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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 02, 2016

What is the real lesson we must learn to be able to live in peace and joy?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us in crystal clear terms today.

Do all lucky people who possess wealth, gold, riches and

comfort have peace? Are all highly learned people, or those of
extraordinary beauty, or of superhuman physical strength, in
peace with themselves and the world? No! The reason for this
lack of peace in many is that they forget the divine basis of
creation. All lives lived without faith and devotion to the Supreme
Lord are despicable lives; they are all wasted chances. It is
indeed very strange! Your genuine basis, the fountain of your
joy, your ultimate fundamental(paramartha) principle, has
become unnecessary and unsought for; on the other hand, the
world with its tinsel tawdriness has for you become necessary
and desirable. Even the most comfortable house, equipped with
all the luxuries and heaps of treasure that people crave, is
worthless to endow you with peace. Peace can be won only by
surrender to God, who is the very core of ones being, the very
source of all life and living.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 12.

Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace. Baba
02 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,KuSI Aqy SWqI iv`c rihx leI,ikhVw AslI sbk is`Kxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: kI auh swry lok,ijnHW kol D`n-dOlq,sonw,hr Awrwm dI cIzW huMdIAW hn, SWqI iv`c rihMdy hn? kI,auh
swry ivdvwn mnu`K,bhuq KUbsUrq mnu`K jW ijhVy SwrIrk qOr qy bhuq qkVy huMdy hn,Awpxy-Awp iv`c Aqy sMswr
nwl,SWqI nwl rihMdy hn?ies dw au`qr hY,nhIN[aunHW iv`c, SWqI dI Gwt ies leI hY ik auh, ies kudrq dw
AslI AwDwr Bu`l gey hn[ ijhVy lok,Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS Aqy aunHW dI pUjw krn qoN Bu`l gey hn,aunHW dw
jIxw,PzUl hY[Asl iv`c,ieh swrw AjIb lgdw hY[qusIN,Awpxy AslI AwnMd Aqy KuSI dy sRoq nUM Bu`l gey ho Aqy
quhwnUM,sMswrI su`K cMgy l`gx l`g pey hn[auh lok,ijnHW dy GrW iv`c hr qrHW dy su`KW dw swmwn ipAw hY,aunHW nUM vI
SWqI nhIN hY[SWqI qW hI iml skdI hY jy mnu`K,aus Bgvwn nUM pUrI qrHW smripq kr dvy ijnHW kwrx, mnu`K jI
irhw hY Aqy ijhVy, mnu`K dI hoNd dy AslI sRoq hn[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey 12)[

Bgvwn dI swDnw nwl hI quhwnUM,AwnMd,suK Aqy SWqI pRwpq hovy gI[(bwbw)[

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