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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 7, 2016

How is the chanting of the Lords Name superior to every other worldly
attraction? Bhagawan exhorts us with quotations from scriptures and sages
Lord Krishna declared in the Gita, Among
sacrifices(yajnas), I am the repetition of the
name (nama-yajna). For curing grief and earning joy,
temples where the name of God can be remembered
are very essential. Remembering the
name (smarana) grants bliss; there is nothing more
fruitful, charming or blissful than this activity! Sage
Vyasa wondered, Having the great yet simple name, on
the ever available tongue, and the temple where His
enchanting image is installed so that people can sing
His glory in an exalted voice... why should people
hasten toward the gates of hell? So too, Saint Tulsidas,
who lived constantly in the temple and sang of the joy
he tasted, lamented, Alas! When people give up the
name and the temple, and seek peace and joy in other
places, I am reminded of the foolishness of those who
forsake the rich and tasty fare on their plates and beg
with outstretched hands for the remains from others
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 12.

Continuous remembrance of the Lords Name (namasmarana) is the secret

to liberation from bondage. Baba
07 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:Bgvwn dw nW jpxw,sMswr dIAW bwkI swrIAW AwkriSk cIzW qoN ikauN izAwdw au`qm hY? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,irSIAW-munIAW Aqy Drm gRMQW dw hvwlw dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Bgvwn ikRSn ny gIqw iv`c ikhw sI ik igAwnW iv`coN au`qm igAwn,myry nW dw bwr-bwr jpxw hI
hY[musIbqW nUM Kqm krn Aqy KuSI dw AwnMd lYx leI, mMdr bhuq zrUrI hn ij`Qy Bgvwn nUM Xwd kIqw jw skdw
hY[Bgvwn dw nW jpx nwl,AwnMd dI pRwpqI huMdI hY[ies ikirAw qoN hor koeI ikirAw nhIN, ijs qoN izAwdw
AwnMd ilAw jw sky[ivAws irSI,ieh gl vyK ky hYrwn huMdy sn ik jd mnu`K kol,AwpxI jIhvw qy Bgvwn dw
au`qm nW jpx leI hY, Aqy mMdRW iv`c Bgvwn dI suMdr mUrqI,aunHW dw nW jpx Aqy aus dI aupmw iv`c Bjn
gwaux leI hY qW mnu`K nUM,nrk dy duAwr jwx dI kI kwhlI hY? ausy qrHW, sMq qulsI dws, ijhVy hmySw mMdr

AMdr rihMdy sn Aqy Bgvwn dw nW lY ky AwnMd lYNdy sn, ny ikhw ik ijhVw mnu`K,Bgvwn dw nW C`f idMdw hY,
mMdr nhIN jWdw hY, pr dUjIAW jgHw ivKy SWqI Aqy KuSIAW dI Bwl krdw hY auh,aus AmIr mnu`K dI qrHW hY ijhVw
Awpxw Kwxw C`f ky dUijAw qoN iB`K mMgdw iPrdw hY[( Drm vwihnI, A`iDAwey 12)[
Bgvwn dw lgwqwr nW ismrx krnw , auh gupq igAwn hY ijhdI mdd nwl,mnu`K sMswrI bMdn qoN mukq ho jWdw

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