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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 5, 2016

What is the real purpose of going to temples or practicing any spiritual

discipline sincerely? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today to be mindful of our
purpose, today and every day.

Temples are invitations and signboards directing

people to their Divine home. Temples are intended to
instruct people in the art of removing the veil of
attachment that lies over their heart. That is why
Tyagaraja cried in the temple at Tirupathi, Remove
the veil within me, the veil of pride and hate. The fog
of illusion (maya) melted away with the touch of the
rays of grace. Then he sang out describing the image
of divine charm in the song,Sivudavo Madhavudavo;
he drank deep the sweetness of that form. The
churning of his heart by the divine formula produced
the spark of wisdom (jnana), and it grew into the
flame of realisation. On one occasion, Lord Sri
Ramachandra spoke thus: Dawn breaks and dusk
falls. With dawn, greed awakes in people; with dusk,
lust gets hold of them. Is this to be your goal and way
of life? With every passing day, you are nearing one
step closer towards the cave of death, missing
precious opportunities. Do you ever worry over a
wasted day?
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 1

Open the gates of wisdom, tear the veil of ignorance, and enter the abode of Divine Bliss.
Rest in peace, forever. Baba
05 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:mMdr iv`c m`Qw tykx jwaux jW iksy vI A`iDAwqimk AnuSwSn dI pwlxw krn dw kI AslI mksd
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,dsdy hn ik A`j Aqy hr idn swnUM,Awpxy lkS nUM iDAwn iv`c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[
au`qr: mMdr,hr iek nUM,iek inauqw idMdy hn Aqy hr iek leI, iek sweIn borf dw kMm krdy hn ik ieh
sQwn,Bgvwn dy rihx dw piv`qr sQwn hY[mMdr ieh sMdyS idMdy hn ik Awpxy idl iv`coN,moh-mwieAw dw ivcwr

C`f dau[iehI kwrx hY ik iqRpuqI dy mMdr iv`c,iqAwgrwj ny jordwr SbdW iv`c ikhw sI ik hy Bgvwn,myry AMdr
dIAW ,hMkwr Aqy nPrq vrgIAW burweIAw dw ivnwS kr dau [Bgvwn dy AwSIrvwd dI ikrxW ,mwieAw dI DuMd
dw ivnwS kr idMdIAW hn[aus qoN bwd,aus ny iek idvX Bjn gw ky ,iSv-dyvw,mwDv-dyvw dy rUp dI ivAwiKAw
kIqI Aqy Bgvwn dy piv`qr rUp dw AwnMd ilAw[Bgvwn dy ies rUp dI, aus ny,Awpxy idl iv`c sQwpnw
kIqI,igAwn dI icMigAwVI jgweI Aqy ieh Awqm-igAwn hwsl krn leI lwB-dwiek hoieAw[iek
bwr,Bgvwn rwm ny ikhw sI ik svyr ho geI hY Aqy AMDyrw Kqm ho igAw hY;svyr hox nwl,lwlc jwgdw hY Aqy
aus nUM,ie`CwvW pkVdIAW hn; kI ies nUM hI izMdgI kihMdy hn?ijauN hI iek-iek idn guzrdw hY,mnu`K dI
mOq,aus dy nyVy AwauNdI jWdI hY Aqy suinhrI mOky ,h`QoN iKskdy jWdy hn[kI qusW kdy guAwey hoey smyN qy APsos
kIqw hY?(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey 12)[
bu`DImqw dy drvwjy Kolo,A`igAwnqw dw ivnwS kro Aqy idvX AwnMd dw AwnMd pwau[hmySw,SWqI iv`c hI

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