DEMO C Technics PART INDEPENDENT. BASIC CHANNEL CONTROL WESSAGE 1, 7 INTOUT CONTROL PANEL MEMORY PROGRAM mao! ‘CHANGE CONTROL, EXPRESSION CONTROL, INIRO-FLL INENDING CONTROL, APC CONTROL PART COMMON, REALTIME SETTING. COMNON SETTING 112. INPUT SevecT, GUTPUT SELECT, MIDI DRUM TYPE SETTING, PANEL MEMORY OUTPUT CONTROL. Eomnola! GONDUCTOR POLY, POLY 2 BASS) BALANCE, TEMPOIPROGRAM DIAL, MENU, PACE EXTERNAL MEWORY DIGITAL DISK RECORDER (S¥-FD20, OPTIONAL) Tissiale HEADPHONE TERWINAL, LINE OUT (RIL, L) AUK IN (MAL, D, MOT, OUT, THRO) =o Foor syarcn Foot CONTAOLLER omens : POWER SWITCH, MAIN VOLUME output a s0Wxe = ‘SPEAKERS Wena, 65 emx2 7 100_W, 70 W (NORTH AMERICA AND MEXICO) POWER REQUIREMENT ‘AC 120/220/240 V_ SOO He Peer [Ac 120.V_ G0 He (NORTH AMERICA AND MEXICO) ‘Ac 250'V ‘50/60 He (EUMOPE EXCEPT FOR UNITED KINGDOM) DMENSTONS FRO 109.2. om x 14.0 ox 7 em GOST SE x Tee) =a NET WEIGHT 7 08 ig BBA Be) co CCESSORIES MUSIC STAN. RC CORD CONTENTS 1 PARTI (INTRODUCTION) tm MAIN AND FD CONNECTOR: SAFETY PRECAUTION .0...0.0.00. mM CIRCUIT BOARD 09 [ARRANGEMENT OF CONTROL PANEL Le DIGITAL REVER@ CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ue BASIC FUNCTIONS 12 DIGITAL REVERB CIRCUIT BOARD Skt3 INITIAL SETTING 14 FILTER & AMP, AND OPTIONS AND CONNECTIONS ra HEADPHONES CIRCUIT BOARD m5 CONDUCTOR SETTINGS 15 MESA MEE Fv TeR & aur, AnD PARTS LOCATIONS Eee: HEADPHONES CIRCUIT DIAGRAM naz KEYBOARD RANGES | 16 [GW GEES contro Pane Ler, RIGHT DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 17 {ER SWITCH CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1-20 MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS 19 CONTROL PANEL LEFT, RIGHT DIGITAL DISK RECORDER SY-FD20 (OPTION) 10 'AND ENCODER SWITCH CIRCUIT BOARD 1-23 SYMPTOMS WHICH APPEAR TO BE SIGNS OF WEG EH awa Keveoano 1,2 TROUBLE ceoktt CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD 127 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART ar FD CONTROL CIRCUIT ....... 1-30 PRECAUTIONS BEFORE SERVICING 15 ACOAETH ABUSES gate Te REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST PART II (SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM) (PCB. and Wiring Pars) WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM uw EXPLODED VIEWS OF CABINET BLOCK DIAGRAM at ua REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST GEENN ERE wan ano Fo CONNECTOR (Cabinet and Chassis Parts) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM... 0. coesee TIS PACKING, SAFETY PRECAUTION “this “safety precaution” is for the U.S.A. only) + Safety Precaution 1. Before servicing, unplug the power cord to prevent an electric shock. 2. When replacing parts, use only the manufacturer's recommended components for safety. 3. Check the condition of the power cord. Replace if wear or damage is evident, 4, After servicing, be sure to restore the lead dress, insulation barriers, insulation papers, shields, etc. 5. Before returning the serviced equipment to the customer, be sure to make the following insulation resistance test to prevent the customer from being exposed to a shock hazard. + Insulation Resistance Test 1. Unplug the power cord and short the two prongs of the plug with a jumper wire. 2. Turn on the power switch. 3. Measure the resistance value with an ohmmeter between the jumpered AC plug and each exposed metal cabinet part, such as Exposed — screw heads, connectors, control shafts, handle brackets, etc. metal Measurements should range from 4 MQ to part parts. om ‘Ohmmeter Resistances4 MQ to = ARRANGEMENT OF CONTROL PANEL Flazeso HOG SRY sume oe A HB TRY oO) 1 AE eine pemeniehs ° ec eetete ce S oF ae AN6 § 6s ee O30 & @ ala a ww. tick See de eee 9% Oe a ame oo ve KN1I000 BASIC FUNCTIONS @ veH0 Preecorded performances are used to demonstrate the individual appeal of the rhythms, sounds and other features, @ wusicat oiRECTOR Inthe. normal mede, the MUSICAL DIRECTOR indicates the selected sounds, rhythm, tempo and other information about the pane! settings. The asplay is algo Used for setting the various sound find memary functions. as well as the key to programming. when Using the SOUND, COMPOSER and SEQUENCER features. In !saition tothe siding CONTRAST contal, the angle of the csplay ie Adjustable for easy readabity. © conpuctor Those buttons alow you to assign a diferant sound to each pat, and then assign the desired part tothe entire keyboard, assign a aiforent part to each section of the Keyboard, or mix parts. When the Keyboard is divided ito sections, change the Giving pot with the ‘SPLIT POINT button. @ sounp setect ‘The matrix is used to choose from 40 aitferent sounds, with tree variations available for each sound, An adcitonal 10) memory locations are served for user created sound © Balance buttons The eight sels of bullons directly below the display are used to adjust the volume of each part, as well as t0 set the various programmable functions of the Keyboars. © Ettects ‘un the DIGITAL REVERB button on to add reverberation o the sound, DIGITAL EFFECT gles tho sound a thicknese and sisi, When SUSTAIN is on, the musical tones fade gradually after the keys are released, @ PrrcH BEND This wheel is moved up or down wth your hand to create a ‘continuous change inten. The whet returns to the center position ‘sutomatcally when iti released, @ MODULATION ‘Ads vibrato fo the sound by turning the whee! upwards. © TRANSPOSE Cis the standard setting, but you can raise of lower the key of the fenlve instrument with these two butions. The transposed Key Is shown on the normal performance display. The two buttons are also Used to move the cursor on the display when aselgning names to User-created sounds an ehythms, when using the step-ecord mode of the COMPOSER and SEQUENCER, or when saving a performance to disk @ BACKGROUND SOUND (BGS) Seven unique background sounds add special le and interest to your performance, The FADE OUT bution is pressed once for slowly Jiminishing background sound, wiee for immediate cut of. Turn on VARIATION ‘or tho altmate sound of the selected sound. The volume isagjustes withthe BGS balance buttons below the display. @ RHYTHM SELECT Choose trom 40 preset automatic thythm patterns, each with three Variations. An adeiional 10. memory locations are reserved. for User-created rhythms. Other rhythm controls. are STARTISTOP, SYNCHRO & BREAK. INTRO & ENDING, COUNT INTRO and FILL IN 1 ana 2. The volume is agjusiod wih the DRUMS Balance buttons below the display. (2) ® KeyBoano PERCUSSION (One press af the KEYBOARD PERCUSSION button traneforme your keyboard into @ whole band of percussion insiruments and special sounds. The keys ar piture-coded for quick and easy selection, ® manuat Percussion ‘The three PAD butions are used to ade percussion sounds during your performance. The dested KEYBOARD PERCUSSION counds fare easily stored in