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@ualified uri ten Request August 4, 2011 x ie e Mark Coble . 4736 Via Verde Court ‘Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 ‘Nationstar Loan Number 0596893195, Nationstar Mortgage LLC Attention Research Department 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, Texas 75067 Re: Nationstar Mortgage LLC PO Box 650783 Dallas, Texas 75265-0783 Dear Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 1 am viiting in response to your letter dated July 27" 2011, (copy enclosed) because I do not believe I owe what you say I owe, This is the first I've heard from you, or any other company on this matter therefore, in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, § 809. Validation of debts [15 USC 1692g] Validating Debts: (b) Ifthe consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period described in subsection (a} that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, or that the consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor, the debt collector shall cease collection of the debt, or any disputed portion thereof, until the debt collector obtains verification of the debt or any copy of a judgment, or the name and address of the original creditor, and a copy of such verification or judgment, or name and address of the original creditor, is mailed to the consumer by the debt collector. 1 respectfully request that you provide me with the following information: (1) The amount of the debt; (2) The name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed be it a Trust, Bank, Mortgage company or Government Sponsored Entity; (3) Proof that you are licensed to collect debts in New Mexico and have a business license saying so, Be advised that I am fully aware of my rights under the Fair Debt Coliection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. For instance, I know that: Because I have disputed this debt in writing within 30 days of receipt of your dunning notice, you must obtain verification of the debt and mail these items to me at your expense. SENDING ME A COPY OF AN UNEXECUTED MORTGAGE NOTE WITHOUT ALL ENDORESEMENTS TO ALL PARTIES IN THE CHAIN OF TITLE IS NOT A VERIFICATION OF DEBT; You cannot add interest or fees except those allowed by the original contract or state law. You do not have to respond to this dispute but if you do, any attempt to collect this debt ‘without validating it, violates the FDCPA AND YOU COULD BE INVOLVED IN FRAUD AGAINST ME; Also be advised that I am keeping very accurate records of all correspondence from you and your company including recording all phone calls and I will not hesitate to teport violations of the law to my State Atomey General, the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau Thave disputed this debt; therefore, until validated you know your information concerning this debt is inaccurate. Thus, if you have already reported this debt to any. credit-reporting agency (CRA) or Credit Bureau (CB) then, you must immediately inform them of my dispute with this debt. Reporting information that you know to be inaccurate or failing to report information correctly violates the Fair Credit Reporting Act § 1681s-2. Should you pursue a judgment without validating this debt, 1 will inferm the judge and request the case be dismissed based on your failure to comply with the FDCPA. Finally, if you do not own this debt, I demand that you immediately send a copy of this dispute letter to the original creditor AND the current OWNER so they are also aware of, my dispute with this debt re. li tid é Mark Coble Please feel free to call me if you have the above asked for information, 505-795-9711 FIRST Nat tar ationstar” oro. HORIZON. MORTGAGE ERR Rs ‘wor Sly 27, 201 Pil 54402.0023201 MARK F COBLE, 4736 VIA VERDE Ct SANTA FENM 87507-2791 ‘New Nationstar Loan Number: 0596893195 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT, SALE, OR TRANSFER OF SERVICING RIGHTS Dear Mark F Coble: You are hecby mote tat he servicing of your morgage lon, tha is, the right to coll payments fom you, is Being exiaed, veld or transfered fos FIRST HORIZON HOME LOANS to atinsias Morgags LLG. checte OUST Seinen, The assignment, sale or transfer ofthe servicing of the mortguge loan does not affect aay term or condition of the morgage instruments ‘other than terms directly related tothe servicing of your loan, "xepein ited erste, th requis Nets Morgage send you hime naa. than 15 ay fie eave date he was Your new servicer x Naontr Meigige LL, Nations Mergages sine adress is asonstar Mowtage LLC 3S0 tghlan Dre iets, Texas 75067 seo BN Nations Mortgages ol fee nue 88-54-8700. yu ne any question lating tothe anes of servicing to Natta Mariage, cal -888-65¢870 between 8m oni 8 anon iow ay Monday “fussy, 8am aud Sp dae ot Wat tin tye MyNatanstar SS com. ‘Ths date hat Nation Mongage wil start aeceting rom yon 071/11, You cn py online vn the Naonstr Monge website at vara Mb NallonstarMT Geom er oucan senda pyments co caller Wat dae Natnstar Mortgage LLC Romer) Dain ene 75268 ‘Your mortgage life insurance, disability insurance and/or other optional products wil continue, ‘Enclosed is your Welcome Letter which includes a payment eaupon with detailed loan informatie, ‘You shoutd also be aware ofthe folowing information, which is set out in more detail iu Section 6 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) (12 U.S.C. 2605): * ‘Daring the 60-day period following the effective dat ofthe wansfer of te loan serving, a loan payment received by your old sexvicer before its due date may not be treated by the new loan servicer as Tale, anda late fee may not be Fmposed on you. Section 6 of RESPA (12 U.S.C 2605) gives you certain consumer rights. Ifyou send a “qualified writen request to your foap services concerning the servicing of your