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Chapter 10 Vibration Measurement and Applications Voltage sensitivity = V = 0-098 volt- meter/Newton thiceness= t= 2mm= 2 m output voltage = 220 volts » pressure applied = p, = e=vth > 220 = (0-078) (55) Px fy = 11224 x 106 N/m? (ia) Poe «9 > k= (0000 N/m, cz Oo amplitude = Y= */ooo m total displacement of mass = x= 200 m relative Bisplecement = Bs x-$= Sooo Ze tt hey BoE Cfooeyt*) » rra%; t-r* tooo qr wo r= @ = 0-8165 w= reoy= 08165 fesse = s-4705 rad /sec = 18-3777 Hz = where Y= S— "ery es r 7 + @rry ert = ey (aa Jerre ry at rt Speed range: 500 rpm = 52:36 yvad/sec — x= X ws wt 5 1500 rpm= (57-08 rad /sec zy ey + (2sry case (i)? Let y=o Eg-(E1) gives, for 2% error, 2 zon > r= Gos 744 wo,= YO _ 500 S00 oars cars Jagig = 700143 oF 210-0428 rpm = 11669 oF 3-5007 Hz = 7:3317 or 21-9957 rad/sec Wq= 11669 Hz Let v= 06 Fy(81) gives 2 G Y “VGeys Gene 7 F = 1 o-ogo4 yt — 90-5926 ¥2 + 0404 =O which gives 2 > Y= 2/2562, 3.0546 Since the quantity E attains maximum at = 18899 for F=o6 we use Y= 2-2562 - Maximum @n= Op = 500/(2.2562 x60) = 3-6935 Hz Error factor for vibrometer is & Maximum of E occurs at For ‘S=0, E=—--——— and Since the range is 4 for maximum error. e = —*— = 10667 jas 441 S Percent error = (E-1) 100 = 667% Error factor € attains maximum at For 520-67, Percent error = Select the vibrometer on the basis of lovest freguency being measured. (a) y20: : From (019), Zz tore | ts et sagas |rr-s| O08 = 2m (500) _ gs. 9505 60 Gn 8-9359 rad/sec = 14222 Hz (6) v= oc : 2 From Ep. (10.19), 2 = 03 =~ ee G-r y+ Qtr (03)? [4+ rteart + arts*3 = yt be, 0057404 r# -ose rv? + 4 = 0 hey yo = 23535, 7.4018 wen v= asa4s', 2.7206 By selecting y= 21-7206, w, = 19007 60 (2.7206) = 19-2458 rad /sec 30630 Hz t the quantity E attains maximum at 4: 8299 2 for J= 0-6. Hence we have r to taxt r= 2.7206 to avoid peak of E. 84 = eg m+ We 4000 rpm = 418-88 rad/see One (Vac = JTCR2) = a1 s209 rad /sec r= Wf, = 418-88 /31.3209 = 13-3738 Let y=0: Error factor = ef 2 isae? f-r+5t+ arr ¥e0 [r-e*] [1-3-3738 = 10056 (1) Maximum displacement = = 2/0056 = Yioosg = 019944 mm (i) Maximum velocity = 03 ¥ = (418-88)(0-9944) = 416-5473 mm/sec (ii) Maximum acceleration = wy = (418-98) (0.9944) = 174.493-35 mnfed Ze ¥ " Ve-rt} + Garry ---> @) iS se (ree Eg. (2-84)) Maximum of occurs when n4ia2 , (rt)? ae 2 Z — TIIOown—n—rrr ES = S4AT 4. Va-2)? + (2x0-5xrgianye For Y=oS, yt a When error ts one percent, Z stoi or Lx esses (Ex) can be rewritten as: ef _ G-v*)* 4 4ytrt Zz [eo 4 2 2 2 =o ue aac) [£|*) -© (2-47?) +4 20 (€2) For z = 09901 and Y= 0-5, (E2) becomes oote7 r# —- 7 + 4 = 0 T= 110203, 49-7411 = & v= G = belol, 7-027 Lowest freguency for one percent accuracy = 7-0527 (5) = 35-2635 Hz Freguency range > 100 Hz, maximum error = 2% k= 4000 N/ms Cz=0»F=0, ms 2 For vibrometer with v=o, : 2 YO LG) snl sso e = Tay OF 02 : =F or arty = - 102 since y must be greater than one for higher freguencres Bi or ta BL en rs 21414 Minimum impressed freguency = 9 = 10 Hz Ys, = W00ftd, = THAI4s Oy = 14-0029 He = 97-9827 TAS Vim m= */2 = heefien sey = = 015167 tg n= 10 Hz, 8 He = O,Vi- > ova? > Fe 0-6 Let the lowest Sreguency = > y= “ey, Error = 2% in the vange vt, 00404 rt — 015826 Fr? + HOFOH > 22562, 3-0546 Let y= 22562: We = % Gy = 2-2562 (10) = 22-562 Hz Let r= 3.0546: Wy = Te Wy = 3.0546 (12) = 30-546 Hz Lowest frequency = 22-562 Hz = 141-7616 rad/sec (aa) Fr" factor for accelerometer = Maximum of E occurs ok r= Sjoa5? when s=o, 1*21 and Es — hr] Since the range is o¢ 1 < 065, we Use F= 065? E 5 : [p= o-cs [en oe] 1.7316 Percent error = (E-1)100 = 73-16% tL Error factor = € = —————_____ (@-1** + Grn Value of + at which & attains maximum is y*= (i-23" . 