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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 8, 2016

As a true aspirant, what is the one subject we must all be super clear in
principle and practice without any doubt or conceit? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.

Whatever you are dealing with, you must first grasp its real
meaning. Then, you have to cultivate it daily, for your benefit. By
this means, wisdom grows and lasting joy is earned. The two
basic things everyone must be super clear are dharma
and karma (action). Righteousness (Dharma) has no prejudice or
partiality; it is imbued with truth and justice. So if you choose to
adhere to dharma, you must see that you never go against it. It is
wrong to deviate from it. The path of dharma mandates that you
give up hatred against others and cultivate mutual concord and
amity. Through concord and amity, the world will grow, day by
day, into a place of happiness. If these practices are well
established, the world will be free from disquiet, indiscipline,
disorder, and injustice. The wise, who are impartial and
unprejudiced and have resolved to follow Dharma, must walk on
the path of truth (sathya).
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 13

Your primary duty is to uphold the human values of truth, righteousness, peace and love. Baba
08 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn:iek s`cy swDk hox kwrx,auh ikhVI cIz hY ijhdy bwry swnMU,inXm Anuswr sp`St hoxw cwhIdw hY Aqy aus
nUM,ibnW iksy S`k Aqy DoKy qoN, A`iBAws iv`c ilAwauxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: qusIN,jo ku`J vI kr rhy ho,aus dy AslI ArQ nUM jwxo[aus qoN bwd,aus ikirAw nUM,hr roz,Awpxy lwB leI
pRXog kro[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwfI bu`DI dw ivkws hovy gw Aqy quhwnUM ,AnMq AwnMd dI pRwpqI hovy gI[do
cIzW,ijhVIAW hr mnu`K nUM, SISy dI qrHW swP hoxIAW cwhIdIAW hn ,auh hn ,Drm Aqy krm[Drm, auh
inSpkS Aqy bydwg vsqU hY ijhVI, scweI Aqy ienswP dI pRqIk hY[ies leI,jy qusIN s`c-mu`c Drm dI pwlxw
krnw cwhuMdy ho qW ieh p`kw PYslw kr lau ik mYN kdy vI ADrm dw kMm nhIN krW gw[Drm qoN by-mu`K hoxw, glq
hY[Drm dw rsqw,ieh swP qOr qy dsdw hY ik qusIN dUijAW nwl nPrq nw kro Aqy aunHW nwl,im`qrqw dw ivvhwr
kro[iek-dUjy nwl sihmqI dy kwrx,ieh sMswr,idn pRqI idn qr`kI kry gw Aqy hr jgHw , KuSI hI KuSI hovy
gI[jd ieh gux,swry sMswr dy lokW iv`c Aw jwvy gw qW sMswr, ASWqI,AnuSwSnhInqw,APrw-qPrI Aqy by-

ienswPI qoN mukq ho jwvy gw[auh bu`DImwn mnu`K, ijhVy inSpkS hn Aqy iksy dw burw nhIN socdy Aqy ijnHW Drm
dI pwlxw krn dI sONh KwdI hoeI hY,auh hmySw s`c dI rwh qy hI cldy hn[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey 13)[
quhwfw mu`Flw Prz ieh hY ik qusIN,scweI,Drm,SWqI Aqy ipAwr dy mwnv mu`lW dI pwlxw kro[(bwbw)

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