the PAD buttons. The buttons can also be pragrammed for otner functions, suchas rythm slarstop, @ Auto PLAY CHORD This feature Is activates when the ONE FINGER o: FINGERED button is tured on. An automatic accompaniment appropriate for the selected shythm ie produced when you play a chord. MEMORY lows you to continue the accompaniment even after the chord keys ate released, The volum for each part of the AUTO PLAY CHORD. (DRUMS, BASS, ACCOMP 1, 2.3) is acjusted wih the respectve balance buttons below the splay. ® Techw.choRD Chord notes played on the lot section of the Keyboard are added to melody notes played onthe ight setion, Choose frm four harmonic @ one ToucH pay Select a yt and prees the ONE TOUCH PLAY button uni the panel settings change. The sounds and stfecis perfect for the elected rythm are automaticaly set in seconds. Or press the ONE TOUCH PLAY button briely to access the MUSIC STYLE SELECT dleplay. Choose one of the many music styles and the aporopriate Sounds, elects and even sythm are set instantly, sic stYLe ARRANGER AAtap of a button during your perlormance changes the thythm ang sounds to simpler or asnier arrangement to match the teeing ot the musie (1-3) @ PANEL MEMORY Set up the sourds and elfects, and then store them in thes Dutton for instant recall as you play. You can expand the range of storable settings to include the rhythm selection, Lompo setting and @®sound “This button is used for making the various sound, volume and effect settings for each part, as well as selecting the cfum KI and TTECHNI-CHORD type, by reading the display. tis also used withthe sound: symhesizer feature fo create upto 10 storable sounds, @ memory & CONTROL ‘The setable functions in this mode include inilizaton, PANEL. MEMORY range, foot switch and PAD button funcion-ssclgoment, SEQUENCER memory expand and touch sensiivty setting, The button is also used for the MIDI settings and when saving the ‘SEQUENCER contents to (or loading them from) a disk @composen (Greate arigal rhythm pattems, either in realtime of wih the step fecord method, or mosty preset mythms, Store up 10 10 new ‘aythms in the reserved memary locations and recall them as YOU play, jst ike the preset rhythms. @ sequencer ‘With this feature you can separately play and record the pars for an fatre song. Thon have the whole ensemble performance played back automaticaly. Ths ea true track sequencer wi ful realtime. recarcng, step retarding and edting leatures Digital Disk Recorder (optional) This Digital Disk Recorder allows you to store up o 20 SEQUENCER, performances an a.35:in 200 memory disk INITIAL SETTING CONDUCTOR SETTINGS 1 The initial setting function is used to return to the original factory settings, and to reset the customer settings and misoperations. 1. Press the POWER button to turn off the instrument. NOTE: 2. While pressing the three leftmost buttons in the RHYTHM SELECT section (COMPOSER 1, 2 and 3) at the same time, turn the POWER button on again. soe nce any RE Es EP we 3" os one °C) All stored data in the SEQUENCER and COMPOSER and other settings are initialized with this operation. OPTIONS AND CONNECTIONS PHONES (()) (Use headphones with over 160 impedance.) For silent practice headphones may be used. When plugged in, the speaker system is automaticaly Switched off, and sound is heard only through the headphones. MIDI (Musical instrument Digital Interface) MIDI is the standard specification that enables connection to equipment such as synthesizers and Personal computers. Data transmission and reception are possible between the Technics Keyboard and other instruments provided with MIDI terminals. IN: The terminal that receives data from external equipment. OUT: The terminal that transmits data from this instrument to external equipment. THRU: The terminal that transfers data from the IN terminal directly to other equipment, Use a 5-pin DIN cord (less than 15m long) for these connections. + Options ‘SZ-E2 SZ-P1 Expression Pedal Foot Switch conimelien’ Se Be" TRS 6 OO oO {on the rear panel) LINE OUT (output level 1 Vrms, 600 ©) By connecting an external high-power amplifier, the sound can be reproduced at a high volume. To output monaural sound, connect the external equipment to the R/R+L terminal. (Do not connect the L terminal.) AUX IN (input level 0.5 Vrms, 33 k2) Other instruments such as a sound generator can be connected to this terminal, and the sound will be ‘output from the Keyboard's speakers. To receive monaural sound, connect the other instrument to the RIR¢L terminal. (Do not connect the L terminal.) FOOT sw ‘The optional SZ-P1 Foot Switch can be connected to this terminal to control various functions. FOOT CONTROLLER The optional SZ-E2 Expression Pedal can be ‘connected to this terminal to control the volume. ‘SY-FD20 SZ-S61 Digital Disk Recorder Keyboard Stand @ Assigning a part to the keyboard There are several possible ways to assign sounds to the keyboard. How sounds are assigned to the keyboard CONDUCTOR settings BASS POLY 1 + POLY 2 cee] @ Assigning parts to the split keyboard Parts can be assigned to a split keyboard in the following four ways, How sounds are assigned to the keyboard CONDUCTOR settings POLY 1 + POLY 2L POLY 2R+ BASS Tn 1 BASS POLY 2 Fel / Sao | POLY 1 + POLY 2 R + BASS o rl : BASS POLY 1 + POLY 2 Split point + The keyboard automatically splits into left and right sections. The split point is shown by the lit indicator at G2, C3 or G3. 1-5 PARTS LOCATION Encoder Switch P.C.8. IES Main P.C.B. Control Panel Lett P.c.8. MG Control Panel Right P.C.8. Manual Keyboard 1 P.C.B, Manual Keyboard 2 P.C.8. Headphones P.C.8. Power Transformer = Speaker 12cm, 80 Speaker 12cm, 80 FD Connector PCB. Digital Disk Recorder (Option for except [EZ] ana (ew) Filter & Amp P.C.B. [Photo-1] KEYBOARD RANGES ‘+ This keyboard features Touch Response, by which you control the volume by playing the keys harder or softer. me 1D} EVES Gi AV B1G202 ED F2 G2 A282 C303 E5 F5G3 AS BACADA E4Fa Ga ABR COB ED ES GD ADHD CO DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS [1] Opening the cabinet 4. Tum the keyboard cabinet upside down as shown in Fig. 1, and remove the bottom screws (@ 16 pos. and brown screw @ 1 pe.) 2, Place the keyboard bottomside down, and open the top cabinet NoTE: When closing the cabinet, be sure to use the brown screw which was romoved in step 1 at posit [2] Removing the keyboard 1, Open the cabinet (see step 1), and turn over the Control panel unit towards the rear. 2. Remove the keyboard assembly holding screws (@ 7 pes.) [3] Removing the printed circuit boards *Open the cabinet (see step 1), and turn over the control panel unit towards the rear, Pull out the connectors on the printed circuit boards MM P.c.5. 1, Remove the MAIN P.C.B. mounting screws on the rear panel (® 2 pcs.). 