4 When Y= 0.75, ind te fees V@Py pase Net Since the range is o< v< 0-6, we use r> 0-6 £ e| SS = 08-9085 r=O-6 V@- 0-365 + 2-25 (0-6)? Percent error = (€-41) 100 = -9°45% mz 0-05 ty » max error = 3%, over Sreguency range of © to 100 Hz Find & and c. For accelerometer, error factor = == Vv 27+ @rr)* E attains maximum at rar*s fi-2y? ond Emax = Elyx = —to le a3 fies" (i) Consideration of maximum error: bh error= @= E-1= 0-03 = -1 ar upon rearrangement, this leads to —y* 402356520 or Y= 06164, 0 7874 r® ok y=0-664 = Vi-20@-cies)? = 0-49 v* ok S20-7874 = Ji-aleda7ayy = imaginary (ii) Consideration of minimum error: Ld eror=e= E-\ = -0.03 = 4 > +@rr) With y= 06164, Ey. (Ey) can be simplified as v4 — 0.4802 r*-0.0628 =o > prs 0-597, ~ 01069 -t (1) At the maximum Freguency, a= 27(100) = 629.32 rad/sec Ons Sr = 62932 /o.7662 = 820-0470 rad /sec k= m0? = 0:05 (920-047)* = 33623-8541 N/m G& = 2m @, = 7 2 es 2mW, F = 2(0-05)(920-047) (0-6164) = 50-5477 N-4/m m= orl kg; *= 10000 N/m, cz0> Y=O (01) n= V%m = Jiocoofy., = 316-2279 rad /sec Engine speed = U9 = 1000 rpm = 104-72 Yad /sec = Ofs, = 104+72/316-2278 = 0°3312 peak-to-peak travel of mat Find: Y, WY, o*Y- (orm We have, from Eg. (10-17), Zz = _ 0 3312" Visco TPT * Jooanety = Since peak-to-peak travel of mass = lomm, Z= 5mm Y= Z/o-i232 = S/o.t232 = Max displacement of foundation = 40-5344 mm Yeo 40:5744 mm Max velocity of foundation =@Y = 4249-9994 mm/sec Max accelsnotion of foundation = 37 ¥ = 4450598291 mm/sec @) Jaximum = = sre 2 Bos Maximus a Nae tTpm= 50 Hz jrs ae ae = os For, accelerometer, stterror= 0-9 & Here ¢= 20 N-4/m 3 yl 20 = 21S US ~ am, 2m (00x27) a For r=o05, €y.(E1) gives yy =o. 8198 = B= 2ofsigg = 24-3962 N-4t/m Se 24-3962 = 243762 g.01941 Kg = 19-41 grams 20, ~ Z(woxam 3 3 ka mots 0.01941 (looxam) = 7622:7967 N/m ©, = 20 (05) = Ww rad/sec ; Wy = O, = VinvF= Ys, = 4s > ya one 9 = fay = 41 a 4s = fo, 28; ye fas 2 $= tan’ (257) ere gb, = mal a) 4 A3= tan! (2222552) = = 2-6905 1 44 i = F x20 = 21-0974 y+ @xn) 2 — x10 = 10-1331 V@ry+ ery x5 = 5.02% Ww) + ry Record indicated by vibrometer is given by BC) = 20924 sin (AE + 8-4934°) + f0-1331 sin (9TEH 4+0675") + 5-0294 sin (127 t + 26905") mm x(t)= 20 sim sot + S sm tsot mm ©) a 2 te 2 (4) = -20 (50)* sin Sot —5 (i50)” Siw ISot mm/sec = —50000 Sin 50t — 112500 sin [Sot am / sec* (2) @,= 100 rad/sec ; Wy = & fis? = 80 > ys0-6 = SL se : or i NE Getto HO8s GR Ge Bl sus = vt x 0-6 x ° fr = tes (453) - ter! (2226225) © spesee 1- 0-25 g= ter! (224 *) = ter! (2x 2805) 0 _gs-2202" ; t- Ty 2-25 50 000 Ss O= «(52 987-9206 G-17)*+ @rny* 112 500 = 51335-6227 output of the accelerometer is given by 30) = -52057-9206 sin (Sot - 33-6598") 51335-6227 sin (ISot 455-2222") mm/sec* (Es) Tt can be seen that Ey. (£3) is substantially different Srom By. CEz)- For given beam, = Cg) = oweas ie La: ~6 4 ie 20-35 x1a© in =~ = 2" te to For @ cantilever beam, Fig. 8-15 Sives ane] =O EEy Paks where (@,1)* = (1.875 104 yr = 3-sleois (4£)* = G- 674091)" = 22-03449 (Ast) = (7.854757) = 61-69721 (B,£)* = Gorvass41y = 120-90192 For wey steel, E= 30 x18 fe Gra y* ere (20-35 x1 val) (8 BaD) (ocean) F n= (nt) we