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Social factors:

Health is important to people-consistently regarded by rich or poor

There is a complex interaction between the right of an individual good health; the right of
community to protect itself against health threats; and its responsibility to provide for the health of its

Health protection requires across the society professions organizations etc. public health relies on
public support of its licenses to operate and its ability to change behavior.
Technological factors:

Health problems are always dynamic and sometimes this change is unpredictable. Health
interventions can lead to new health hazards.

Without knowledge about health, there can be no response to health threats.

Technology is poorly distributed in areas where people are unable to create demand for it

New technologies are the result of increasingly sophisticated processes and currently seem to be
of decreasing cost effectiveness.

New technologies pose poorly-understood risks as well as offering hard to qualify benefits

Information technology has a potential to revolutionize the disseminations of knowledge about

It is assumed that the political, economical, and social condition will remain same during the whole year in
which the product is launched e-g market price of palm seeds.

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