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Honors US History

March 2015
Was The United States Justified In Going to War With Mexico?
Yes, the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico. In 1846 the United States and
Mexico went to war. This war was justified for multiple reasons. First off, Manifest Destiny
clearly stated the right to expand from sea to shining sea. Then, the war was retaliation for the
attack on Zachery Taylor. Finally, the economic benefits from slavery and the amount of land
that was gained from the war. It was important for the United States to stand up and help

Manifest Destiny is the belief that it is a God given right to expand the USs territory from sea to
shining sea. In Document A, it states that, our manifest destiny to overspread the continent
allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions. OSullivan
means by this that it is allowed by God to populate the continent to allow for room of the amount
of citizens in America. Also in Document A, it says that, California will, probably, next fall
away from Mexico Imbecile and distracted, Mexico never can exert any real government
authority over such a country. This statement means that California will be easy to take away
from Mexico as they are stupid and unfocused; therefore, the United States would be able to
fulfill their Manifest Destiny. The United States wanted to expand and develop the country to
help its citizens.

This war was retaliation for the Mexican attack on Zachery Taylor and his troops. Document B
says that, They became engaged with a large body of these Mexican Troops, and, after a short
affair, in which some sixteen Americans were killed and wounded. This statement shows that
Taylor and his troops were killed and wounded unnecessarily for protecting Texas. Also in
Document B, it states, Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our
territory and shed American blood upon American soil. Mexico had come into our country
without invitation and for no reason shed blood from Americans who were trying to protect their
rightfully owned land. The United States was not going to stand for other countries bullying
them like King George did during the American Revolution.

The third and final reason the US was justified for going to war with Mexico was the different
economic benefits from slavery and land. In Document D it says, Our newspapers excited the
lust of territorial robbery in the public mind. This quote means that, American newspapers put
the desire to have more land in the public mind. This would become an economic benefit as more
land could produce more food, cotton and more room for the expanding population of America.
Document D also states that, Slaveholders crossed the Sabine with their slaves, in defiance of
the Mexican ordinance of freedom. Texas had become a slave state and this was a benefit as
more slaves meant that work could be done faster and produce more crops and other goods. The
United States wanted to reap the economic benefits.

Overall, the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico. As Manifest Destiny,
retaliation for attack on Taylor, and the economic benefits from slavery and the land proved to be

reason enough. If this war had not occurred, then the United States would not have spanned from
sea to shining sea. This lack of action would have shown other countries that they could get
away with attacking Americans on United States soil where our country would not have
retaliated. This war had its benefits that have shaped our country into a better one and is
therefore justified.

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