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Whalen 1

Elizabeth Whalen
Mrs. Lucarelli
Comp Civ
13 January 2016
Museum Visit
On December 27th, I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and I observed a portion of
the Renaissance art. One of the pieces that I observed was The Agony in the Garden, by Raphael.
This was originally part of the base of the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints. The
painting displays Christ praying in a garden with his sleeping disciples. This painting portrays
many aspects of Renaissance art. It includes an Earthly background; mountains and trees are
visible. Also, there are no halos around Christ, and he seems to be around the same size as his
disciples, so hieratic scale is not present. Raphael used perspective, and this is clear because the
mountains in the distance are drawn to scale. Also, he used oil paints, which were popular during
the Renaissance, to paint this.

The Agony in the Garden, by


Another work of Renaissance art that I observed was The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, by
Jacopo Tintoretto. This painting displays one of the miracles of Christ which was when he fed
many people with only a few loaves and fishes. This painting reflects the values of Renaissance

Whalen 2
art because hieratic scale is not shown. Additionally, the use of perspective is present because the
people in the distance appear smaller. This is also an oil on canvas painting which was popular
during the renaissance. Lastly, there is a very Earthly scene because trees, dirt, grass, and a river
are all present and there are no heavenly aspects within the painting.

The Miracle of Loaves and Fishes,

by Jacopo Tintoretto

Finally, the last work that I observed was the Judith with the Head of Holofernes, by
Massimo Stanzione. This painting also displays many aspects of Renaissance art because there
are no halos present. To add on, hieratic scale is not used. It is also an oil on canvas. Lastly, the
setting is also Earthly as you can see rocks, a sky in the background, and what seems to be a hill.
All of these qualities reveal the Renaissance characteristics.

Judith with the head of Holofernes,

by Massimo Stanzione

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