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Title of Unit:

Lesson Title:

Silly Stories

of Lesson
2 weeks


Dragon Gets By
August 31
Written and illustrated by Dav
September 11
Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQs may be used as support)
Introducing New
Deepening or
Generating and
Learning Goal/ Objective: (based on Standards)
RL.2.1 I can ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to show that I
understand stories.
Learning Targets: (write in the scale below)
2.0 Simpler Content:
3.0 Target
Students will be able to
complete worksheet and
activity with 70% accuracy.

4.0 More Complex:

Students will be able to

Students will be able to
complete worksheet and
complete worksheet and
activity with 8090%
activity with 100% accuracy.
Assessment and Monitoring: (checks for content and desired effect)
Formal Assessment: Teacher will take anecdotal notes on group conversations to see
if students understand how to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions
on Dragon Gets By.
Summative Assessment: Teacher will grade worksheets for Practice Books to check
for understanding Words that Fit (p.23), Story Map (p.24), Who is Dragon? (p.27),
Ask Away (p.28), and Silly Stories (p.20).
Formal Assessment: Teacher will check understanding by having student elicit
answers during group discussions on: Who are the main characters? Where does the
setting take place? What does Dragon do when there was no food in his cupboard?
Why cant Dragon fit in his car? How does Dragon get home?
Critical Information Chunks (as determined by learning targets)
Balanced, dairy, diet, hungry, shopping, vegetable
Sequence: Instructional Strategies /Lesson Activity:
A. Teachers Edition (TE) p. T42-45
1. Daily Message
- Teacher poses Daily message on board. Students read message and discuss questions
on T42. Students find words with short vowels, read aloud, and come to the board to
circle them.
2. Daily Language Practice p. T43
- What is a Sentence?
- Short a and I sounds
3. A Balanced Diet p. T44, T45

- Key Concept: Foods in a Balanced Diet
- Teacher introduced new vocabulary words for Dragon Gets By
- Balanced, dairy, diet, hungry, shopping, vegetable
- Students read A Balanced Diet on pages 16-17 in textbook.
- Practice Book p. 23 Words that Fit
B. Teachers Edition (TE) p. T46-61
4. Teacher uses Story Map (Transparency 1-5) to introduce who, what, when, where, why,
and how of the story.
5. Students do page 24 in Practice Book Story Map.
6. In whole group setting or reading groups, teacher and students will read Dragon Gets
By asking the Guiding Comprehension questions on T28 T53.
7. Practice Book p. 26 Lightning Sentences
C. Teachers Edition (TE) p. T62-64
1. Rereading for Understanding: Writers Craft Humor (T62)
2. Visual Literacy: Motion in Art Students understand how authors and illustrators use
different types of to bring an illustration to life (e.g. envelopes floating to show the
mess Dragon made on his way home; Dragon and the car in the air; Dragon rolling
over, etc.).
D. Teachers Edition (TE) p. T65-66
1. Wrapping up: Critical Thinking Questions (p. T67)
- Teacher asks students in whole group setting or guided reading groups the Critical
Thinking Questions 1-4.
- Class will then review their predictions from the chart.
- Practice Book p. 32 Pairs of Pears, p. 33 Shopping for Endings, p. 36
Telling More, p. Cans of Sentences.
Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who
lack support for school)
Extra Support/ Intervention: T43, T40, T59
English Language Learners: T44, T59
- Speak loudly and concise
- Allow for extra time if needed
- Repeat instructions
- Preferential seating
Practice Book: Words that Fit (p.23), Story Map (p.24), Who is Dragon? (p.27), Ask
Away (p.28), and Silly Stories (p.20).
Resources and Materials:
Teachers Edition Reading Houghton Mifflin
Student Textbook Reading Houghton Mifflin
Practice Book
Chart Paper


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