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Alex-Anaya (Admire God)

Day one,
Today I am leaving my hometown (Songhai) with my
friends Hasina and Aisla to travel through the Sahara
Desert. The Sahara Desert is supposedly the largest hot
desert in the entire world. So thatll be tough. Im going to
be wearing loose clothes and take my camel from back
home. His name is Calvin. He is going to carry my stuff
while we travel together. I am also taking with me. He is
like the brother I never had and Ailsa camel Callie is like
my sister. What can I say I love animals. I am going to
move to arabia with my two friends. I will be amazing.
Day two,
We travel through the desert. It is so hot Hasina and
Aisla both have a little person by my side but all I have is
a camel. We have to stop every two seconds because of
Dalila and Thimba are complaining. I am glad I am an only
child. Plus my family is so poor that they could not give
me any items to take on my journey. I am almost at the
oasis! Hasina and Ailsa are so thirsty their little people
drank all the water but I came prepared. Basically I have
enough water to be sure fire that we are not going to die.
Or at least I think.
Day three,
We arrive at the oasis and gio to Arabia. I own one of
the biggest pet stores I have camels and donkey. I live
behind my shop which is in a bazaar. Hasina and Ailsa also
live behind their bazaar. I also converted because Dalila
became priest and taught me how stress free their
religion is. What can I say amazing right! I visit Africa all
the time and my parents are very proud of what I have
become. I even got them to convert and move to Arabia.
This has been an amazing journey.

Dear Journal,
It was very early in the morning in Songhai when I woke up. I
got up and packed the belongings I was going to need throughout
my journey through the Sahara Desert. The Sahara desert is the
largest hot desert in the world! Im going in a camel caravan with
my friends Aisla and Anaya. Im leaving today,which is very sad
because I grew up here in Songhai. Today is probably the last day
I will ever see my mother and father which is sad but it makes me
kind of happy because they wouldnt let me be me! Im taking my
brother, Thimba. My family is poor, my mother hopes for me and
Thimba to hopefully come back home with more gold and salt.
Before we left on our journey my mother opened her closet and
brought out a small wooden box. She gave it to me. I opened it
and inside there was gold! My father gave me some salt and rice,
and my Grandmother gave me half of the silver she had. Okay
journal, were leaving on our journey now, Ill write more of my
journey later.
Dear Journal,
We just exited the kingdom of Songhai. Now we're looking
for an Oasis. Aisla told me that we were going to stop at an Oasis.
She says that its a popular place to trade. Once we get there me
and Thimba are super glad that there is water! Thimba didnt
know it was going to be such a long journey so he drank large
amounts of water. Since we ran out of water, I got the container
where I stored my water and filled it up. I was surprised by how
many people were filling their containers with water. I meet an
arab trader his name is Barakah. I traded a piece of gold for a lot
of dried fruit. Dried fruit tastes very good, me and Thimba loved

it. I also met many other traders. In the end of the day I had dried
fruit, boiled candies, some spices, gold, a lot of salt, and some
rice. The best part of the day was when I got stuck in quicksand.
Why was is the best part? Well because I love doing challenging
stuff, and it sure was a challenge to get out of that quicksand.
Aisla, Anaya, the rest , and me are moving to Arabian Bazaar.
Dear Journal,
We are so close to arriving to our destination, on the way we
ate some dried fruit and some dates. We arrive to our destination.
It was a long journey through the Sahara. But I love new
experiences. We love it here. It feels like freedom. Aisla asked me
if I wanted to practice a new religion. I said yes, so me and
Thimba decided to convert too. I liked it. We prayed 5 times a
day, which was a new experience for me. Aisla had a very
successful business. Its called Read and Pray. Me and Anaya help
her with her business. We usually travel to different places to
trade. Ive been thinking about opening a successful business too
but for now Im sticking with my best friends and helping Aisla
with her business. Well journal I am so happy that I could be part
of this amazing experience.
Isabella-Aisla ()
Day one,
I am leaving Songhai to travel through the sahara desert. I
am bring many goods such as gold, beads, and rubies. My family
is very poor. I am hoping to get an education. Basically I want salt,
rice, and a arabic dictionary. I travel in a caravan with my friends
Hasina and Anaya. Since my mom is in bed terribly sick I bring my
sister and leave her home. My annoying sisters name is Dalila.
She brings the stupid donkey I used all my life saving so she could
have. It was 6 pieces of gold. Mother caters to her to much. I have
a camel. Her name is Callie the camel. I tried to exchange her

tons of times but she just spits so much. I load up my camel. My

sister hops on Aldabella her donkey and we are on our way.
Day two,
When we exit the kingdom of Songhai we make way for an
Oasis. When people travel to Arabia they stop at an Oasis. It is a
popular stop for a bunch of traders. I try to make it to Ariba but
my sister complains. Hasina and Anaya cater to her if she wants a
piece of gold to play with she will get one. She is the last person
on earth I would ever take to the sahara desert it is MISERABLE! I
feel I am going to enjoy telling her mom is DEAD but I cant. If I do
she is going to be mopng the whole time. Every second I am
wondering how I am going to protect Dalila from the real world. I
all know is that I have to get a Arabic dictionary so I can get a job
and education. However for a while we are going to live on the
crowded street of an Arabian Bazaar. My friend Hasina and Anya
are very aware of me moving to Arabia on the other hand Dalila is
not. I think it will give us a better chance of life. Anya and Hasina
are coming to. They are running away because there mom and
dad wouldn't give them freedom.
Day three,
We arrive at the oasis I trade with an arab named Aishah she
is kind and gives me her arabic dictionary for free if I tried her
religion. Islamic was actually surprisingly interesting we decide to
convert. Every day we would go pray five times a day and we got
the privilege of going to the Kabah every day. I also own the
successful business at the bazaar. Its called pray and read. I sell
rice, arabic dictionaries, and prayer rugs. it is known all through
Africa. Every year I travel back to africa and trade and sell stuff. I
also share my religion and teach people about the Islam religion.
My sister Dalila also got a job as the Islamic priest. My best
friends also help with with my shop. Overall I went on a life
changing journey.

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