2. Remove the MAIN P.C.B, mounting screws (6 Remove the AG inlet jack fixing screws on the rear panel (@ 2 pes.) 2. Remove the FAS P.C.B. mout PCB. Remove the DRV P.C.B. mounting screws (4 pcs.) 1. Remove the CPL P.C.B. mounting screws (6 pcs.) and CPR P.C.B. mounting screws (25 pcs.). 2. Remove the CPL and CPR P.C.B.s together. 1. Pull off the TEMPO/PROGRAM dial from the control panel. 2. Remove the encoder switch holding nut on the ESWP.C.B. (@ 1 pc). 3. Open the cabinet, and remove the ESW P.C.B. 4) Removing the MUSICAL DIRECTOR 1. Open the cabinet (see step 1). 2, Remove the CPL and CPR P.C.8.s (see step 2). 3. Remove the MUSICAL DIRECTOR holding screws (@ 2 pcs.). Remove the MUSICAL DIRECTOR. 4, Remove 2 screws on the MUSICAL DIRECTOR unit ( @ 2 pes.). Release the 3 claws of the case. The unit can then be separated into its three parts: case, LCD P.C.B., and case cover. IFig. 3] [5] Removing the keys 1. Remove the keyboard by following the procedure in step 2. 2. Press downward on the rear of the key (Fig. 4-@). 3. While pressing downward on the rear of the key, push the key forward and release it from the chassis (Fig. 4-®). 4, Lift the key and remove it from the chassis (Fig 4-9) nor To remove a black key, the white key to either side of it should be removed first. m INSPECTION Inspect the printed circuit boards, etc. while operating the keyboard by first opening the cabinet and positioning the control panel unit as shown in Fig. 5, MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS = Measuring Equipment Oscilloscope 20 MHz, 10:1 probe/1:1 probe ADJUSTMENT | ADJ. | CONNECT ADJUSTMENT | MEASURING CONDITIONS EQUIPMENT) ADUESTM PONT | POINTS) | READING DRV bias any position i Oscilloscope | ERIN P.C.B. | VR1_ | Checkpoint | Photo-A. lL ee Fig. A 1. Connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to EEIMP.C.B. checkpoint @ and connect the oscilloscope external trigger to KEI P.C.8. checkpoint ®. (Set the oscilloscope CH! triggering with EXT in.) 2, Turn VRi on the IE P.C.B. fully clockwise and set the data starting point to the oscilloscope division scale to facilitate adjustment in next procedure. (See photo A-@.) 3. Contr that te fret 4 bits (or 5 its) are low when VR! is tuned fly countorcockwic, (See photo A ) 4. Gradually turn VA1 clockwise and make the first 7 bits (2.818) turn to low. (See photo A-@, Fig. A-®. Fig. Bata staring pot —— | jx 16 bit (6.4 us) —_—o] : U it ! (18 ps) eo es it (2.8 us) ers pena 142,,4}5,6,7;8,9 oa y2gaegs6 [Photo-A] [Fig. A] | D/A Converter | any position "| Oscilloscope] HEIN P.C.B. ] VA1 | IC22- @ pin| oV+5 mv offset 1. Set the oscilloscope voltage division to 5 mV/cm (Use the 1:1 oscilloscope probe) and connect the oscilloscope probe to IMAM P.C.8. 1C22 Pin@ 2. Turn VR1 to adjust the voltage to zero. MEMO DIGITAL DISK RECORDER SY-FD20 (OPTION) = Digital Disk Recorder One song's worth of SEQUENCER data can be stored in the Keyboard's internal memory. When the Digital Disk Recorder is used, the data for up to 20 SEQUENCER performances can be preserved on one Digital Memory Disk (3.5 inch 2DD floppy disk). ™ For Germany [EZ] and Switzerland [EW] The SX-KN1000 sold in Germany and Switzerland has a Digital Disk Recorder already installed. This Digital Disk Recorder is a unit made especially for the SX-KN1000 and is different from the separately sold SY-FD20. Do not use it in other models. = Installation procedures for SY-FD20 (Except for [EZ] and [EW] areas) Make sure that the power to the Keyboard is turned off. 1. Remove the cover from the connector unit 4. Insert the Digital Disk Recorder and push it in beneath the keyboard by first removing the firmly and completely. screw with a cross-point screwdriver. 5. Secure the Digital Disk Recorder to the Key- 2. Use the gap at the top of the cover as a finger- board with the screw you removed in step 1. hold to apply downward pressure. 3. Pull the cover out horizontally and remove it from the Keyboard, Note: To affix the Digital Disk Recorder, the same screw which was used to affix the cover must be used (in the place indicated by the arrow). Use of a different screw may result in malfunction of or damage to the Digital Disk Recorder. SYMPTOMS WHICH APPEAR TO BE SIGNS OF TROUBLE The following changes in performance may occur in the Technics Keyboard but do not indicate trouble. Phenomenon Remedy Sounds and effects Rhythm AUTO PLAY CHORD ‘The buttons, keys, etc. malfunction, + Turn off the POWER button once, then tum on again. I this procedure is not successful, turn off the POWER: button once. Then, while pressing the three lower left buttons in the RHYTHM SELECT section (1, 2 and 3) at the same time, turn the POWER button on again. (Note that, in this case, all programmable settings, functions and memories return to their factory preset status.) No sound is produced when the keys are pressed = The MAIN VOLUME is at the minimum setting. Adjust the volume with the MAIN VOLUME control. + The DEMO ,)button is on. (‘DEMONSTRATION SONG" is shown on the display.) Press the DEMO J) button to tum it off. The display returns to the normal perform- ance display. + The volumes for the selected parts are set to the mit imum levels. Use the balance buttons to set the volumes of the relevant parts to appropriate levels, The local control for a part performed on the keyboard is set to OFF. Set the local control to ON. When a chord is played, the sound of each Key Is ditfrent + The selected sound is a TRIO mode sound. TRIO mode | sounds produce a different sound for each chord note. (Only percussive instrument sounds are produced when the keyboard is played. +The KEYBOARD PERCUSSION button is on. Turn it| off to return the keyboard to the norma! sound. ‘The thythm does not start. +The DRUMS volume is set to the minimum level. Use the balance buttons to set the DRUMS volume to an appropriate level. +n the RHYTHM SELECT section, a COMPOSER num- ber button with no stored pattern was selected. Change the rhythm or store a new rhythm pattern in the COM- POSER. + The MIDI clock is set the external clock. Set the MIDI clock to the internal clock. No sound is produced for the automatic accom: paniment. ‘+ In the RHYTHM SELECT section, a COMPOSER num- ber button with no stored pattern was selected. Change the rhythm or store a new rhythm pattern in the COM- POSER. [No sound is produced for the automatic accom- Paniment, or only the sounds of some parts are Produced. + An ACCOMP pari does not sound if its corresponding | volume is set to the minimum level. Use the respective balance buttons to set the ACCOMP 1, 2 and 3 volumes, to appropriate levels, 1 Phenomenon Remedy [Storage is not possible. + The remaining memory capacity of the COMPOSER is 0. Erase a different COMPOSER number button in the RHYTHM SELECT section in which a pattern is stored. ‘+The SEQUENCER memory is set