January 13 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 13, 2016

What are the important lessons we should learn from Sun-God? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us today.

For all actions, the inspirer, the performer and the experiencer is
the Sun-God. For people caught up in a meaningless existence
and going through an endless round of futile activities, the SunGod stands out as the exemplar of tireless and selfless service.
He enjoys no respite from work. He is above praise and
censure. He carries on his duties with absolute equanimity.
Everything he does is only for the well-being of the world and
not to cause any harm. Draw inspiration from Sun-God. The
world cannot survive without the Sun. Life on earth is possible
only because of the Sun. The Sun teaches man the lesson of
humble devotion to duty, without any conceit. The Sun is the
supreme example for everyone that one should do ones duty
with devotion and dedication. Doing one's duty is the greatest
Yoga, as pointed out by Krishna in the Gita. Let your actions
and thoughts be good. You will then experience the Bliss Divine.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 199

The love of God will dispel the ignorance and conceit of man as the Sun
dispels the morning mist. Baba
13 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: sUrj Bgvwn qoN AsIN ikhVw zrUrI sbk is`Kdy hW? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:swrIAW ikirAwvW leI,pRyirq krn vwly, ikirAw krn vwly Aqy AnuBv vrn vwly, sUrj Bgvwn hI hn[
aunHW lokW leI,ijhVy nwkwrw rihMdy hn Aqy PzUl ikirAwvW krdy hn, aunHW leI Bgvwn sUrj, iek ies qrHW dy
audwhrx hn ijhVy AnQ`k myhnq Aqy insvwrQ syvw krdy hn[auh, kMm krn qoN r`qI Br vI Awrwm nhIN
krdy[anHW au`qy, pRSMsw dw koeI pRBwv nhIN huMdw[ auh,Awpxw kMm,iekswrqw nwl krdy hn[auh , swrw ku`J,sMswr
dI BlweI leI hI krdy hn Aqy iksy dw nukswn , nhIN krdy[ies leI, Bgvwn sUrj qoN pRyrxw hwsl kro[sMswr
dI hoNd,sUrj qoN ibnW, AsMBv hY[DrqI au`qy jIvn, kyvl sUrj kwrx hI hY[ sUrj,mnu`K nUM ieh isiK`Aw idMdw hY
ik AwpxI ifaUtI nUM, iemwndwrI nwl kro[ AwpxI ifaUtI krnw,iek bhuq v`fw Xog hY[iehI isiK`Aw, Bgvwn
ikRSn ny gIqw iv`c id`qI sI[quhwfI ikirAwvW Aqy ivcwr, Su`D hoxy cwhIdy hn[ies qrHW krn nwl hI
quhwnUM,idvX AwnMd dw AwBws hovy gw[( 15 jnvrI, 1992 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Bgvwn dw ipAwr, mnu`K dI nwsmJI Aqy Brm nUM ievyN Kqm kry gw ijvyN sUrj dI grmI Aqy rOSnI,DuMd dw Kwqmw
kr idMdy hn[ (bwbw)[

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