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AS 1020


Max. Marks: 50

Due date 13.11.2013

1. Show that if Tjk = Tkj for all values of j and k then ijk Tjk must be zero.
2. Using index notation show that for a vector F
( F ) = ( F ) 2 F .

3. Using index notation show that for two vectors F and G

= F ( G)
+ (G
)F G(

(F G)
F ) (F )G.
4. Using index notation show that for vectors a, b, c and d
= (a c)(b d)
(a d)(
b c).
(a b) (c d)
5. A spherical tank, of diameter 35 cm, is leaking air through a 5 mm diameter hole in its
side. The air exits the hole at 360 m/s and a density of 2.5 kg/m3 . Assuming uniform
mixing, (a) nd a formula for the rate of change of average density in the tank; and (b)
calculate a numerical value for (d/dt) in the tank for the given data.
6. A cylindrical container is 20 cm in diameter and has a conical contraction at the bottom
with an exit hole 3 cm in diameter. The tank contains fresh water at standard sealevel
conditions. If the water surface in the cylindrical container is falling at the nearly steady
rate dh/dt = 0.072 m/s, estimate the average velocity V from the bottom exit. Use a
control volume based approach.
7. Consider a highly pressurized air tank at conditions p0 , 0 , T0 and volume vo . If the tank
is allowed to exhaust to the atmosphere through a welldesigned converging nozzle of exit
area A, the outgoing mass ow rate will be



0.685p0 A
(RT0 )1/2

This rate persists as long as p0 is at least twice as large as the atmospheric pressure.
Assuming constant T0 and an ideal gas, (a) derive a formula for the change of density
0 (t) within the tank. (b) Calculate the time t required for the density to decrease by
8. The velocity eld near a stagnation point may be written in the form

U0 x


U0 y

Here U0 and L are constants. (a) Show that the acceleration vector is purely radial. (b)
For the particular case L = 1.5m if the acceleration at (x, y) = (1 m, 1 m) is 25m/s2 ,
what is the value of U0 ?
9. Show that the twodimensional ow eld given by u = Kx,v = Ky and w = 0 is an
exact solution to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Neglecting gravity, compute
the pressure eld p(x, y) and relate it to the absolute velocity V = (u2 + v 2 )1/2 . Interpret
the result.
10. A two-dimensional incompressible ow is dened by

x2 + y 2


+ y2


where K is constant. Is this ow irrotational? If so, nd its velocity potential, sketch a

few potential lines, and interpret the ow pattern.

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