Power Electronics and Simulation Lab Manual

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SINGLE PHASE AC VOLTAGE CONTROLLER WITH R & RL LOADS R&RLLOAD SINGLE PHASE HALF CONTROLLED BRIDGE CONVERTER WIT! R&RLLOAD SINGLE PHASE CYCLO CONVERTER WITH R & RL LOADS STUDY OF GATE FIRING CIRCUITS | ‘DC JONES CHOPPER WITH R & RL LOADS POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION LAB MANUAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Tre AC VOLTAGE CONTROLLER: Ph kh T2 A AC Supply N & Fig-1 Single Phase AC Voltage controller with R-load Ty Ph Te R = © To CRO AC Supply S | N : Fig-2 Single Phase AC Voltage controller with RL-load ROCEDURE: é¢ vi gen ASIA S [ LLELLLELVLULULLLELELELEEL POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION LAB MANUAL ) For R-Load: 1, Conneet the circuit as shown in figure. 2. Verify the connections from the lab instructor before switch on the supply. 3. Keep the rheostat position value given by the lab instructor 4. Switch ON the CRO and calibrate it with the input voltage. 5. Switch on the power circuit and firing circuit. 6. Observe the output voltage waveform in the CRO. 7. Note down the reading of a from the CRO and V, from the volumeter value of output voltage from the formmla and compase it watts the the volumcicr_ 8. Also calculate the theoretical practical value of the output voltage, which is observed from 9. Repeat the above process from step 6 to 8 for various firing angles. B). For RL-Load: 1. Switch off the power supply and connect an inductance of given value im Somes load resistance. 2, Repeat steps 2 to 9 in this case and also note down the reading of BL > TABULAR COLUMN: A) For R-Load: The input voltage Vpn = V (As given by the instructor) Value of load resistance Ry= Q(As given by the instructor) CRO calibration: 180 degrees= msec = 7 Tanians | | POWER E OWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION LAB pany WAL ~) Firing angle(a) | Firing angle(a) Wiring angle(a) | V, (Practleal niiiatee in milli seconds | in degrees in radians oe me oriticaly, A) For RL-Load: The input voltage Von = V (As given by the instructor) Value of load resistance p= 2(As given by the instructor) Value of Load inductance L= mi(As given by the instructor) CRO calibration: 180 degrees = msec = radians Theoretical Extinction angle p= (in msec) = (degrees) = (radians) Practical Extinction angle p= (in msec) = (degrees) = (radians) ) Vo (Theoritical) Tiring angle(a) || Vo (Practical in radians Firing angle(d) in degrees eet ctor Firing angle(@) in milli seconds “MODEL GRAPHS: With R-Load: SULT vi eC is verified and the T Wii RL loads ts EK i = tage controller with &) RE + The operation of I: ‘ ac VO! : R i tical and practical qoltes of output voltages with R and RL loa theoreti ds are found. a) gy with R and RL Loads. APPARATUS: AIM: To obtain controlled output waveforms of 4 single phase/fullly CO S.No EQUIPMENT Qty ir I-@ Transformer Bi 1 2s 1-@ fully controlled power ] circuit with firing unit 85 Voltmeter(MI meter) 1 4. Voltmeter(MC meter) I Sk Rheostat i 6. Inductive load I 7 CRO with (1:10) Probe 1 8. Patch cards THEORY: Fig-1 22 s = ig 2 = ELS 1 TU yy Ud id UG U U d a a 994 " ® ® 4 a4 4 ; Ph PF PP G G Opn f) f) ff) € VebBeURLOLELBEODTEOCOCOCECEEES 3 B) For R-Load: tN 1v9} a PROCEDURE: Connect the circuit as shown in figure. Verify the connections from the lab instructor before switch on the supply. Keep the rheostat position value given by the lab instructor Switch ON the CRO and calibrate it with the input voltage. Switch on the power circuit and firing circuit. Observe the output voltage waveform in the CRO. Note down the reading of a from the CRO and V. from the voltmeter Also calculate the theoretical value of output voltage from the formula and compare it with the practical value of the output voltage, which is observed from the voltmeter. Repeat the above process from step 6 to 8 for various firing angles. B). For RL-Load: 1, Switch off the power supply and connect an inductance of given value in series with the load resistance. 