December 31 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 31, 2015

What are the two internal enemies every spiritual aspirant must battle?
Bhagawan explains and clarifies today.

These are the two chief enemies of every spiritual aspirant: Conceit (that you
know everything) and Doubt (Is it or is it not). Simply decide to be firmly fixed
in your reality. If that is pure, everything is pure. If that is true, everything is
true. If you wear blue eyeglasses, you see only blue, even though Nature is
resplendent with many colours. So too, if the world appears to you as full of
differences, that is due only to the fault in you. If all appears as one love, that
too is only your love. The feelings within you, is the cause in both situations.
The question that may arise next is whether the Lord has faults, for He too
identifies faults. The Lord only searches for goodness in a devotee, not faults
and sins. Your assessment of the Lord is dependent on your feelings. The
Lord showers grace on those endowed with righteousness, irrespective of
race, wealth and gender.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 46.

Develop righteousness. Live and act in joy and love. You will attain salvation without fail. Baba
31 dsMbr,2015
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslysn
pRSn: mnu`K dy,auh ikhVy do AMdrUnI duSmn hn ijhdy nwl,swDk nUM lVweI lVnI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hr swDk dy do v`fy duSmn hn: pihlW ieh,ik mnu`K dw Awpxy-Awp bwry ieh smJxw ik mryy vrgw koeI
nhIN hY Aqy dUjw ieh ik mnu`K dw S`kI hoxw[quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik qusIN,AwpxI AslIAq qy p`ky PYsly qy kwiem
rho[jy auh,piv`qr hY qW swrw ku`J piv`qr hY[jy auh s`c hY qW swrw ku`J s`c hY[jy qusW nIly rMg dy SIiSAW vwlI
AYnk pweI hoeI hY qW quhwnUM,hr cIz nIly rMg dI hI ivKweI dvy gI BwvyN kudrq dIAW v`K-v`K cIzW dw rMg,
v`K-v`K hY[ausy qrHW,jy quhwnUM,ieh sMswr, v`K-v`K mq-BydW nwl BirAw ivKweI idMdw hY qW ieh ,quhwfy Awpxy
iv`c nuks kr ky hI huMdw hY[jy quhwnUM,swirAW iv`c,ipAwr ivKweI idMdw hY qW ieh,quhwfy Awpxy AMdr dUijAW leI

ipAwr kwrx hox kr ky hI huMdw hY[ieh dovyN hwlwqW dw kwrx,quhwfy Awpxy AMdr dIAW BwvnwvW dy kwrx kr ky
hI hY[hux, ieh svwl pYdw huMdw hY ik kI Bgvwn dy AMdr hI nuks hY ikauN jo aus nUM Kud nuks ivKweI idMdy
hn[Bgvwn qW ,swDk iv`c,cMigAweI hI lB`dy hn,aus dy nuksW nUM nhIN l`Bdy[Bgvwn dw AWkx krnw,quhwfIAW
BwvnwvW qy hI inrBr krdw hY[jwqI,Drm,AmIr,grIb Aqy ilMg dw Byd-Bwv kIqy ibnW,Bgvwn aunHW lokW nUM
Awpxw AwSIrvwd idMdy hn,ijhVy Drm dw pwlx krdy hoey,Awpxw jIvn bqIq krdy hn[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey
Drm dI pwlxw iv`c,bVHOqrI kro[KuSI Aqy ipAwr dI Bwvnw nwl kMm kro Aqy Awpxw jIvn bqIq kro[ies qrHW
krn nwl quhwnUM,hr hwlq iv`c mokS dI pRwpqI hovy gI[(bwbw)[

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