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Week of: January 18th 22nd

*We have started learning cursive and will be
focusing on one letter (upper- and lowercase)
per day. Then, we will begin working on words
and sentences.
*We have also started taking daily 2 minute
timed multiplication fact tests. You child
should know what set of facts they are
currently focusing on so they can practice at
Our Learning
Reading: Point of View
Language: Abstract nouns
Writing: Personal & Fictional Narratives, revising
& editing
Math: Multiplication and Division Story Problems
(test on Friday-postponed from last week)
Science: Forces & Interactions ( friction)

engineering needs
*magnetic & nonmagnetic household
items (nails, bottlecaps, coins, etc.)

at home practice

upcoming events
*1/18 NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr. Day)
*1/19 at 5:30pm Board Meeting
*1/20 Early Release at noon
*1/22 at 8:15am Gala Planning Meeting
*1/22 at 5:00pm Cafecito UDA (The Hive)
*1/27 Early Release at noon
*1/29 End of Semester One
*1/29 Blanket Drive ends
*1/29 at 1:30pm Salvation Army pickup of
Lost & Found items
*2/5 at 8:00am Stellar Student Assembly &
Parent Coffee Social
*2/5 Semester One Report Cards sent home
*2/10 Fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart
*2/17 Board Meeting

*We will be visiting Torrey Pines on
Friday, February 26th. If you would like
to drive and chaperone, please let me

Due Monday, January 25th

1. Reading Log (1oo minutes per week)

2. One fiction or nonfiction written response to reading in homework notebook
3. Spelling Pretest
4. Front Row: 10 minutes of fact practice & assignment (click on Math and assignment will appear on the

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