South Lands PAC Meeting Agenda April 2010

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Southlands Elementary School PAC Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 6, 7 pm- 8pm

Location: Southlands Elementary School Library

1. Co-Chair Welcome Verlee Bromley & Michelle Kokan, PAC Co-chairs

• Accept minutes from March 2010 meeting

2. Principal’s Report Ian Cannon, Southlands Principal

3. Treasurer’s Report John Stekl, Treasurer

4. Fundraising Carole Jones, Fundraising

• Spring Fling Carnival status

5. Hearts at School Angie O’Brien

6. Other Business

The upcoming May meeting will deal with constitutional changes and changes
to programs at Southlands School for next year: Stay posted!

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

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