pe > SR = 7 4894 56329-5527 | 0383-45350 Hence the range of freguencies that can be measured is given by a3 > 123-4049 rad /sec. However, for $irst mode only (which ix easiest to excite), the range of frequencies is 129-4049 fad < W< 320-02 ree See kXp 2 N . Fe GOS naea 7p Gsm) +(2¢r) a [kXn ‘dr | Fo r {o-e7 voce} a9-0-pa-measereened}ao This equation can be simplified as rf—2r+(1—4¢) and its solution is given by r=1L42¢ or =Vit25 ; Vi-25 Since kXp lish = — ae Eg 0) and k Xp Sh vine 1 Ta-9 @ we note that r=R, =V1—2¢ corresponds to a maximum and r=R, = V1+2¢ corresponds to a minimum of Xp. kX —2¢r (ca Fo Q-PyP+4aer dN 4 (| Da’ () ‘dr [Fo D’ aD where IN _o¢ and 20-1) (2n)+8er ar By setting the numerator of Eq. (1) equal to zero, we obtain frre-aesseefeao-Carofarset sate =0 which can be simplified to obtain srf+(4e—2) 7% — ‘The roots of Eq. (2) are given by poicet-2Ve-et1 | -2et+2Ve-2 41 ; ; ; C) Since it is difficult to determine, from Eq. (3), the correct value of r-that corresponds to the minimum of Xj, we use a numerical computation. For ¢ = 0.1, for example, Eq. (3) gives 0 (2) 1? = — 0.0030 ; 0.6583 This shows that 1 =f 2c4¢2V zal ny corresponds to the minimum of X;. For small values of ¢, ¢? < _ 1 and Eq. (4) gives re. @) ‘Thus X; attains its minimum value close to r = 1. Response of a single d.o.f. system with hysteretic damping is given by Eq. (3.106): 2S Fo k—-mu? +ikf ne [X]_ eee tm [£]-__ =x ol koma ho)” hme Sep 2 x x 1 Re }R-|| + [im |e-|) = -—,—_— 1 -(z] (| k—me)l + (oP ® It can be verified that Eq. (1) can be rewritten as 2 2 x x 1 1 b= EI] +f (F} + stel [ee] 5 x Eq. (2) shows that the locus of |=~| as w increases from zero is part of a circle, with 0 1 ., 1 . ‘ center [. - a and radius 57, as shown in the following figure. (3) The peak of Bode diagram is equal to ~ a In the present case, peak-to-peak value is plotted; henee X 2 mil = 0.225 mil. X _ 0.225 _ 1 b, 0.05 eee 2¢ or ¢ = 0.1111. Reduction in amplitude from 6.8 in/sec to 0.8 in/sec in 7 cycles or 22 milliseconds. (ad) Eq. (2.92) gives: 1) 6.8 6 or f= din 88) Ho, or 7 In (Gg) = 0.3057 Typical Bode plot of phase angle 4 is shown in the figure. o ~10" =186. —rr= & ° 4 2 3 4 reo (2) ¢=90° atr =—~ ~1, Hence the value of «, can be determined from the value of 1 corresponding to ¢ = 90°. (b) Since g=ten™ we find e c ec ee an et k-mujp k—maj where w, and up correspond to the half power points. Hence, by finding the values of u corresponding to. $ =— 45° and $ =— 135°, we obtain w, and uy. From these values, the damping ratio can be found using the relation: wy = Hh 2 uy s Characteristic Problem 10.26 Problem 10.27 Problem 10.28 a 16 18 18 N 750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm d 15 mm 2em 10 mm D 100 mm 15 em 80 mm a 30° 20° 40° 2 cos 0.1299 0.1253 0.09576 Dominant frequency of vibration Inner race 6779.4 cycles/min | 10127.7 cycles/min | 14792.8 cycles/min defect (1078.97 Hz) (1611.87 Hz) (2354.33 Ha) Outer race 5220.6 cycles/min | 7872.3 cycles/min | 12207.2 cycles/min defect (830.88 Hz) (1252.91 Hz) (1942.84 Hz) Ball or roller 1214.6 cycles/min | 1761.7 cycles/min | 2188.1 cycles/min defect (193.31 Hz) (280.39 Hz) (348.25 Hz) Cage 326.3 cycles/min | 437.3 cycles/min | 678.2 cycles/ defect (51.93 Hz) (69.61 Hz) (107.93 Hz) 1 fe) => 5 1SxSs5 5 5 1 [x mean value of x = f f(x) x dx = + |= a (2), 5 o* = (standard deviation)* = f (x — x)? f(x) dx 1 5 5 5 1 a 1 {x 4 => f@—sParal |= — ae