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Artifact Reflection - Senior Capstone Project

Name Rowan Jack

Date October 30, 2015

Period 5

Name of Journey
Origin Narrative
Explain your artifact final product and ALL the steps you took to create it.
My artifact final product was an interview with my father about his life to get to know him better. I
downloaded the Storycorp application on my phone and sat down with my dad and interviewed him.

What is the most important thing you learned during this process?
I learned new things about my family history and the people in my life. My father opened up about his
adoption, his childhood and years following after high school.

Explain the significance of your artifact and how it connects to the narrative.
The sidnificance of the artifact is that I learned more about my family history. The artifact connects with
the narrative because my fathers history is a part of my origin story.

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done dierently?
I wish I could have asked my father more questions about his military and spiritual life. I wish could
have also interviewed my mother alongside my father.

What did you find most challenging during this task?

The most challenging aspect during this task was uploading the video to the Storycorps website. It took
longer than expected and I had to restart the application a few times.

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