to the mode. Follow the procedure to set the SEQUENCER memory to the mode. COMPOSER Setting the ime signature and number of measures is not possible, ‘= The time signature and number of measures cannot be changed for a pattern which is currently recorded in the COMPOSER. If you wish to change the time signature andlor measure data, first follow the procedure to clear the memory. The playback timing of the rhythm patter Te a: ferent from the timing with which it was recorded The quantize function was on when the pattern was recorded and the timing was automatically corrected, Set the quantize level to a smaller note unit or to OFF | when recording. SEQUENCER Storage is not possible. «The remaining memory capacity of the SEQUENCER is 0. Follow the SONG CLEAR or TRACK CLEAR pro- cedure to erase the memory. Mulvtrack storage ls nt possible. +The playback track has been selected, but the START/STOP button has not been pressed. A flashing track indicator shows the track which is ready tor recording, and a lit track indicator shows a track which is ready for playback. To record one track while listening to another (playback) track, press the START/STOP button to begin playback. ‘The playback measure indication is different from ‘when the performance was recorded. /+ The number of measures corresponds to the time sig- nature of the rhythm selected at the start of recording. ‘To change the rhythm in the middle of the song, record the rhythm change in the RHYTHM track. ‘The Digital Disk Recorder produces a noise during recording or playback. = This occurs when the Digital Disk Recorder is reading a disk. It does not indicate a problem. g 8 « a (Option) [When the procedure to load from a memory disk is performed, the contents of the SEQUENCER memory are erased. '+When performing the load operation from a memory disk, the SEQUENCER memory changes to that of the data loaded from the memory disk. If you wish to preserve a song which is stored in the SEQUENCER, memory, save it in a memory disk before performing the load procedure. MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART Keyboard [ SX-KN1000 ] (Transmitted) Function Poty1 | powy2 |accowp1|accomp 2|acconps) Bass | onuMS | CONTROL Remarks Basic Default wis | ite | t-te | t-te | t-te | ate | t-t6 | 1-16 |memorizes Channel changed | 1-16 | 1-16 | 1-16 | 1-16 | 1-16 | t-te | 16 | 1-16 Detault 3 3 3 3 | 3 3 3 3 [ow OFF, POLY MODE Mode essages | x x x x x x x x Attored - = - {| - - - = Note o-te7 o-te7 | o-t27 | onte7 | o-t27 | o-ta7 | — | Ghanges cepandion on lumber Hrenbpoge cont and oo Number True voice | — - - - Ss 7 - — |e eRe Noto ON ° ° ° ° ° ° = Velocity Note OFF | x conto) | x ntivay | x tothvet | onto) | onto) | ontivay | x totiveo) | — atter Keys x x x x x x x x Touch Gy, oh's x x x x x x x x Pitch Bender tox | tox | tox | sox | cox | tox | x x 1 tox | tox | tox | cox | cox x x | modulation 7 tox | ox | tox | cox | cox 0 sox | volume (main volume) " x x x x x x x | tx | expression pedal Genial ea tox | tox | tox | cox | cox | ox | x x [sustain ‘Change 80 x x | ox | x x x x % | auto play chord 82 x x x x x x ox | x intro, tin, ending 93 tox | tox | cox | cox | tox x chorus 2 | “ “ “ “ ‘ox | bank gle 0, 3 x | tox | sox | tox | tox | tox | tox | tt ee ne | change dala Srchange is | Snablog) “i Prog tox | tox | cox | cox | ‘ox sox | cox | onange iyo y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ System exclusive ° Song Pos “ox system common Song Sel tox 0-19 Tune x [system Clock ° RealTime commands "ox star'stop, continue tocaoworel x [x x x x x x = aux Anos OFF | | 0 ° ° ° ° ¢ = Messages - Active Sense ° Reset x ana *Ox "Whether or not the data for each of these items is transmitted can be set Mode OMNI ON, POLY Mode OMNI ON, MONO ©: Yes Mode 3: OMNI OFF, POLY Mode OMNI OFF, MONO x: No 1-13 Keyboard [ SX-KN1000 ] (Recognized) PRECAUTIONS BEFORE SERVICING 1 Precautions for measuring of the output waveforms. T 7 1. The waveform was measured with a ‘National Digital Storage Oscilloscope VP-5730A". Therefore the waveforms of | = the musical tone signals shown may differ somewhat duo to the difference in the timing of the triggering, Function POUT | POLY2 |ACCOMP 1/ACCOMP 2/ACOOMPS) BASS eee ao 2. Since the 1/10 test probe is used, the indicated voltage value on the bottom part of each waveform photo is 1/10 of the | actual value (e.g. 0.2V/em should be 2.0V/em). Basie Detault ate | ie | ante | tte | t-te | are | tte | 4-16 | memorized 3. This PCM keyboard has a touch-sensitive type keyboard. Therefore the touch sonsor lovel must be set to the “0” level [Channel A a when checking waveform measurements after activating the initial setting. Changed | ite | t-te | inte | ite | inte | ete | nie | 116 | irkidl seuinainened Detauit 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 [oun oFF, PoLY Move (1) Tum off the POWER button. Mode (2) While pressing the three leftmost buttons in the RHYTHM SELECT section (COMPOSER 1, 2 and 3) at the same sense x = - bad . 5 - x time, turn the POWER button on again. teres SEE Eee eS = e = = = ‘*Touch sensitivity setting method os ma (1) Select “TOUCH SENSITIVITY” in the CTAL2 section with the MEMORY & CONTROL button. Note ort27 | o-t27 | o-ta7 | o-127 | 0-127 | 0-127 | O-127 | — — |GeenSSion othe” (2) Adjust the touch sensitivity level to “0”. ranSpose consol octave umber sue voice | ovter | o-ter | o-tar | o-tar | ovter | ovter | soos | — [tanta atnd (9) Press the MEMORY & CONTROL button again to set the level. Note ON ° ° 9 ° ° = ice: Vetocry N° c m Important safety notice: Note OFF | x x x x x x x = Components identified by a A\’ mark have special characteristics important for safety. When replacing any of these components, use only the manufacturer's specified parts. Jatter Keys x x x x x x x x rouch chs x x x x x x x x = Symbolic marks a c The symbolic marks for resistors and capacitors used in these circuits are classified following TABLE-1 and TABLE-2. Pitch Bender “Ox “Ox ox "Ox 70x x x 1, RESISTORS : ~ ‘Resistors without a symbolic mark are FIXED CARBON FILM RESISTORS (ERD-type). ‘ “ox "Ox “ox “ox "Ox - - modulation ‘All resistors are 1/4 WATT, +5% TOLERANCE unless otherwise designated in the schematic diagrams. 