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Johannesburg, South


42nd largest populated area in the world

Largest city not bordering a body of water
Settlement to +100,000 inhabitants in 10 years

Overview of Johannesburg, S.A.,

Population 4.5 (city) - 10 million

The Joy of Sport panem et circenses

Impacts of industry Mining and Rail

Settlements / Suburbs fill in space

around mining industry tailings south
of Johannesburg. Highways
interwoven between.

Massive railway infrastructure predates

highway buildup (overpasses)

Railway lines in the industrial district to the south of Johannesburg creating

a buffer between

Agricultural Areas outside of JoBurg

Rectangles and parallelograms, each with an inscribed circle characteristic of

center-pivot irrigation systems, dot the landscape to the northwest of Johannesburg.
At left, note another tailings pile from a previous era.

A striated city; Suburbs to the north, Industry to

the south

This image (tilted 45 degrees northwest) shows continuum of industrial to upscale suburb,
with western JoBurg in between.

Leafy green suburbs north of the city

The names of the subdivisions and districts belie their residential character

Upscale districts to the north of Johannesburg. Note the golf courses and green space

Apologies to Frederick Law Olmsted

Central Park scores many more points aesthetically than

Park Central!


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