aie ) 1[z ae sex} 5 a, o% 1 k= kurtosis fe — 3" fhe) dx = 55 f 3) (F) &x Let y = x- 3 so that dy = dx. This gives o 2 k OP SJ yas 2 yon X = mean value of x = Sy f(x) x =4Z0+2@+ S (3) + 6 3 3 < @+2@+ 16 16 32 o? = (standard deviation)* = 33 (x; —)? (xi) =Q-42@ Le e-ae Baya? yap 5 (a4) we + (2-4) 3 tT 8 4) je + (4 4) 16 3 3 1 _ 27 5-4)? — + (6-4)? — -4P sla +( ) ae + Y ay + (7-4) 3a 7 Ge 7 18875 Di WD Me) =a +O —O S + 8-4 6 3 3 1 135 (4 —4)* — +(5 —4)* — -4) — -4f — == +( ) 16 +( 9) it 8 4) ay t (7 ay 3p 6 7 84875 wand 8.4375 k = kurtosis = (x; — x)! f(x;) = = 2.9630 oa Pi 2 tea) 1.6875" Range of “= 62-832 to 314-16 rad/sec = Goo to 3000 rpm Max acceleration devel = tog = 98-1 m/sec* Max weight of specimen = 10 N Max vibrotvon amplitude = 0-0025 m Freguency range: Variable speed electric motor can be used to obtain the freguency range (for a mechanical shaner). Vibration amplitude : T ¥(t)= A sin wt, @) ecceleration = Aw*- At w= 3lhl6 rad/sec, amplitude needed to achieve the maximum acceleration is + amplitude (A) = axcele ration ag? =, PBA 314. 16)* = 09939 x07 om At @= 62-832 rad/sec , amplitude needed to achieve the maximum acceleration is + amplitude (A) = acceleration “9? = WA 62.932)* = 0.02485 ™ (amplitude ss te highs hence direct application of y(t) is not permitted ), Mechanical shaker of the type shown in Fig. 10-6 can be used- Electrodynamic shaker of the type shewn in Fig. j0-17(@) can also be used. Electromagnetie share Max force (Fax) SS > available depends on: () magnetic field strength (b) number of turns @) coil diameter (a) current flowing Limitations are: (@) material strength, (4) cooling prowded. Max acceleration = ¢ max ) my + mp where m= mast of specimen and m= mast of shaker table. Speed range: 300 - 600 rpm Frequency range: 31.416 - 62.832 rad/sec Number of reeds = 12 ae spacing of frequencies give the reed frequencies as: » Ty = 31.416, 34.272, 37.128, 39.984, 42.840, 45.096, 48.552, 51.408, 54.284, 67.120, 9 976, 62.832 rad/sec Let each reed be considered as a cantilever beam of cross section ax b inches. Let lengths of all reeds be same and the material be aluminum for light weight. The fundamental natural frequency of a reed is given by (Fig. 8.15): a a on =(A, oa} ~ ware {2} 1 2 = 69.1142 (10°) {ee} (a) 1 (107) I S518 feet Ae | I By equating w, given by Eq. (1) to 9, , ..., Qe, in turn, the proper value of {ce} needed for different reeds can be computed. By selecting a common value of ¢ for all reeds, the cross section of any reed can then be found to achieve the required value of fis)" Iterative process is to be used. 1. Select trial values of the design parameters (material of the beam and its dimensions). 2. Model the beam as a spring-mass system with: m = end mass = 50% of mass of beam: 1 map pae Q) k = stiffness of a cantilever beam: ee Sbt Q 3. Equations of motion: m¥+k(x—y)=0 or mit+kz=—-my @) where 2 = relative displacement of end mass. 4. Since ¥max = 0.2 g, assume a constant force of - m (0.2 g) on the right hand side of Eq. (3) and solve the equation to find 2(t). 5. From the known zmax value, compute the maximum stress (max) induced in the beam. If max is less than the yield stress of the material, the design is complete. Otherwise, go to step 1 and change one or more design parameters and repeat the procedure until a satisfactory design is found. x(t) Base motion, 7

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