7 sox “ox “ox tox vox | ‘ox *ox ‘ox | volume (main volume) (TABLE-1) 4 x x x x x x x sox | expression pedal ‘SYMBOL z SPECIFICATION ‘SYMBOL ‘SPECIFICATION _ 4 Fixed Carbon Film Resistors Fixed Metal Film Resistors 64 “ sox | tc “ sustain Control ees Pe eee : © _| -FLAME-PROOF" (ERD_F_type) | © _ | -Flame-PRoor (cRXtype) epee 80 7 = Real 5 « = 7 x [auto play chord © Fixed Wire Wound Resistors a Fuse Type Fixed Metal Oxide Film 82 x x x x x x | cox |x into, tia, ending “FLAME-PROOF" (ERF_type) Resistors ‘FLAME-PROOF" (ERQ_type) : e Ms " ae Fixed Metal Oxide Film Resistors Fuse Type Fixed Carbon Film Resistors © ° © © x x [enorus 7 Pee Eee eee Eee 7: 7 7 © _| sLAME-PROOF” (ERG_typ0) “FLAME-PROOF" (ERD2FC_type) 0,82 woe | oe | oe | tox cox | cox | or tt sae © _| Fixed Metal Film Resistors (Precision and High Stabiliy) (ERO_type) change dala ekchange is nableg) 2. CAPACITORS. zi a : * Capacitors without a symbolic mark are POLYESTER CAPACITORS. (ECQM-type, ECQG-type, 10% Tolerance) Prog sox | tox | cox | ox | cox | ox | cox *Polarized capacitors without a symbolic mark are Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Change tue gy 0-49 0-49. | o-49 0-49 0-49 o-~49 os me (ECEA-type,+20% Tolerance) rue oe (TABLE-2) System exclusive ° ‘SYMBOL ‘SPECIFICATION TYPE * eee Non-Polarized Electrolytic Capacitors a ECEA_KN_type ‘Song Pos "Ox Ms oo sear ee oad [Non Polarized Electro for Network System) a ECEA_Y_type ans : ‘Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Low leakage current type) ECEA_M_type Gade = A Ee Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Low impedance type) ECEA_Z. system ° a re __| 7 Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors ECS_type Real Time Commands tox, start/stop, continue 7 7 PEPE = \ - < cp __ | Metalized Plastic Film Capacitors (TF Series) ECQV_type 7 Lem Nore 7 7 7 7 7 7 im ~~ | Polyester Film Capacitors ECQB_type a me c 2 9 ° - a a pot Messages "°°" o | Temperature Compensating Ceramic Capac enhaial 7 © _| High-Dietestric Constant Ceramic Capacitors Reset - x ECR_type eet 10> joc What Ft he sta foreach of hake Home ie rcobed can bo eet Ceramic Capacitors (Cylinder type) imal Eee ECBA_type y Prog 3 Metalized Polyester Film Capacitors for Across the Line ECO_EW_type Mode 1: OMNI ON, POLY Mode OMNI ON, MONO 0: Yes [ luminum Electrolytic Capacitors for Smoothing Circuit ~ | ECES_type Mode 3: OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO x: No 1-15) WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 Zz 8 g Power a Fo [5 SP 65em 120 P4 65em 120 TL POWER ‘TRANSFORMER SPI i2em 8a ‘suum Tone Signals ==> Control Signals A oo 1-3 m-4 14 13, 2. 1 u 10 1 9 8 Zz 6 MAIN AND FD CONNECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM SES eee eee eee eg eee 1 2 3 @ Xt, 14MHz “TRANSISTORS. Ic12, 13: M74HOS2FP Q1,2,8: — 28A1015GR Maa Beco Ie: MN72012P6C + DIODES Ic1s: —-MN73013PGD D1~15, 19: MATESTAS Ici: asickscospss 17, 18: MAAOSIMTA Ici7: —_asiguscosoes 0 MAcOssH crs: —_asiauscosoes SviGPoMs4 :TAHAOSTAF Ms238FP M7aHiCo4FP 25: MT7AHCOOFP |AGRAM 6 Z 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 @ X1, 14MHz PEE erie renin Ht i a i arin hh MAIN AND FD CONNECTOR CIRCUIT BOARD 1 2 3 4 6 Z 8 9 A + [M] [XM] areas... JEESGRCPULE ES] Tow Circuit view on top of P.C.B. + Other areas....... JISSAROP SERRE P—tINe out — el Foot sw EXP eDaL mio iw Mio out ipl THRU 1 aah ce he. i pat o, OF 4, ©, ©, 25 2 6 - 3 a puree . LEER RIEES ‘svigoros20G ‘sviGMB621407 ‘SvIGMSMe253 SViGTLPSI3 ‘OsiGeKNI0Bx0 (OsiGaKNIOAXO SVIGD4S256AL SVIGHME5256 ‘osiGHacosct Dints, 19: MATEBTAS DI, 16: MAAOBIMTA, ao: Maaosan FDCN | SXPG208721 eee se oe PG ire aned’ SRRSRR nrze0n SvIoHMeses® ‘sviGMBe22416 NESOSS ‘S¥IG87064073 SvIGMS278LO5 ‘SviGMs220L PA DIGITAL REVERB CIRCUIT BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 z 38 2 Waveform measurement 1. Activate the initial setting method. (Refer to page 1-15) 2. Set the touch sensitivity level to the “0”. (Refer to page I-15) 3. Set the keyboard to required mode followings. *SOUND SELECT FLUTE *SOUND VARIATI *DIGITAL REVERB. okey 1 ‘ON C4 key EP Notes: sic) Joa~10: sviams2reL let: MINi2808 ert: SviGLMTe94N loz: SVIGHMBs256 cia: _ M74HCO2FP ica: SviGMB5224%6 ‘+ TRANSISTORS, ce: MNa305S 1,2: 25/1056R Jes: svics7ossors + DIODES, los: SViGMs276LOs DI~5: MAIGSTAS Jer: SvigMs2201. De: EKO FILTER & AMP AND HEADPHONES CIRCUIT BOAR 1 2 3 4 5 zat) ai FAS P.C.B, comparison chart by area about the primary circuit. Erce ‘+ [M] [XM] [MC] areas........ FIESGXEPOOEREN + [XR] area... XL) area... *1EK) XI XS] Other F088 cnn uname SROPELEREN SOTeREN Ocoee §=SXPG206761A ESUIePTTSARLN - SXPGPACETING mame | sxpazversia | 6160056 8A, 5V = = cy ‘sxpazosraia | 818016 Pt | ERX X8, XD | expcaoeTeTA [sisaaae | © | T4280 |Tevoma, ztov -a700pF | o.22uF, 250 XL SKPG20675TA | SISDIE ete [others ‘sxpaaoeriia |susazas | 7 sviamszo1P SVIGMSF7B15. SVIGMSF7915, SvieMsziEL SVIGLM1894N svigmszetL 2sareaa 2SA1015.GR 2sc18i5GR 15, 16,18: 21, 25 2sa1s670¥ (022, 24 2sc40640¥ = DIODES Dine svoszvza 5, 6: ‘SVOGERAI602v or SVOGRKTAS 8: MazoeaLF be: MATeSTAS 10,11 Koa + FUSES, Ft: EEG xearcrenut00 Ft: BES EB xeazcr2Te0 oo 2, 9: KEN EM BEI xeazcossre0 oo F9:Otners— xBAZCO63TBO @ sns © Main Vol. Control MAX. ‘ MIN SXPG206711B H1-18) > CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 5 6 Z 8 9 10 ok 12 13 14 Waveform measurement @ +15PA 4. Activate the initial setting method. (Refer to page 1-15) 2. Set the touch sensitivity level to the “0”. (Refer to page 1-15) 3. Set the keyboard to the required mode followings. *SOUND SELECT FLUTE Nona esta Tataraceal CONTROL PANEL LEFT, RIGHT AND ENCODER SWITCH CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 5 6 Zz 3 (u-22) , RIGHT AND ENCODER SWITCH CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 NOTES: * DIODES, : | - 73~80, 85~88, MAI6STAS hare I 217~228: rae || bi7a~teo, SELeNI7AM 195~187 rer: svigmsosatz ie2: sviGMraLsi9 ica: SvIGM7ALS74 ee~7: sviGM74Ls07 28c161scR a2~5: 2883058 DI~72, 81~84, MAYESTAS 88, 90, 201~216: DIOI~116, —SELaNY7AM 18124, 145, 47~165, 197~161, 166~172, 161~ 183: 117, 125~192, SELAAI7GM 156, 162~105, 164! Diss~146: SELAAI7G cpt p.c.8 RRS Gertie) 10, 1 12 13, 14 15 16 47 18 19 cpr P.c.B ARS yanercennias NOTES: 25~ 86, MATOSTAS bi7a~180, SEL¢117RM 105167: NOTES: nes ier sviamoasar2t tea. Sviguratsi99 tea sviguratsr toem7: ——_SviGM74L807 “TRANSISTORS. ar 2ecie1scR 2-5 25080088 + DIODES DI~72, 81~84, MAIBSTAS ‘SELan7AM 184: piss~144:— SELaat7G (1-25) (i126) MANUAL KEYBOARD 1, 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 2 10 Les FD CONTROL CIRCUIT (ONLY For Ez, EW AREAS) 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 1 EGER A Cj cet] MK NoTEs: Nott *1cs Diot ier: MNSo020P6V Di~ae: MATZA Dioves Serra Circuit view on top of P.C.B. SXPG208311 F NoTes: ses Ie: svigo720670 cz: SviGMr7aHo2 ica: SvIGM74H00 Ica: SviGM74Hi4 es: SvIGM74HO4 11-30) REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST......P.c.B. and Wiring Parts Notes: 1. Pintod chet board assem with mark (NLA) is no longer The “'S" mark Is sence standard parts and may alter Srallabie ator production deceninvaon of tne compote. fom prodvetion pats ate 4, Smart are new pata. Important stay notice 8. For par No, wth afea mar, check the area when placn Components identified by A\ mark have special characteris- ‘an order. tee tics important for safety. When replacing any of these ‘components, use only manufacturer's specified parts. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ma] hee [Pena | cc Seocipion [ett faa fam | sxraa0.c 7 OSCILLATORS Slax | ore 4 o|us [omer |axnaznn 1 le esktaent Cpls etoeaet cE jo}ma exraaoera 1d fe fcsxerorome [touts ques oectttr | 1 5c |aaumtem |sxrczsrsa 1 COMPONENT COMBINATIONS wa |i Leper r Z1~3 ‘EXBPI6472/M 47k x8 3 mpl een 7 25 EXAMR14A1002 | 1kO/2kO, Ladder Network 1 a reer : |ZC1, 2 ‘EXFPB101MW. 100pF x8 2 sus sxraanerita : cons ma Sear ; or faces es u exraateot 1 AP ez [eeeenee * on sxraates 1 || 3 ae echoes 1 128,917 |aLaGrzT1s0sa_| colt 4 e L114, 16, 20, |QLQGT1B600MA | Coil JO] NA | ‘SXPG208311 1 21, 23, to ma ue fexootsm foot : TACKS CA Main circuit Jkt | SJIG100A EXP PEDAL, 1 Jsfinze-e eucoosna — |rooreweauxi.uneour| Twine [ane Sermon oe] sto“ [siscrsron [mo 3 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SEWTFRED RESISTOR i Snsorosacs —]re bi weroconpaia |) [emt [Erbsanonera [rok a, ose a i ie feisbata Hdl ; Ic3 |SVIGMSM6253_ | A/D Converter 1 RESISTORS tc ucripsis | rote coups 1 |e coer Yoo ; ofc fosaoxwresxo [awet reganmes ermom | + || [Re Enoeruece |saxn i Slice Geicerarono [aerogenes evnom | 1 || [maa [enosgoxeronr [nny 21% 2 tere [ewaoeszeat” fasoror sate naw 2 || fe ssoernes |i ; ics Svecrwosee [asoroteenuce state nau] + || [RE roosocrvon |The 21% 1 Joficro ——-famreracoocr: [ewneaccourreten aou| 1 || [Rr sos. | ic { Shion [acaconer | oe toe 1 | fa exosenon [oan ; Shterz 0 |rascsere —[ouce>iput ones | 2 || [ro Sosrven [zon ; (ee |awronreec [Tonecerertorusit | + || [aro enpsznsnoe | tox ; ters uwvootoreo [Tone coreetorust2 | 1 |] fa enosernst on ; tere astonaenebee [eu tt wave nom 1 | fae enosenios fia ; vow | estevocnoe [abot wave Rom 1 || Rs fenosersees een ; ter fesiouscrees [an at wave ROM Tlf lie Yewoseneet [e200 ' toe [evigpewse [Dx commer + lf les [enoezuros fons ; loltcze.21.— |srauosiat — Jecnamermonpiser | 2 || fae [enoseriisr —_|s00 ‘ Sjicae weer” [perucnatanpine: | 3 |p fr fenoseries — froxn ' SJicza as |inemoer Ouro ainurwanbcates | 2 |] fre fenosariso — fasnn i me fenosersse [310 : TRANSISTORS te enosatvor roo ; fever enosersos [oma ; Sona.e —Jaanorear —Jasassssrasvaua rem Ja || (Rare? | enpezvaza | svn : DIODES me fenoserses [tema ; Cre |maesrita [zm sav © || Jee fenosersos [ona ; be |iaawon* —/Zener Bay 2 |] Jasso¢ — enpsenior [on : foe” fenoserson [toon : FD CONNECTOR CIRCUIT PartNo. Description Parser] [et Wo. Part Na, Description Perse ERDsaTsi64 | 50K0 7 ‘CONNECTOR ERDS2TII0G — | 10k 1 | Joxe Suscresmzzza | Connector 7 EROIFCWART 470, 14W, Fuse Type 1 enoszTve7s | 4740 ‘ cous lee EnoszTsies | 180ka : Ui,2 EM avocratisosa [oon 2 6 enosmtua72 — |4.7k0 1 a Fer Sea aaa aah : ts~5 EM aLocrstisosa. | con 2 se,s9 [enosztua72 ara 2 = 60 enoszTiiss | sma 1 et enosztue73—|avka 1 ez enoszTues: [son 1 es enoszTus22 [ako 4 a enosztue72 — |47ka. 1 es eroszTs105 | 1Ma. 1 DIGITAL REVERB CIRCUIT ss enoszTutos | 1000 1 e7,68 | enosackFr001 | 1k0, 1% 2 Ret No Pant No Deseriotion Parse es enos2Ts103 | 10K 1 F771 A] EROaFCVIaR? | 470, 14W, Fuse Type ‘ ITesnATED cincus: rr2~es — [enDsaTsior | 1000, a | [Tier tuwiaeor eset iG 1 102 svigiMos2s6 | 256% it oud Stat 1 ica svigms22416 | te Array 1 CAPACITORS: Ica Mnsa0ss ADID-A Converter 1 ona EOKRTEA7SzV —, [OOATHF 2 |] |tos viG8706«073 | Digital Signal Processor | 4 cs ecaRtHowzr ” |orur 1 tee svigms27e.0s | +5V Voltage Regulator | 4 cane eoxrieaazv |ooe7 yr 3 |] jicr sviewsz20t. | Operational Amplitior 1 ce EcoatHosc [apr 2 {| fice-10 — |sviemsera. | operational Ampiiir 3 09, 10 ecxrresrazv |oos7yr 2 |] ficw SviGuMiaa4N | Dynamic Noise Reduction | 1 on ECEADIKAA7 —|7UF,6.3V 1 ore turanooere — |auad 2inpur Nor Gates | 1 oy EOEAONKASS! |590uF, 63 1 crs connmiowe [0.1 1 TRANSISTORS on EQEAIHKADIO. | 1uF,s0V 1 crs~19—leckriearazv | aos7ur s || Jove 2ss1056R Fer 2 20 eeorsnsuis —|1F,55V, Memory Backup | 1 ca coxnies7szv |oos7u 1 DIODES cz eeorSASUIOS —|1F, 55V, Memory Backup | 4 ae Taser : czs~28—feokriearszv |oou7ur 4 | los ros : oar eoeaosKasst | ss0uF, 63 1 28,20 ecaciniozKz jaooiur 2 cso~s2feckrrearazv |oosrur a oe ca econiHaros — |a7pF 1 xr [SvaGAzowxo40 |20\He, Ceramic Oscitator | 1 cae EcontHeaos [opr 1 foss~s7—eoxniesrszv | o0e7uF 3 Con ose ecaviniouz —[oaue 1 foa9 EcEAtHKAZAD |22uF, 50V 1 a jaupanezn [oot : coo ECEAQIKAS7O | 47uF.83V 1 a JaLaarieeooa |colt 3 forse feckriesrazv | ooe7ur 4 as ECEADIKASS — |s20uF, 83 1 SEMLFIXED RESISTOR eas Econhariy = |470pe 1 vai EVNDAAAQOBY4 1080 8, DAY Blas 7 ca7,48— eccrinosoc | apr 2 cas, 50 fecertcKasoo | sour, rev 2 ost EGEAtCKNt00 | 1OuF, 16V 1 RESISTORS, 082,53 [ecearcKatoo | 10,F, 16 2 | Pyar ERDSZTIION [OKA 7 sa EoxRtes7azv |oos7uF 1 Re enpszrvesz | eaka 1 oss EceAqKAtOY | 100uF, 63 1 P34 enoszTua73 | 47ka. 2 6,57 fecearcKasor | soo, rev 2 || |rs enoszise [ook 1 8,59 ecacimraaz |oonue 2 |] |pe7 enoszrsi03 | 1040 2 co cantHtoszr Josue 1 Re enpsovsa73 | 47ka 1 061,62 — Jecacrt102K2 [oootur 2 || Ino enpszvuis2 [15k 1 oss ecanimiowr Josue 4 io enpszvss63 | s6ka 1 cos econtHssis — |ss0pF 1 an eroszries | 1040 1 006,67 ecariniowzr [osu 2 || |riz1s — fenosarsezs —|eaia 2 ose econtHe7os [arp 1 Ria enosersss [15k 1 69,70 Jeckrieaszv |oos7ur 2 || Jars enoszrsi03 | 1040 1 en~73—fecarinowe lose 3 | Jats eroszta72 | 47ko 1 om econtne7os [arp 1 Ri? enoszrviss | 15k0 1 Rie erDs2Ts103 | 109 1 rie enpszra72 [47k 1 20 enosaTieaz | aaka 1 FILTER & AMP CIRCUIT Ret. No. Part No. escristion Peaset |] [Ret No, PartNo. Description Perset paz fenoszvua7a [ark 3 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS = Enoszrues2 — /6.8ko f ict [sviciws2erP [Switching Regulator 7 See | meer | aria. es ice SviGMSF7e15 | +15V Voltage Regulator | 1 foes7 | feRDeeTuss1 | s9002 7 ics, SviGMSF7a15 | —15v Voltage Regulator | 1 fae enoszTa02 | 1K 1 TTshice,¢,7,9, |sviamsare. [operational Amplifier 7 P09 enoszrize — |2200 1 hoa Borat | meaner ain. 7 re [svicumresn [dynamic Noise Reduction | 4 faa, as fenoeeTT2 = |47k0 7 ic10 Jsviawszai.— |Oual voa 1 7 enoszwz1 | 2200 1 rso~s2 Afeno2roveR? — |470, 14W, Fuse Type 3 83,54 A|ERDZFOGI00 100, 14W, Fuse Type 2 TRANSISTORS 5 enoszTsi0s | ama 1 faa ere 7 so enoszrvzz1 | 2200. 