Conservation of Mass

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Conservation of mass

Figure 1. The differential control volume dV and the mass flux through its surfaces

The conservation of mass according to RTT

or in tensor form

The differential volume is selected to be so small that density

uniform within this volume. Thus the
th first integral in 1 is:

can be accepted to be

The flux term (second integral term) in the equation of conservation of mass
mas can be analyzed
in groups:

Let's look to the surfaces perpendicular to

Similarly, the flux integrals through surfaces perpendicular to


Hence the flux integral reads;

The conservation of mass equation becomes:


Droping the

, we reach to the final form of the conservation of mass:

For a steady flow, continuity equation becomes:

For incompresible flow, i.e.


B. Momentum Conservation
Force Equation

Derivation of fluid element based on Newtons Law II


+ ( . )

F = Force
m = Mass
a = Fluid element velocity

Equation on Cartesian coordinate component:


( .

There are 2 types of force on fluida element;

1. Body Force (Fb)
2. Surface Force (Fs)

1. Surface Force
Surface force caused by stress who pushed sides of fluida element. There are 2 kinds of
stress working on surface; normal stress (ij) and shear stress (ij).
Normal Stress :
Shear Stress:


'% = lim#&+

,- = lim#&+

,. = lim#&+





All of Surface Force in x-axis can be decribed in picture below:

3<55 +


6<55 75
9 75. 7;
65 8

6455 75
9 7:. 7;
65 8

3455 +


6<55 75
9 75. 7;
65 8

For x,y, and z axis, have summary of its surface forces, which can derived:

= 0


= 0


= 0






6455 75
9 7:. 7;
65 8

Resultan of all surface force are:


= >+

= ?+

= @

2. Body Force
Only fluida weight element.



.B =

. B!


. B"

(B > + B! ? + B" @)

Corelation between fluid mass element and fluid weight element described in below
= D

= D.

Thus, equation of momemtum in x,y and z axis is:

D. . B F



= D. 3



= D. 3

= D. 3

= D. 3

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