January 14 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 14, 2016

Who is dearest to the Lord, who is a true devotee? Bhagawan explains drawing
reference from a dialogue between the Lord and an eminent devotee.
Once when Narada asked Lord Rama about the nature of His
servitors and of spiritual aspirants, the Lord answered, My
servitors are full of love; they always stand by righteousness and
truth; their hearts melt with mercy; they avoid sin and renounce
everything gladly; they eat in moderation, engage in doing good
to others, and have no selfishness and doubts. They wont lend
their ears to flattery but are eager to listen to the praise of the
good in others. Spiritual aspirants are those who endeavour to
acquire such qualities and possess such a character. Anyone
engaged in repeating the Lords name has self-control and
discipline, faith, patience, comradeship, kindness, and joy as well
as unalloyed love towards Me - such a person is dear to Me.
Whoever with discrimination and renunciation, humility and
wisdom is aware of the knowledge of Reality; who is immersed in
the contemplation of My divine play (leela), dwells on My name
at all times and sheds tears of love whenever the Lords name is
heard from any lip these are My genuine devotees. Thus did
Sri Rama answer Narada.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 48.

Your good conduct is yo ur true wealth. Baba

14 jnvrI,2016
sweI ienspwier dw pMjwbI trWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn nUM,swirAW qoN izAwdw ipAwrw kOx hY? Bgvwn dw,s`cw Bgq kOx hY?Bgvwn,ies nUM,Bgvwn Aqy
aunHW dy pRis`D Bgq iv`c hoeI vwrqwlwp dI mdd nwl,A`j swnUM,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:iek bwr, jd nwrd ny Bgvwn rwm nUM, aunHW dI AwrwDnw krn vwilAW bwry Aqy aunHW dI syvw krn vwilAW
dy sBwau bwry pu`iCAw qW aunHW jvwb id`qw ik myry Bgq, ipAwr nwl Bry huMdy hn, auh Drm Aqy scweI dy rsqy qy
cldy hn, aunHW dw ihrdy, dieAw nwl ipGl jWdw hY, auh pwp krn qoN guryz krdy hn, Aqy hr cIz dw KuSIKuSI, iqAwg krdy hn, auh swqivk Bojn krdy hn, dUijAW dw Blw krn iv`c juty rihMdy hn, Aqy aunHW iv`c
svwrQ Bwvnw nhIN huMdI Aqy auh iksy qy S`k nhIN krdy[ auh cwplUsI krn vwilAW vl iDAwn nhIN idMdy Aqy
dUijAW dI pRSMSw sux ky Ku`S hMdy hn[AslI swDk auh hn ijnHW iv`c,ieh swry gux hox[ijhVw vI mnu`K, hr vyly
Bgvwn dw nW jpdw rihMdw hY , aus iv`c Awqm-sMjm,AnuSwSn, ivSvwS, sbr, sd-Bwvnw, dieAwluqw,

KuSI,Aqy insvwrQ-ipAwr,myry pRqI huMdw hY[ies qrHW dw mnu`K hI,mYnUM ipAwrw lgdw hY[ijhVw mnu`K,cMgy-mwVy
iv`c Prk smJdw hY,iqAwg-Bwv rKdw hY, hlImI Aqy bu`DImqw r`Kdw hY, myrI lIlwvW iv`c AwnMd mwxdw hY, hr
vyly myry nW lYx iv`c msq rihMdw hY, Aqy aus dIAW A`KW iv`coN ipAwr dy huMjU aus vyly ifgdy hn jd auh iksy dy
mUMh iv`coN Bgvwn dw nW suxdw hY, ies qrHW dy Bgq hI myry AslI Bgq hn[ ieh auh jvwb hY ijhVw Bgvwn
rwm ny,nwrd dy pRSn pu`Cx qy id`qw sI[( pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 48[
quhwfw sdwcwr hI, quhwfI s`cI pUMjI hY[(bwbw)[

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