1 |]s]a2~s,0,1, J2satorson —_fasasassras¢sus.rany) | 10 rez~es — enosevuisz | 1.5ka 8 43,18, 17, ree~70 enosarsa72—|a7ka 3 19,20 Art enoszrvz25 — |22M0 + |]s]as~e, 11,12, |ascteisar ° Rr enoszese — |ka 4 16, 16,18 73,74 |eRoszTi225 © J22Ma 2 |lolaz 2. |asarssro 2 P75 enoszrveez aaa. + |[o}eze2 | Zscuoseov 2 778 enoszrsas2 — |aska. 1 DIODES CAPACITORS, Dims A] svosave0 Rectifier ‘ or coasinioai2 Joorur 7 05,6 A |svoceatsoay | Rectitier 2 oz EoasiHesekz —|o.onssur 1 or SvOGAK'S | Diode 1 3,4 coontHary —|4709F 2 be mazosar | zener, 62 Al 05 coortHiow | 100pF 1 De MAI6STAS 1 8 ECEAtHKAOTO | tu, 60V 1 oro,1 | koe 2 os EOEATHKADT | tuF, 60 1 os coosintsexz |o.ooisur 1 cto ECORIHIS\ | 50pF 1 SORR.UNE FRTER cn EOEAIHKAOIO | 1uF, SOV 1 ui Ayseraurs Line Fiter 1 or eoasiHzzeKz |o.cozauF + Hlofe atocritiaisa coi 1 ors coaaiHa72kz |o.on47uF 1 c14.15 — feconttesi — [sor 2 Tack owe ecoriMiow | 100pF 1 or ECEAtHKAGIO | 1uF,50V 1 3058296 ‘AGN, Except for XFIDKL] | t ore EoosiHzzKz |o.0nz2uF 1 88016 ac IN 1 cis Eoocina7eKz |o.oos7ur 1 20,21 |ecoatHesty | sa0pr 2 ‘SWITCH oz EcortHiow | 100pF 1 - 031,32 |ECEATHKATO | uF, Sov 2 st fsenatooA | Votage Setector 33 ECEATHKAR22 |0.22uF, 50V 1 oss Eoosiniosi2 — |ootuF 1 FUSES 5 ECEAIHKARZ2 | /0.22uF, SOV 1 BAIGIENUION [716A 725 7 26 coosrHiosi2 oor 1 car Eoovina7aiz |ooe7uF j xeazcrareo —|71254, 250 1 028 Ecavinioaiz oaur 1 20 ccosiHiosi2 oor 1 40 EcoatHasakz |o.cossuF xeazoosate0 — |T620mA, 250 2 oat EcEAtCKAA7O | 47uF, 16V 1 jon Ecearckaton | 10uF, 16 1 ons ECEATCKAA7O |47uF, 16 1 xeazceesra | Te00ma, 250 ' jos0~s2eceaosKator | 100uF, 63v 3 53 EceAqiUt02 | 1000uF, 63 1 se eceaniusst — |s00uF, 63 1 RESISTORS 055,56 |EcEAIcKAto1 | 100HF, 16 2 Re EapezTui0a /0Ka 37 ecoritiony | 000 1 re EmDzFcvG100 | 100, 114W, Fuse Type 1os8,s9fecoritos00 —|epr 2 Fa A JERKTANUPRZ2S_ | 0220, 1, Flame-Proot 080 ecxnies72v |ooerur 1 Rs erpszTuio1 | 1000 082,63 ecKatEs7azv |oosTur 2 Pe EROSZCKFI001 | 1k0, 21% joss,e6 — feccrtavoy | 47pF 2 a7 A ERGIANJP2218 | 2200, 1W, Flame-Proot 087 ecrnibiosr atu 1 Fe enoszoKrss71 | 367k0, 21% 088 ECEATHKNOIO | 1HF, OV 1 ro enoszTsi03 | 10k0 [09 eceatHkaoio | sur, sov 1 ro enoszTuees | zeke. jorz.73— fecrmtiioaze — Jostur 2 Ri enoszTsi01 | 1000 jer00, 101 |eoRAMHIOWZF — JoctuF 2 a2 erosmisss | aska. m3 enoszrsi0e | 10040 Ret. No. Part No, Description Perset|[ Ret. No. Part No, Description Perse ra 18 [eRDSZTII03 | 10Ka. 2 Rize ERDSZTUA7S [ATK 7 R16 enosztusss | 33k0 1 123 ERpszTJ223 | 22ka. 1 Bir eROSZTII0s | 10K 1 24 enpszrJ222 |22k0 1 Ris EROSZTI226 | 220K0. 1 25, enoszTJés2 [6.80 1 fi9,20 © feRoszTsto¢ | to0KND 2 i268. ERszTJ102 | 1k 1 rat,22 Jeroszts103 | 10a. 2 Ri? ERDSZTII53 | 15k0 1 as erosovua7s | 4700. 1 R128. ERDSzT/351 | 3300 1 Fo6,25 [enosztsr2« | 120K 2 R129 enoszrJio2 | tka 1 a6 enoszTuss2 | 33k0 1 R130 enoszrJ6s2 | 6.8k0 1 Rar eRos2Tss3 | 15k0 1 Rist enoszrsss1 | 3900 1 28 eroszTuess | eako 1 R132 eroseTy1s3 | 15ka. 1 Rot enosaTuis¢ — | 150Ka. 1 pra~196 [eRDszvua71 [47a 4 a2 enos2Tuess | eax 1 ig7, 138 |eRDsaTu02 | tka 2 33 enosaTsa7s [aren 1 Riso A, |EROZSF VERT |470, AW, Flame-Proot | 1 Roa enoszTusss | sox0 1 R140 ERoszTyie4 | 180K 1 35 eroszriass | sain 1 R43 eroszrsies — | 18040. 1 6 enoszTa73, | ara 1 ied, 145 |eROSzTJz24 | 220k0. 2 Ro? enoszTys33 sak 1 pias, 147 |eRDszTiz20 © 220 2 38 ERDS2TII03 | 39k0 1 ise eRoszTue72 |47ko. 1 39 enosztua7s | a7ko 1 ss eRoszTJi02 | tka 1 a0 enoszTusss | 6sko 1 iss ERpszrs104 | 100k. 1 Rar enosaTs15¢ [150k 1 RIES ERDZFCVG100 | 100, 114W, Fuse Type 1 raz eRoszTua7s [47k 1 rasa fenosztv273—|arka. 2 as enoszvui2s | 12K0 1 Ca) rar~st_—Jeroszr3e3 | a9ka. 5 A] EcKevata7amF ]4700pF, Line Capacitor 1 2 erosavua72 | a7k0 1 ‘secauarzzann |oz2ur, 250v, 1 ss erosavui02 | 10 1 ‘Acrosssthe Line Capacitor se enosavuiz6 | 120K0. 1 03 EcEAtvuzz2 | 2200uF, a6 1 55,55 A JERGTANUPEADS | 620, 11, Flame-Proot 2 ce Eceatvuss2 | 3300uF, a5 1 87 erosorsa7a [ark 1 5 EQEAIVKAG70 | TUF, 35V 1 58 Enps2Tuz2e | 220K. 1 os EOORIMa71) | «70pF 1 59 erosavsa73 | area 1 o7,8 ECEAIVKAT00 | 10UF, 35 2 60 enosztsz2« | 2200. 1 os EceAoJUtO2 — | 1000uF, 6.3 1 roi~sa—enpszrsise | 150K 4 cro EOKRIEA7SzV |oOK7HF 1 Res,e8 —enoszrve72 47k 2 on Eccrmmto1s | 1009 1 67 enpszvi2z2 [22a 1 ow ECEAICKAIOY | 100uF, 16 1 es,co —enpszrva72—|a7Ka 2 ors Ecaviniowz fore 1 70 enoszvs272 — |22ka. 1 on EcomiHzzsKv JoozauF 1 ari~7e — fenoszas9 aaa. 6 (615,16 [ecacrHzzexz | ooozeur 2 pv7,78— |enpszrva72—|4.7k0. 2 lors EccriHesos —[espr 1 pro~st—feRpszrJss1_ jason 3 /o20 Ecavintoaz [ote 1 ez eRoszTies1 [6800 1 jo2t ECEATCKAT0a | 10UF. 18 1 res,sa — fenpszti223 | 22Ka. 2 622 EcactHtoaKz |ooo1ur 4 res enoszruisz | 15K0. 1 023 EcortH220) | 22pF 1 es,e7 — [eoszrJ104 | 100k 2 oz ecastH02Kz |ooomF 1 es,e0 — JeRoszTs103 [100 2 028 EcoriH220) | 22pF 1 poo,91—eRoszriize | 120K 2 626,27 |EcactHto2K2 | ooornF 2 02,93 eRDszTii0¢ | 100k 2 ze EcactHa20K2 |ooo2auF 1 og,95—eRDs2riz03 | 20K 2 20,30 |ecactHi02Kz |oooruF 2 os,97 —enpszrias2 3.3K 2 cat EcactHa2aK2 |o.o0224F 1 Re9, 100 eroszrsioz | tka. 2 032,33 |ecortHa7y —|a70pF 2 102 ervsavso72 — |27Kn 1 cae EccriHeeos — |68pF + 103 ervsars22 | 2.2K0 1 Jc3s,98 fecontarty | a70pF 2 R104 enosavua7s | 47ko 1 [car EccriHee0) | 6spF 1 R105, eRoszTiazs | 22K0 1 joas,09 JecearcKaa7 | a7ur, 16 2 106: enoszTues2 — [6.8k0. 1 620,41 JECEAtHKAoto | tu, Sov 2 R107 ERDs2Tsi02 [1k 1 o22 Ecavinioaz — [o1ur 1 R08. enDsaTsiss | 15k0 1 043 EcaciHi0aKz |o001ur 1 103, eroszvuss1 | 3000 1 cea EcactHss2K2 | 0.0033 1 Rit eRosaTuio2 | 1K0) 1 85 Ecaminarskv |oo47yF 1 Rin erps2Tiss2 | 1 cas EcaatHa72K2 joo047uF 2 rine erosavuss1 | ss00 1 oar ECEAICKA100 | 10uF, 16 4 aa erpsaTsiss | 15K0 1 088 Ecacta7axz |oood7yF 1 pia~ti7 ferpszrua71 4700. 4 29,50 [ECEATHKAOI | 1HF, Sov 2 ita, 119 Jempsorston | ka. 2 os1,s2 |eccrtHe70s | a7pF 2 zo A lenDasrvuan7 470, 11aw,FlameProot | css~55 [eceatHKnow | 1uF, sov 3 rat erosevuar2 | 27K0 1 056 Eccrinto1s | 1009 1 (m-4} UPPER CONTROL PANEL RIGHT CIRCUIT Ret. No Part No ‘Description Perse] [Ret Wo. Par No ‘Description Poise Pet No. PartNo, ‘Description Parset]| [_ Ret No Part Wo Description Paige car Ecaminarany [oowrar 7 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CAPACITORS SWITCHES: z cs Ecaviniouz —|o.1uF 1 ict ‘SviGMeO3At21 | Gate Array 1 ot ECEATHKAZR2 [22uF, 50V 7 er [SsPGe004A ‘Rubber Switch 2 89 ECEAIHKNO10 | 1UF, OV i 12, ‘SVIGM74L8139 | Decoder 1 cz ECRRIHI04ZF | 0.1uF 1 (6 pos. on one) ‘cso EccrtHio | 100pF 1 cs, SVIGM74LS74 | Dual D-type Flip-Flops. 1 3 ECEAQKA101 | 100UF, 6.3 1 81 ECOMIHSTEKY [0.007 HF a lca~7 ‘SVIGM74LS07 Hex Buffers (0.C.) 4 C4 ECCRIH101J 100pF 1 C62 ECQVIHIONZ = [0.1HF 1 cs ECEATHKAO1O = | 1pF, SOV. 1 csa,6¢ — |eccriH220) | 229F 2 cs ecoRMio — |100pF 1 cos.eo |eceasovs | tur, sov 2 TRANSISTORS ~ 5 corr —|ecacrnareKz | ooo47ur @ |Ks Sone ; eee eee eee FD CONTROL CIRCUIT ({EZITEWI onty) cr~77—fecearcxaa7o | a7uF, 16 a I TT =e ae en c79 ECEAICUS31 | 330uF, 16V 1 eo ee - Ret Ne Part Ne Deseripti ceo,81 fecrrnour lose 2 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS a2 ECKRIES73ZV | 0.047uF 1 DIODES: 1c |sviao72067¢ Floppy Disk Controller 1 area ao ENCODER SWITCH ice svigw7eroz Quad 2input NOR Gates | 1 mal) fice svigw7eHo0 | uad 2input NAND Gates | 1 iain Linicins eee hail ica /SVIGM74H14 ‘Hex Schmitttrigger inverters | 1 ‘SWITCH 15 svigwravioe [Hex inverter 1 IRCUIT HEADPHONES CIRCUI SEL4117RM ‘LED (RED) ae st |SSAG110A Encoder Switch 1 Pet Na Part No Description Pevset ‘OSCILLATOR con lop casxevaazo0n | s2WHe, Quartz Osclator | + u favaarstisosa [oi 1 ‘COMPONENT COMBINATIONS (GERI manus. Keveoard 1 ciRcUIT zn EXBPIBIOGIM | 10KOx8 2 TACK