January 6 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 6, 2016

What is the real nature of human beings? What is the barometer for us to find
out if we are truly humane? Bhagawan lovingly sets the bar for us today.

Humans are full of love (prema). Their hearts are springs of

mercy. They are endowed with true speech. Peace is the
characteristic of the mind of humans. It is the innate quality of the
mind. Do not search for peace outside. Just as gold and silver lie
hidden under the earth, and pearl and coral under the sea, peace
and joy lie hidden in the activities of the mind. If you desire to
acquire these hidden treasures, dive deep and turn your mental
activities inward, you will become full of love. Only one who has
so filled themselves with love and who lives in the light of that love
deserves to be called human. Those devoid of love are demons
and monsters. Within every man, the holy quality of love is ever
present, without change. It is one and indivisible. Those saturated
with love are incapable of spite, selfishness, injustice, wrong, and
- Prema Vahini, Ch 47

Your good conduct is your true w ealth. Baba

06 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:mnu`K dw AslI sBwau kI hY? ies cIz dw kI pYmwnw hY ik AsIN,s`c-mu`c hI mnu`K jwqI hW?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ies pYmwny bwry dsdy hn[
au`qr: mnu`K,aunHW nUM ikhw jWdw hY ,ijhVy ipAwr nwl Bry hoey huMdy hn[aunHW dy ihrdy,dieAw dy P~vwry hn[auh,
s`c boldy hn[aunHW dy mn dw gux,SWqI hY[iehI,mn dw AslI gux hY[SWqI nUM,bwhr nw Kojo[ijs qrHW,sonw Aqy
cWdI,DrqI dy AMdr huMdy hn; moqI Aqy SMK,smuMdr dy AMdr huMdy hn,ausy qrHW,KuSI Aqy SWqI,mn dIAW ikirAwvW
iv`c iC`pIAW hoeIAW hn[jy quhwfI ie`Cw,ienHW Cupy hoey Kjwny nUM hwsl krn dI hY qW qusIN,Awpxy AMdr,mn dIAW
ikirAwvW nUM fUMgw JWko,iPr qusIN,ipAwr nwl Br jwvo gy[auh mnu`K,ijhVw ipAwr nwl B`irAw hoieAw hY Aqy
ijhVw, ies ipAwr dI rOSnI iv`c rih irhw hY,auhI, mnu`K khwaux dy lwiek hY[ijnHW mnu`KW iv`c ipAwr nhIN

hY,aunHW nUM rwkiSS ikhw jWdw hY[hr mnu`K dy AMdr,hmySw ipAwr dw Atl piv`qr gux,ivdmwn huMdw hY[ijhVy
mnu`K,ipAwr dy gux iv`c sMiqRpq huMdy hn,auh kdy vI Kudgrz,byeImwn,glq Aqy durwcwrI nhIN huMdy[(pRym
vwihnI,A`iDAwey 47)[
quhwfw sdwcwr hI,quhwfI AslI dOlq hY[(bwbw)[

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