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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 3, 2016

What is the one habit we must discard and what is the trait it must be replaced
with? Bhagawan lovingly instructs us today.
What is important is not the acquisition of
argumentativeness but the acquisition of singlemindedness, equanimity, and freedom from likes and
dislikes. Why does one undertake these spiritual
disciplines, this chanting, meditation, devotional singing,
etc.? Isnt it for acquiring single-mindedness and onepointedness? Once that one-pointedness has been
earned, human effort becomes unnecessary; the inner
significance of life gets revealed. So those eager to
become spiritual aspirants, should not yield to arguments
and counterarguments. They should not be enticed by the
wiles of bad feeling. They should see their own faults and
not repeat them again. They should guard and protect the
one-pointedness they have acquired, with their eyes fixed
on the goal they are after, dismissing as trash whatever
difficulties, defeats, and disturbances they encounter on
their path. They must dwell on subjects that would give
enthusiasm and joy, and not waste valuable time building
up doubts regarding all things, big and small.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 45

Bhajan, Satsang and meditation done with the mind soaked in love can confer Peace,
Joy and Wisdom. Baba
03 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:auh ikhVI Awdq hY ijhVI swnUM C`fxI cwhIdI hY Aqy auh ikhVI Awdq hY ijhVI,aus C`fI hoeI Awdq dI
jgHw,mnu`K nUM ApxwauxI cwhIdI hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM, ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: mnu`K leI,ieh zrUrI nhIN hY ik auh hr cIz iv`c bihs hI krdw rhy pr aus leI ieh zrUrI hY ik
auh,aus dIAW psMd Aqy nw-psMd cIzW leI, iekwgrqw,smwnqw Aqy svqMqr iv`c rhy[mnu`K nUM,A`iDAwqimk
swDnw,Bgvwn dw nW jpxw,swDnw,BgqI Aqy Bjn ikauN gwauxy cwhIdy hn?kI ieh,iekwgrqw Aqy mn dw
iDAwn,iek pwsy lgwaux leI nhIN hn?jd mnu`K ,iekwgrqw hwsl kr lYNdw hY qW aus nUM ,AMqr-Awqmw dw
igAwn ho jWdw hY[ies leI,ijhVy lokW nUM,Awqm igAwn cwhIdw hY aunHW nUM,iksy vI PzUl bihs iv`c nhIN pYxw
cwhIdw[aunHW nUM,burIAW BwvnwvW qoN dUr rihxw cwhIdw hY[aunHW nUM,Awpxy Avgux vyKxy cwhIdy hn Aqy auh AvguxW
nUM,muV kdy nhIN dohrwxy cwhIdy hn[auh mnu`K,ijs ny mn dI iekwgrqw pRwpq kr leI hY ,aus nUM cwhIdw hY ik

aus nUM ij`nIAW mrzI musIbqW iv`coN guzrnw pvy,aus nUM Awpxy rsqy qoN ,kdy vI Btkxw nhIN cwhIdw[aus nUM
cwhIdw hY ik aunHW cIzW au`qy Awpxw iDAwn kyNidRq kry ijhVIAW aus nUM hOslw Aqy KuSIAW dyx Aqy CotIAW-v`fIAW
cIzW au`qy S`k nw kry[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 45)[
ijhVy Bjn,sqsMg Aqy swDnwvW,mn iv`c ipAwr Br ky kIqy jWdy hn ,aunHW kwrx hI mnu`K nUM,SWqI,KuSI Aqy
bu`DImqw pRwpq huMdI hY[(bwbw)[

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