2, Repeat steps 9 (9 9 in this case and also note down the reading of (3, a sv ub vie yt b & & bb “lees POWER ELECTROMICS & SAUL ATION LAG | TABULAR COLUMN; B) For R-Load: The input voltage V,y = V (As given by the instructor) Value of load resistance Rx= —_O2(As gtven by the instructor) CRO calibration: 180 degrees = msec = xsadians S.NO. | Firing angle(a) | Firing angle(a) Firing a 1% (Practical) | Vo i } in milli seconds | in degrees in sadians | (Theoritical) B) For RL-Load: The input voltage Vpr = V (As given by the instructor) Value of load resistanceRy= £2 (As eien by the instructor) CRO calibration: 180 degrees = msec = nradians Theoretical Extinction angle p= (in msec) = (degrees) = (radians) Practical Extinction angle p= (in msec) = (degrees) = (radians) SNO. | Firing angle(a) in milli seconds Firing angle(a) | Firing angle(a) | V, (Practical) | V, | in degrees in radians | (Theoritical) j his Soteged ie eae ieee | | | i RESULT: The operation of l-¢ fully controller converter is verified and the theoretical and ues of output voltages are found ,both for R and RL loads at different firing angles practical va ve bed a ee ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee et R & RL LOAD ————— AIM: To obtain the output waveform of single phase half controlled bridge conv and RL Loads. APPARATUS: Quantity S.No | Name of the Equipment | Type 4 Ramge 1. | Single phase half controlled converter power circuit } TT 2. | Firing Unit 3. | Voltmeter MI | (0-60V) | MGC a [ 4. 1:1 Isolation Transformer ease De | Rheostat lh Wire wound 6. "| Inductive load 7. | CRO L 8) Patch Chords CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Ph S|. 10,2300 SS ie AC Supply 3 (S Fig-1 for Reload Ph a 1-0, 230V AC Supply Wg-1 for RL-load e connections as pet the circuit diagram. ferify the connections from the lib Instructor before switching ON the supply. itch ON the CRO and calibrate it with the input voltage. vitch e power circuit and firing oireult, BEELBGGEEEEEELEEEE the practical value of the output voltage, which is observed f POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION LAB MANUAL Observe the output voltage wave form in the CRO. 7. Note down the readings of a from the CRO Vo from the voltmeter 8. Also caloulate the theoretical value of the output voltage from the formu: Ja and compare it with from the voltmeter. 9. Repeat the above process for various firing angle Ri-load: 10. Switch off the supply and connect an inductance of given value in series with the load resistance. 11. Repeat steps 2 to 9 and also note down the readings of [. OBSERVATIONS: For R-Load: Input voltage Vph= Load resistance R= Firing angle(a) in msec — Firing angle | Firingangle | Vo in Degrees in radians (theoretical) Input voltage Vph= Load resistance R= Value of Inductance L= Theoretical Extinction angle p= Practical Extinction angle f= POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION Vo (theoretical) Firmg angle(a) in msec Firing angle in radians Firing angle in Degrees (practical) Model Graphs; R-Load: Supply voltage Losd-voliage we ? ; t H t ' Ze eZ Ty Py 47, D9 Ta, Da "AT, Dif — Result: The operation of Single Phase half controlled converter is verified and the theoretical practical values of output voltage are found, both for R and RL loads, ——E— 6. SINGLE PHASE CYCLO CONVERTER WITH R & RI AIM: To verify the operation of single phase Cyclo Converter with Rand hi ka observe the output and input waveforms APPARATUS: S.No EQUIPMENT Qty ia I-e Center tapped 1 Transformer | 2. . | kp Cyclo Converter power circuit with firing unit Rheostat Inductive load 5. | Voltmeter(MD) 7. 1 CRO with (1:10) Probe | | 8. Patch cards Ri captain aaaiip lessees sige aka ae alae Sea : v i & u 6 & u POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMU: CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: Ph | 1-®, 230V 50Hz AC Supply center tapped transformer Ph 1-@, 230V To CRO 50Hz AC Supply N 5, center tapped transformer Fig2-Single phase cyclo converter with RL-load Vv vvvvyvy YG vw ae a a a | a | POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMULATION LAB PROCEDURE: A) For R-Load: ny a Connect the circuit as shown in figure. Verify the connections from the lab instructor before switch on the supply. Keep the rheostat position value given by the lab instructor Switch ON the supply and note down the frequency of input voltage from the CRO. Set the frequency division switch at 2 and note the readings of time period of output vo waveform for different set of firing angles Calculate the practical value of output frequency by reciprocating the value of time per theoretical value of frequency will be found from frequency division setting Repeat the above process from step 5 to 6 for frequency division of 3 and 4. B). For RL-Load: Connect the circuit as shown in figure. E 2 Connect an inductance of given value in series with the load resistance. Verify the connections from the lab instructor before switch on the supply. » . Keep the rheostat position value given by the lab instructor Switch ON the supply and note down the frequency of input voltage from the CRO. Set the frequency division switch at 2 and