December 29 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 29, 2015

Why should we talk less and never argue about spiritual beliefs? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us today.
Can a donkey carrying perfume or a bundle of
sandalwood become an elephant? It can appreciate
the weight but not the scent! The elephant pays no
regard to the weight; it inhales the sweet scent, right?
So too, the spiritual aspirant, or devotee will take in
only the pure truth, the pure essence of good
activities, of Godliness, and of the scriptures. On the
other hand, one who goes on arguing for the sake of
mere scholarship, learning, and disputation will know
only the weight of logic, missing the scent of truth!
Many in the world utilise their vast learning in
disputations and believe they are superior; this is a
great mistake. If they really were so learned, they
would assume silence as the honourable course. For
those in search of the essence, the burden is no
consideration. If mere reason is employed, nothing
worthwhile is gained. Love is the one big instrument
for the constant remembrance of the Lord. Keeping
that instrument safe and strong needs no other
appliance than the scabbard of
discrimination (viveka).
- Prema Vahini, Ch 44.

Service is the highest form of worship and the best penance. Baba
29 dsMbr,2015
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslysn
pRSn: swnUM,ikauN G`t bolxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ijs Bgvwn nUM qusIN pUjdy ho aus bwry swnUM,iksy nwl,bihs ikaoN nhIN
krnI cwhIdI ? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:kI iek gDw,ijhVw Awpxy au`pr,ieqr jW sMdl dIAW lk`VIAW r`K ky jw irhw hY,auh hwQI bx skdw
hY?auh gDw,Bwr dw qW AMdwzw lgw skdw hY pr aus nUM,ieqr dI KuSbU dI pihcwn nhIN ho skdI[iek hwQI nUM
Bwr dI koeI iPkr nhIN huMdI pr auh ieqr dI KuSbUM nUM suMGdw hY[aus qrHW,iek swDk nUM isrP,scweI nwl hI
ipAwr huMdw hY,cMgy kMm krdw hY Aqy kyvl,Dwrimk ikqwbW hI pVHdw hY[aus dy ault,ijhVw mnu`K Awpxy-Awp
nUM,dUijAW qoN ijAwdw AklmMd smJdw hY,auh ikvyN scweI dw AwnMd lY skdw hY? sMswr iv`c,ku`J ies qrHW dy lok
hn ijhVy Awpxy-Awp nUM dUijAW qoN ijAwdw bu`DImwn smJdy hn,auh PjUl dy lVweI-JgVy mu`l lY lYNdy hn [ ieh
,aunHW dI glqI hY[jy auh,s`c-mu`c hI bhuq pVHy-ilKy hn,aunHW nUM,SWq rih ky mwn-ie`zq kmwauxI cwhIdI

hY[ijhVy lok ieqr(scweI) dI Koj iv`c hI hn aunHW leI Bwr dw koeI ArQ nhIN huMdw[PzUl JgVw krn dw koeI
lwB nhIN huMdw[Bgvwn dw lgwqwr jwp krn dw v`fw h`iQAwr, ,ipAwr hY[ies h`iQAwr nUM,ivvyk hI sur`iKAq
r`K skdw hY[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 44)[
syvw hI,swirAW qoN au`cI pUjw Aqy qp`isAw hY[(bwbw)[

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