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The Monthly Newsletter of Riders With A Purpose

Chapter #1211 of the
Christian Motorcyclists Association

Summer 2016-Servant
Trip to Maine

The date for our Servant
Trip to Cherryfield Maine has been
determined. Well be leaving on
Saturday, June 25, arriving on
Sunday. Well work (probably
roofing repairs) through the week
with a day off to enjoy Acadia
National Park, Bar Harbor, and
maybe even a lobstah dinnah.
Then well head back home on July
2. Our lodgings for the week will
most likely be the Lamb House,
which is a four-bedroom house that
once served as the parsonage for a
church. It is n ow used by the church
to house families that have been
displaced by fire or other disaster...
but for this week, is scheduled to be
our home. The cost for the trip will
be about $250 per person, plus
Lamb House at Cherryfield


travel expenses. Of that amount,

$175 goes to the Maine Seacoast
Mission to defray their costs. The
rest will be for food, etc. We will
need to limit the size of our group to
about 10 people because of our
lodgings. Having said that, if there
were an overwhelming response,
be found for us. At
this point, it seems like 10 may be a
good number, for this year at least.
We will be riding motorcycles (oh
yeah) however, chase vehicles will
also be going to haul equipment.
Mostly this will be personal gear
because the Mission will provide
power tools, etc. Sure, feel free to
bring your favorite h ammer! We will
need to secure insurance for the trip,
so if anyone has any connections or
suggestions, let Kent know ASAP. It
would also be great if we could get
some financial support for the trip,
so lets be thinking about some ideas
for that as well. This is going to be a
fantastic event, supporting a great
cause, and its sure to b e a lot of fun
as well. Sign up if you h avent yet!

New Year!

New Years Breakfast and

Gift Exchange

The good news-everyone
had a great breakfast! But not
everyone received the best gift.
Oh sure, there was a leather vest, a
mint pair of Harley leather boots,
some very unusual soft drinks... but
one of our members received a
brick. Just a plain old brick, nicely
wrapped. Oh well, isnt it better to
give than to receive!

The Annual Seasons of Refreshing

event is coming February 5-6. This
years theme, Bikers For Change
will kick off the year for CMA
activities. Get signed up and come to
enjoy the learning and fellowship.

Calvary Baptist Church,

Altoona, PA

Friday 6 PM, Saturday 7:30 AM

Who are we? Riders With A Purpose-#1211

As a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we are a multi-denominational ministry to other
bikers. As with the CMA, our m ission is changing the world, one heart at a time. We meet every 3
Saturday at RDs American Grill~1426 Lancaster Pike (Rt. 272) Quarryville, PA~South of the Buck, Join us!
President & Newsletter
Treasurer- Karen Stillman
Prayer Chain-Janet Maldonado

-Kent Brusstar
Secretary- Mary Brusstar Chaplains- Neil Uniacke, Bud Stillman
Vice President-Lynne Griest
Road Captain Neil Howett
Webmaster-Dave Maldonado

Kickstands Up! Riders With A Purpose

We May Ride...

But He is

Hillbilly Hotdogs
West Virginia...April 1

No, this isnt an April Fools
joke, and that really is Guy Fieri from
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and what
a dive! This will be a 450 mile trip
(each way) with Hot Dogs of
extraordinary proportions being the
goal. If you are interested in joining
the Hillbilly gang heading west, see
Jazz for all of the d etails. Yes, this is
an overnighter!!

Easter Sunday Service

Chesapeake HD

Well be back! Yes, Riders
With A Purpose is once again leading
worship for the annual Easter Sunday
Service at Chesapeake Harley
Davidson. Rick Steffy will be
preaching again this year, so we are
looking forward to another
wonderful service. Get it on your
calendar! M arch 27, 10 AM

January, 2016
Presidents Corner~
Its a new year! Lots of
new opportunities. We have a
ride calendar that is filling up
fast, and through prayer and
seeking His will, we can fill
that calendar up with even
more opportunities to serve.
Jesus reminds us in Matthew
5:16, Let your light so shine
before others that they will see
your good works, and glorify
your father in heaven. Isnt
that why we ride with the
CMA? To bring Glory to God?
There are lots of groups out
there that ride, but mostly to
bring glory to themselves.
Were different. And in that
difference is opportunity to
make a difference!. Lets strive
to make 2016 a year that
Riders With A Purpose lets

Riders With A Purpose-Ride and Event Calendar

NOTE: Rides usually follow all regular meetings!

Find Us On The Web!

Riders With A Purpose

^ Indicates events at which we will be setting up our tent and CMA Info booth.
Like Us On Facebook: www.

January 16

Breakfast/Regular Meeting

8:00 AM

RDs American Grill, RT 272, Qville

January 23

Ice Cream Social

4:00 PM

Freezy Barn (at Mussers)

February 5-6

February 20

Seasons of Refreshing

Breakfast/Regular Meeting

6 PM Fri
7:30 AM Sat
8:00 AM

Calvary Baptist Church

Altoona, PA
RDs American Grill, RT 272, Qville

February 27

Ice Cream Social

4:00 PM

DJs Taste of the 50s Diner (Rt 340)

March 19

Breakfast/Regular Meeting

8:00 AM

RDs American Grill, RT 272, Qville

March 26

Chapter Orientation

9:00 AM

Brookside Ministires, Shamokin Dam

June 25-July 2
June 21-25

July 28-31

Missions Trip to Cherryfield, Maine.

National Rally

State Rally

Iron Mountain, Hatfield, Arkansas
Pleasantville Camp, Pleasantville PA

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