loin, your servicer must provide you vath a written acknowledgement within 3 Business Days of receipt of your request. "qualified written request’ js a written comrespondence, other Ulan aaice on a Payment coupan or other payment ‘ei supplied by the servicer, which includes your name and account number, end your reasons for ihe request. Ifyou Watt to sen @ “qualified written request” regarding the servicing of your loan, it mst be Sent to this address [Nationstar Morigage LLC. ‘Attention Research Depattment 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, Texas 75067 wie, ‘Not later thon 30 Business Days after receiving your request, your servicer rust make any appropriate corrections to your account, and mst prvi you wha writen elation zg my dapte, Dring this 60 Bases De pid ur sever aan pone information {6 a coasumer reporting agency conceming any overdue payment zelate lo Such per lor qualified wmiten request However, this docs nt prevent the servicer from intating foreclosure af proper ssounds exist un ler the mortgage dacuments ‘A Business Day isa day on which the ofies ofthe business are open to the public fr carrying on substantially all of is business fanetions. NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT, SALE, OR TRANSFER OF SERVICING RIGHTS Dear Mack F Coble: ‘You ex herby ated that he sricing of your mortgage loan, tat the right to cllet payments fam you, is being sssigned, sot or sane fr FH8ST HORIZO {HOME LOANS co Natonsar Mentpage LUC. cheese STDS, oO 8 hansen std The asic, sale or taster ofthe serving ofthe mariage Toan doesnot fect any eam oc eontion ofthe morgue other than terms directly related to the servicing of your foal om Be insinments, Except in limited circumstance, the law zequites Nationstar Mortgage send you this notice no later than 15 days afler the efletive date ofthe transfer " ‘Your new servicer is Nationstar Mortgage LLC. [Narionstar Mortgage's business addvess is: Nationstar Mortgage LLC 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, Texas 75067 osyew, [Nationstar Mortgage’ toll ee-aumber is 1-888-624-8700, Ifyou have any questions relating io the transfer of serving vo Nationstar ‘Mortgage, call 1-888-634-8700 between 8m. and 8 pm. on the following days Meaday - thursday, 8 aun, aad 5 pm, on Frigsy, ot “sil us aiylime ots, MyNatfonstar ‘The date chat Nationstar Mortgage will start aovepting fom you is 07/15/11. You can pay online via the Nationstar Morigage website at wunw.,, or you can send all payenems due on or ater that date to: ‘Netionstar Mortgage LLC PO Box 650783 Datta, Tenas 75265 ‘Your mortgage bie insurance, disability insurance and/or other optional products will omtinue, Enclosed is your Welcome Letter which includes payment coupon with detailed loan information, ‘You should also be aware of the following information, which is set out in more detail in Section 6 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) (12 U.S.C. 2605): During the 60-day poiod fllov ig the effective date ofthe transfer ofthe loan secvcing, a loan payment received by your old servicer before its due date may nat be treated by the new loan servicer as Lae, and alate fee may nat be imposed on you, Seutan 6 of RESPA (12 U.S.C 2605) gives you certain consumer rights. Ifyou send a “qualified writen request" to your loan servicer ‘omcerning te servicing of your loan, sour servicer must provide you witha written acknowledgement within 5 Business Days of receipt ‘of your request. A "qualified wnitten request" isa written correspondence, oe than notice on @ ‘coupon o ater payanent .ediun supplied by the servicer, which includes your name and account umber, and your reasons forthe request. Iryoa want Fo send a uslified waitin request” regarding the sericing of your Tous, it must be sent to this adross: Nationslar Mortgage LLC ‘Attention Reveateh Department 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, Texas 75067 ‘Sw. MyNationstarM( [Not later than 30 Business Days ar receiving your request. your servicer must make any appvopriate comections to your aceount, and ‘ust provide you with a written clarification regarding any dispute. During this 60-Business Dav period, your servicer may not provide informetion to « consumer reporting agency concerning any overdue payment related %0 sich period or qualified written request However, this does not prevem the servieer from inating foreclosure if proper grounds exist under the mortgage documents. ‘A Business Day is # day on which te offices ofthe business are open tothe public for earrying on substantially all ofits business ‘inctions. Section 6 of RESPA also provié2s for damages and costs fer individuals or classes of individuals in cizcumstances where servicers are show to have violated the requirements of that Section. You should seek legal advice if you believe your rights have been violate, ‘Important Loan Transfer "Home Affordable Modification Program” Information “ame Asfordable Modification Progeam: Ifyou are currently grtiipating i (oe bene considered fr) loan medication program. ‘we wil be transfering ell your docusnenation to ie nes servicer Ui he ansfer date, you should eontinve to make your payments {es trial payments atempting to quai) for a medication user the Home AMTordable Maeajon rogram t Fist Henzon Home Toms, ANer transfer, you should make al payments Natonster until such time tet you ave provided additonal direction, Decisions ‘egarding qualification will be made by Nationstar. All information regarding other lss mitigation sctivties (forbearance agreement, shot sales, retinances aud deed-ntcu of freelanute) wi be forwarded to Nations for processing, Please be edveed that thi ramafer snay extend the time needed fora final decison. Sincerely, Nalionstar Mortgage LLC

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