note the readings of time period of output 1 waveform for different set of firing angles Calculate the practical value of output frequency by reciprocating the value of time p theoretical value of frequency will be found from frequency division setting Repeat the above process from step 5 to 6 for frequency division of 3 and 4. - TABULAR COLUMN: ©) For R-Load: The input voltage Vph = Value of load resistance Ri= V (As given by the instructor) O\(As given by the instructor) Input frequency Hz S.NO, | Frequency Firing angle(a) | Time period in Frequency Frequency division in degrees msec (practical) (theoretical) | C) For RL-Load: The input voltage Vpn = V (As given by the instructor) Value of load resistance Ri= _—-2(Ass given by the instructor) Value of Load inductance L= mH(As given by the instructor) | S.NO. | Frequency Firing angle(a) | Time period in | Frequency Frequency division in degrees msec (practical) (theoretical) | | | | | | L U9 POWER ELECTRONICS & SIMUL 7 MODEL GRAPHS: 1/2f cycloconverter waveforms e wr SE ee we sob v ab o> J POWER BT ee ee L/4f eycloconverter waveforms COORD i AE VEN SSI = 414797 V1 4’ 4’ A’ 1 J a p RESULT: The operation of I-e cycloconverter is verified and the theoretical and practical values of 1 output frequencies at different frequency divisions are found both for R & RL leads { (a {>f a4 J ide »/»/ iT PF met i _ » 7. STUDY OF GATE FIRING CIRCUITS 7. STUDY OF GALE ASS AIM: To observe the output waveforms of resistance, Resistance Capacitance and UJT gate firing Circuits of SCR. APPARATUS: S.No EQUIPMENT Qty Ie R-firmg cireuit Kit 1 oe RC firing circuit kit 1 3. UST firing circuit kit 1 4. CRO with (1:10) Probe 1 L 5. Patch cards 1 set | LOAD | 3 RK 1 Roos)” a20v . Re Dt RC-firing cireuit: UIT firing circuit: ——_ oe as cr LE FIRING CIRCUIT Bene PROCEDURE FOR R-FIRING CIRCUIT: 1.Turn the potentiometer fully anti clockwise, connect load as shown! by jumpers, 2. Connect SCR in the ckt by using shorting links as shown by the dashed! lines. 3. Connect the Oscilloscope across the load. 4. Vary the firing angle and observe the waveforms on the CRO 5. Draw the corresponding waveforms. PROCEDURE FOR RC — FIRING CKT: Connect the load and SCR in the CKT by jumpers as shown in the ckt diagram. Tune the potentiometer fully anticlockwise. Connect oscilloscope in the oad divider and switch on the power supply. Vary the firing angle and draw the corresponding waveforms. PROCEDURE: UST firing circuit: Connect the circuit as shown in figure. , » Connect a capacitor C; in series with variable resistance. Place the knob of variable resistance at either of the extreme positions and place one capacitor in series and take the reading of firing angle at that time period. i.e. total time is equal to the sum of turn off and turn on times. Vary the resistance to the other extreme position and note down the readings. Replace the capacitor with another one and calculate the RC from noted reading. Caleulate the Rimax and Ri min from the above readings. MODEL CALCULATIONS: 17 = (Rey) (Rin + Ry) =0.63 for UIT T = RC (In 11-7) _ Model Graphs of R firing circuits Model Graphs of UJT firing circuit: s ' RESULT: The waveforms across the load and device for different values of firing angles are studied. AIM: To study the performance of jones chopper 8. DC JONES CHOPPER WITH R& RL LOADS APPARATUS: for different frequency and duty cycles. Quantity Inductive load + CRO cee Patch Chords 0-150mH S.No | Name of the Equipment Type Ramge 1. D.C. Jones Chopper Kit a | 1 7 : Ds Regulated Power Supply 3 DC. 0-30V j 3. Rheostat Wire wound | 100ohm/5A 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: Fig-1: Circuit Diagram of DC Jones Chopper with R Load — T 1 | cs De Dm Supply iE ov, | Di e 7 Er : Ha ’ CG) To CRO Fig-2: Circuit Diagram of DC Jones Chopper with RL Load PROCEDURE: (a) For R-Load: 1. Set the rheostat for given value, before connecting in the circuit. 2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. 3. Switch on the supply and set the input voltage to the given value. » 4. For a particular firing angle note down the readings of ON time (Ton), OFF time (Toff), T time (T) from the CRO and the practical valuc of the output voltage from the voltmeter. 5. Calculate the theoretical value of the output voltage from the data Ton, T and input voltage. 6. Repeat the step 4 and 5 for a set of different duty cycle. (b) For RL-load: 1. Now connect an inductance of given value and repeat the steps 3 to 6. OBSERVATIONS: (a) For R-Load: The value of input voltage= The value of load resistance=

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