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Promise in a Summer Dreamland

It could have been just an ordinary summer. Things could've just stayed the way they
were. Circumstances have just changed everything I knew and right now I don't know what's real
from not, because everything's just messed up and I have been living with all these messes
without actually knowing they exist. Everything I believe in was all part of this one big lie- My
perfect family, friends and even my existence is a part of this big intoxicated lie.
It's been 3 years since she died on that accident my best friend and ever since she's been
hunting me or maybe what I'm seeing right now is just a part of my body telling me I haven't
been eating healthy foods lately and so I decided to stand from my beloved bed and go directly to
the kitchen to eat when suddenly my stress talked and yes! You heard me right! My stress talked
and currently having the form of my former best friend who died in a plane crash! Great! Eating
instant noodles again? James you were a good cook, what happened to my best friend who
shouted I'm going to be the greatest cook in all of history on the wickery bridge, huh?" "You
happened" I replied as I released a pained sigh. You said, you'd be there when I finally reach my
dreams but you vanish into thin air before I can even get a grasp of my dreams! You died and left
me all alone!" I cried. I couldn't help it! It was my time already". She replied and she was
crying now. Oh yeah? Then why did you appear now?" I replied baffled. Because I made a
promise to a certain someone that I... oh my I forgot the promise!" She said. This is a serious
problem now! The supposedly ghost of my best friend which I know is my stress, told me she
made a promise and she forgot which makes it harder for me to make her soul R.I.P because she
forgot the reason why she's here. She followed me everywhere I go which makes the comfort
room my only sanctuary and refuge from this make believe ghost. I think I'm going insane or
maybe I just miss Sabrina more deeply than I thought combined with my stress makes it possible
for her to materialize, but I have to admit, I'm enjoying her company even though she's a copy
cut made by my lunatic head. So what's your plan now? You can't go to heaven with an
unfinished business here on earth." I asked her. "I don't know, maybe I'll just stay here with you
forever, kidding! Let's go to the house on the hill!" She said excitedly "And what help is it going
to do for you if we go there" I asked. "Maybe I can remember everything if we go there" she said
with her mouth pouting signaling that she will not stop fussing until I said yes and so I agreed.
We went to that house on the hill we called our base before when we were kids and when we
were almost there I saw a brown-haired girl dressed in a plain white shirt and a black fitted pants
which look very elegant on her when suddenly Sabrina shouted, "It's Davina Claire! Shes
here!. Where are you going" I shouted, when I saw her running towards Davina. My shout may
have been a little exaggerated which made Davina look at me as I pave my way to the little base
we once played together. Davina is a close friend of mine together with Sabrina we were a party
of three, always doing naughty things like partners in crime. "I am going to work, but I have a
spare time so I visited the base, I missed her you know" Davina shouted, maybe she heard what I
said a while back. "Would you believe me if I said she's here?" I said from which she laughed at
extremely. "Don't tell me you're seeing ghosts now!" She replied still holding her stomach. "I do,
I don't know when and why, but she's here just in front",- a loud bang met the right side of my
face from which I know came from her right hand "Don't make fun of her anymore! I don't know
what your thing is, but I'm not playing your game and now if you would excuse me, I have a
meeting to attend and my spare time is not worth your idiocy!" Davina sounded out angrily, and

before leaving she faced me again and said, "If you can really see her right now, you should
know that she wouldn't love to see you wasting your life".
Sabrina has been nagging me for hours now asking me what happened and why does her
two best friends been fighting and so I told her " I don't know okay? She just grew cold when
you died, as if she's blaming me for your death." It's not your fault, it was an accident! tell her"
She said crying. "I know that, but she wouldn't believe me, she loves you like her own sister you
know" I replied. To make her feel better I told her I would tour her in town for an hour. While we
were on our little trip to town buying her with everything she wants even though she's a ghost,
we stopped in park and sit on a swing to rest. I don't really care right now if she's ghost with
unfinished business or a product of my stress because everything seems lighter and livelier when
she appeared, if only she didn't die. While eating my ice-cream I heard a familiar voice that made
me looked to the direction the voice comes from and there I saw my dad with another woman on
his lap, caressing each other like love birds in the lovely moonlight which made me burst in
anger! My perfect dad have been cheating on my mom all this time! My feet started walking
towards the direction of the tainted saint I once called father. "Dad? I said with tears oozing
from my eyes. "James! I can explain" He said sweating trying to reach for my hand that I didn't
allow. "Explain? Explain what? How have you been cheating on mom? I worshipped you! I
thought you loved us! How could you do this?" I said and then run quickly, trying to escape the
cruel reality I unwantedly discover. It could have been just an ordinary summer. Lies! Lies! And,
more lies started to unveil and there's only much I can take and it hurts so much that my heart
started tightening as if any time soon it will shatter. Before I realize, I was on top of the hill
where our little base stood and there I saw Davina looking at me with puzzled eyes opened her
mouth and said, "What happened? Running from Sabrina's ghost or have been causing trouble
again?". I cried and told her "What could you know? All you do is tell me I'm a piece of scrap
that can't do anything, but trouble. What could I possibly expect from a lonely woman like you
who has never loved anyone, but herself!" She was shocked by what I said as much I am."You
know what you're right, I am a lonely woman who says nothing but how mischievous you are,
but there is one thing you're wrong, I loved someone, I did!" she said with trembling voice.
"Loved? Let me guess, he refused you because you're cold and empty!" I said once more, I don't
know, but my heart is filled with anger and pain when suddenly she spoke "He didn't refuse me, I
didn't tell him!" He said angrily. "You shut him off just as how you shut me out when Sabrina
died and blamed for her death!" I replied, and then her eyes met mine and we were both crying."I
don't blame you for her death, I shut you out because I hate myself for loving you! I hate myself
because the night Sabrina said goodbye going abroad, I was happy because no one will stand
between us! I was happy and then she died and I couldn't forgive myself because of that, I can't
love the same person she loves! I shut you out because you remind me of how wicked I am!"
those words echoed in the silent, but cruel night. She said she loves me and I don't know what to
say. "You were finally able to say it Davina" someone said behind me and I saw Davina grew
pale as if she saw a ghost and when I turned my back I saw Sabrina with an eerie light around
her and she's like being sucked by that light, but she's smiling, radiantly. "The promise had been
fulfilled" She said and then vanished into thin air. She's gone and here I am with pasted on
ground. I looked at Davina and then started walking towards her, and I heard her say "So it was
true, she was here". My eyes started bursting with tears for the loss of a friend, for the second
time. We sat on the grass still not able to believe she was here and then gone again. Davina rested
her head on my shoulder and we both fell asleep. Ring! Ring! The alarm clock sung so early in
the morning, signaling my departure from my beloved bed. I opened my eyes and realized it was

just a dream.

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