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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 11, 2016

What is the uniqueness in playing games and sports? Bhagawan lovingly

explains to us today.

Bharatiya Samskriti (Culture of Bharat) is a composite of purity, divinity,

sublimity and beauty. This combination is reflected in sports and games.
Although there may be differences among nations in their food and
recreational habits, the spirit of harmony and unity displayed in sports is a
gratifying example to all. It is a distinctive quality of sports that differences
are forgotten and persons engage themselves in games in a divine spirit
of friendliness and camaraderie. Sports help the players not only to
improve their health but also to experience joy. Students, however,
should not be content with realising these benefits. It is equally essential
to promote purity of the mind and develop large heartedness. True
humanness blossoms only when the body, the mind and the spirit are
developed harmoniously. The enthusiasm and effort which you display in
sports should also be manifested in the spheres of morality and
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1990.

The beauty in sports and games is the spirit of unity with which the participants play, eschewing
feelings of envy and hatred. Baba
11 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: gymW Aqy KyfW nUM Kyfx dw kI lwswnIpn hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Bwrq dI sMsikRqI,piv`qrqw, idvXqw, Su`Dqw Aqy suMdrqw dw smUh hY[ieh cIzW dI scweI,gymW Aqy KyfW
Kyfx iv`c,ivKweI idMdI hY[BwvyN,vK-vK dySW dy Kwx-pwx Aqy mnorMjn krn dy FMg v`K-v~K hox, pr jd, gymW
Aqy KyfW dy Kyfx dI bwrI AwauNdI hY qW, ies iv`c,swirAW dI iekswrqw ivKweI idMdI hY[gymW Kyfx dw gux,auh
gux hY,ijhdy nwl, swry dySW dy lok,Awpxy m`q-Byd Bu`l ky ,Kyf dy mYdwn qy,BwrI-cwrw dw s`mwn r`Kdy hoey
Kyf,Kyfdy hn[KyfW Kyfx nwl,nw isrP ishq TIk rihMdI hY blik mnu`K,KuSIAW vI pRwpq krdw hY[ividAwrQIAW
nUM kyvl, KyfW Kyfx iv`c hI sMnquSt nhIN rihxw cwhIdw pr aus dy nwl-nwl, Awpxy mn nUM piv`qr Aqy idl nUM
v`fw r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[s`cI mnu`Kqw,aus vyly pxpdI hY jd mn, bu`DI Aqy SrIr dw ivkws,iek`Tw hI huMdw
hY[ijhVw hOslw qusIN, KyfW Kyl ky ivKwauNdy ho, auh dsw-cwr Aqy swDnw iv`c vI ivKweI dyxw cwhIdw hY[( 14
jnvrI,1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[

gymW Aqy KyfW Kyfx dI sd-Bwvnw auh eykqw hY, ijhdy nwl iKlwVI, Awpxw hsd Aqy nPrq C`f ky,Awpxw Kyf
Kyfdw hY[(bwbw)[

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