on, |seuearram —_|ueo @neeny 15 2 exapreroam —|1Kn xe 1 lake [SNG100A Headphones: 1 125~132, Ret. No. Part No. ‘Description Periset 1 os INTEGRATED CIRCUIT RESISTORS ‘VARIABLE RESISTORS te ior TmnsoozoPav [Gate Array Tle [eee erie ‘ Jo] orate : 0 (Green 2 , vat EVAO7116814G | 10k 8, MODULATION 4) eee ee [eee een DIODES 7 enoszTsi0s | s0Ka. 1 vee EvAg70158546 _|S0Km 8, PITCH BEND 1 = COMPONENT COMBINATION S]ormermareza MATGOI (SUB. Par SRSWGEE RESISTORS fz xerieroam | ronnxe 7 ‘OSCILLATOR a Zoparnioo | tonF 2 73.4 EROSZCKFIOO! [KO 1% 2 xm EFOGCEOOEAS —_[BMIz, Ceramic Osciiator | 1 || [os ECEADIKAIS! | 290uF, 63 + cary fecrmtnoee o.iur ‘ serene ‘SWITCHES cre ecpatHt00s | 10pF 1 CAPACITORS [sire [ssharocen Puan Switch 2 peer am? [SSPG7OOGA | Rubber Switon 7 roy ECORIHOS [3909 2 eee (pes. on one) oo conmimiowe [aur 1 jse~<2 | ssraeocsn [Rubber Sten ° {6 po. on one) IC PROTECTOR WIRING PARTS 1Pt [ICP-NI0T104 IC Protector 1 RESISTORS Ref. No. Part No. Description PeriSet ; a ERDszTsio; [1000 7 UPPER CONTROL PANEL LEFT CIRCUIT 7 erps2rii0s 10K 1 wi ewnaieieasa | cones wih ire 1 VARIABLE RESISTORS we 90411888. | connector with Wie 1 ete Part Ho. Description et i Jo|wa —%\,"faexcoztor2za | connector with wir 1 J] CAPACITORS: SoD loyvea [GAVETSNOTET4 | TORT ©, LCD contrat 7 Sha Ceaosoiizel | Geanacet ait We ; ot vre Evoo7z0se246 |20k0 8, MAIN VOLUME | 1 ol Econimesi — |eaopF 7 ls suincdous0sani-| Genieotcr asin wae: i O7a~80, | WAre5TAS 2» joe orrimioazr [our 1 {lowe Scevansoanenh | Camecie wan wie : 25~08, joo EccRtHests —/680pF 1 TP we /swkao2s7z4 | Connector with Wis 1 aaa eesierons i JECEAosu«7 — |47uF, 63 : wa }aexG04097zA | Connector with Wire 1 arene ee Sea na a 7 Rt ERDS2TJ222 22k 1 }O} wo }QEXGO3039ZA —_[ Connector with Wire 1 185~187 Re. ERDS2TJ103- 10kQ 1 wo “A)GEXGo90428SA | Connector with Wire 1 9 enpszvusra —|arona 1 wit ‘aexero1assa | connector with Wie 1 SWITCHES me Enoszrisoe |ss0k0 ' wie |awnczrssa | connector wih wre 1 5 eroszrvise | 1 wie SSWKG125088A | Connector with Wie 1 ‘$73~80, SSHG10494, Push Switch 2 i ERDSZTI184 1800 1 eee Ree nee eee ut wid, ‘SWKGO7128SA | Connector with Wire 1 85~88, a7 JenDszT224 © |220k0 1 Ref. No, Part No. Description Jol wis, QExG01012zA | Connector with Wire 1 2i7~24 Fe enosaTsias | 100 1 wie swKG06197888 | Connector with Wire 1 RO /ERDS2TJ152 15K iz a wi7 ‘SWKG1648SA —_| Connector with Wire 1 RESISTORS Lisi ERDS2TIION ‘toon ' s]o1~36 MAI62A 'MA150IR (SUB. Part) 36 We }QEXG10008SSA | Connector with Wire 1 rii~t4—enoszrstes | sox 1 ia Jorxerior1ssa | connector with Wire 1 nae~a0[enosaTua7o [ava 3 |] rite enosarsise | +sk0 4 COMPONENT COMBINATION 37 lenosarsaro aro ‘9 ee zr exepssseaim [s3Kax8 7 u EXPLODED VIEWS OF CABINET i REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST......cabinet and Chassis Parts Note: Keyboard chassis part No. with mark (NLA) is no longer available after production discontinuation of the complete set, MICABINET & CHASSIS PARTS Ft. No. PartNo. Description Pecsot] [Ret No. Part No Deserition Parse POWER SWITCH 36 [SHAGSIO0A | Gover, Power SW. 7 3s A essex Power Switch THe} mmamem| erect, Jaco rae 1 ‘SPEAKERS lo]s7 comers JavKco8068 | Bottom Piate 1 apn? eaeGumoer | ttm 60 r sr csH6cst30n | Foot Rubber 4 SPS, 4 EASOSPHOGA | Speaker 65cm, 120 2 {fo} Javxaosiaa | DOR Cover 1 39 Jsacescza | Dust Cover 1 TRANSFORMER 0 EME2T3DV [Digital Disk Drive Unit 1 [Olt BYBAA JaTPGiMo0sA [Power Transformer 1 bud = ae 7 | Hc A,B 42 BABI |stacoesoa | .c.8. Holder 3 ra Saas 6 fomeatoesan —|rett 1 lofrs ‘A.Jarrcimocra | Power Transformer 1 “4 Jozuarowi0n Fiat Cable 1 F678 6 -ruxs26 o Fa ples elem a ‘ovzc001a ‘ POWER CORD & PLUG “8 sLaGTACc20 1 O]Pcr EMEA Tasacooraa [AC Power Cora 7 “ SHAGI270A | Mounting Base 5 io 50 aunasor2a, | cushion 1 ror BTA |siacas [AC Power Gore 1 5 ‘mAcsor3aa — | cushion 1 Pot NID A | SvAGet [AC Power Cord + |o}se josceossa | shield pa 1 Pot BIBL | ssacce JAG Power Cora + {fos Josccosea | shete Parts 1 SAGs ‘AC Power Cord 1 Sa neveOanD. sa [staars00a [mite Key (Gand F Key | 10 a stacttion | Wnite Key (0 Key) 5 supsz13-1 ‘Attachment Plug 1 6 stactr20a | wmite Key (€ and 8 Key) | 10 sypGi950 | Power Plug 1 a jsraqtra0a | Wmite Key (6 Key) 5 8 stacit0a | wnite ey (A Key 5 CABINET PARTS: 0 sractisoa | White Key ‘ on [avAasoo2Ka [Music Rack 7 (Top Octave C Key) ole favpator4as | control Panel Assembly | 1 eo steqz070a | lack Key 2 ofa COGMGOO0EAA | Speaker Net 2 || fer susc2rea"t | spring o ofa ‘acraoo2sAd | Transparent Pate 1 ea suscie70n | Fett 2 ofa ‘acrcoosas | Loo case 1 63 SHGG9050A | Key Guide Rubber 6 lols ‘acrcoo27as — |.cp bas 1 es SHAGADOIOA | Spacer 3 Joje ‘Macorens — | Cushion 1 es sHAGA00204 | spacer 1 oz ‘acrc002044 | Sequencer Inaication Plate | + 68 JSHRGAGSOA | Spacer 1 8 SBCG1680 | Button, Power Sitch 1 er sungs7eon | Spacer i Jojo. ‘acucsocznn | pia Whos 4 es Jssecz004n | Rubber Switen 1 10 SBNG7O70A | Knob, Main Volume 4 (7 pes. on one) lo} acuaio77a, | Button 1 6 ]ssrce004, | rubber Sniton ® lolz acuaio7ers — | Button 2 (6 pcs. on one) lofas aqucro7e\s01 | Button 4 70 wun|stecezsia | chassis 1 lof aqucros0Asot | Button 1 o}ss acucrostasot | Button 1 SCREWS & WASHERS o}r6 Jacucioszaact | sutton 1 sears Screw 2 faz facustoszancz | Button 1 xNGAB Nut 2 ofr Jacuciossaa | Button 1 xivas126F2 | Screw 2 o}9 facuciceean | Button 1 xrws+100 | Serew 8 Jo}20—v Jaauatossaa — [Button 1 x09 Nut 1 Jo}21 ‘ocucioe6an | Button 1 xwvavi0g | Sere 85 Jo}z2 ‘acuci07AA | Button 1 xmws+10 {screw 15 Jo}25, ‘acustaesaact | Button 1 xTB3+50 Ber 3 Jo} ‘aquaria — | Button 1 QHDGO02KA with Washer 4 Jo}25 ‘acucie2aA | Button 2 N10 xiwsette2 — | Screw 6 lo}26 ‘acuarosa, | putton 1 Nt xrwa+100ve | screw 1 lo}27 v¥Jacueros6a, | Button 1 Nie fxrea+10ir2 | screw 2 Jo}28 acucios7Aso1 | Button 1 Ns xres+140F2 | screw 2 Jo}25 acuaioa7As2 | Button 1 Ne xrestarrz | screw 1 Jo}s0 acvaros6Asot | Button 1 nie Ea) xtee+erFz | screw 2 loft acuciovea, [Button 1 nis HIE) xss0+6rz | Screw ‘ lofse acuari00a401 | Button 1 8 xrwa+tot | Serew 0 2 }SBNG#O50A | Wheel Knod 2 iz sNeGzs204 [Nut 1 By /SUSGS7OA Soring 1 Nie xrea+128FZ | Screw 1 36 [sHecs010a | Tube 2 PACKING IEIPACKING PARTS et. No. (@aFGKN1000LA Instruction Book Pea ee a | Deepen [Pte opr apccoissan | avon f INSTRUCTION BOOK JO] EH }arccoose4s | caron + |lope 2OFGKWEOOAA [Inston Book 7 io? eeNeoresnn eT | tae 1 |Iole ‘QOFGKNT000CA | instruction Book 1 se Senenioea teas 1 foje QOFGKNI0000A | Instruction Book 1 ols ceneo enh Tea 1 |Iols QQFGKNT000€A. | instruction Book 1 le Srearne ethene + |lofs QQFGKNI000FA | instruction Book 1 ° Sercr7r0n | poneinyne Bag + {9 Jaaraxnroc0ra ' H rwcooras | Payetmrons bon 2 {I Jaaraxsie00an ! 7 JOPEGOO2AA | Polyethylene Bag 1 HI JaarGKNt000J4. | instruction Book 1 3 arexwo0nKa | nsweton Book 1 lo Printed in Japan 91033100 8 T.T/M.K.

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